Oglądasz wypowiedzi znalezione dla hasła: Global Distribution
Temat: Mars Express - życie na Marsie ?
Mars Express - życie na Marsie ? Europejski Mars Express odkrył właśnie możliwe miejsca powstania życia
na Marsie w 3-ch możliwych epokach geologicznego rozwoju
tej planety
"Thanks to its mapping of the Martian surface, the OMEGA instrument on board
ESA's Mars Express has identified clay beds which may have supported the
development of life in the past, between 4.5 and 4.2 thousand millions years
ago. So, these findings provide exciting sites for future Mars rovers to
explore. "
"This image shows the global distribution of hydrated (water-rich) minerals
as discovered by the OMEGA instrument on board ESA’s Mars Express. The map is
superimposed on an altitude reference map of Mars built with data from the
MOLA instrument on board NASA's Mars Global Surveyor. The red marks indicate
the presence of phyllosilicates, the blue ones indicate sulfates, the yellow
ones indicate other hydrated minerals. "
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Temat: Newsy niszowe
Creed- Love in Black z cosmeticnews.com:
"French luxury fragrance brand Creed will close 30% of its doors by
the end of 2009 in an effort to exert greater control over its
global distribution network. Erwin Creed, son of company president
Olivier Creed, tells CosmeticNews the family-owned brand, which is
sold in more than 300 doors worldwide, will favor points-of-sale
with dedicated sales people as it implements the change in
distribution strategy. Some 20% of the brand’s 75 doors in the UK
are marked for closure. “It’s a question of image,” Creed says. “We
want to retake charge of our distribution. The more we tighten the
reins, the more they respect us and know what our ideas are.”
Creed was speaking at the launch event for the company’s new women’s
fragrance, Love in Black.
The new scent, a response to Creed’s bestselling Love in White
released three years ago, is the creation of master perfumer Olivier
Creed, and features top notes of violet, followed by iris, clove and
Tonkin musk.
The packaging takes the same sculpted ceramic form as its sister
fragrance, in black and silver with a black ribbon at the neck.
Love in Black will be sold exclusively at Creed boutique in Paris
until September, when it will be launched worldwide. Available in
three sizes – 30ml, 75ml and 250ml – Creed 75ml is priced at €98."
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Temat: News- Boucheron: B
Wiecej z cosmeticnews.com: "L’Oréal-owned French beauty company YSL Beauté is raising the bar
in the prestige fragrance channel with its new women’s fragrance for
the Boucheron brand, simply dubbed B. In the midst of an increasing
number of high-priced fragrance launches, B is the jewelry fragrance
brand’s most expensive scent yet: The 30ml EdP retails at €64 and
the 100ml EdP at €110, while the 15ml perfume extract will sell for
€190. A two-liter EdP housed in a jewelry box, available upon
request, is priced at €3,000.
The bottle for B draws its inspiration from the jewelry house’s
Exquises Confidences collection, featuring the golden pleat design
of the cylindrical bottle, which is crowned with an emerald-colored
stone in a zamac cap. The bottle is the work of Alexa Boden Reider.
The juice is a woody floral accord, composed by Ursula Wandel of
The launch arrives amid a string of high-priced fragrances launching
this year, including former YSL Beauté-owned fragrance brand Van
Cleef & Arpels, now part of French fragrance manufacturer Inter
Parfums, which is positioning its new Féerie EdP fragrance at
similar price points.
There is a definite trend emerging for more prestige fragrances at
increasingly higher price points, Euromonitor analyst Oru Mohiuddin
tells CosmeticNews—although she concedes that “the trend is not
going to explode because the market is very limited and very
B, the seventh fragrance in the Boucheron range, will initially be
limited to a very selective global distribution, expanding to a
wider network later on, a brand spokesperson says. It arrives in
France this month, followed by other European markets in September
and the Middle East in November."
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Temat: Jaki portal z biletami polecacie??
No to co - jedziemy dalej zatem ;) Zarówno system Galileo jak i Worldspan na
obecna chwile są własnością jednej firmy - Travelport. Krążyły po świecie
"turystycznym" informacje jakoby Galileo wchłonęło Worldspana - ale to tez tylko
marketingowy bełkot :) Dwa czy trzy lata temu Travelport nabył podupadający
system Galileo (szczątkowo występujący na rynku polskim) i od tego się wszystko
zaczęło. A Travelport to gigant na rynku amerykańskim - właściciel marki
Orbitz, oraz GTA (Gullivers Travel, Octopus Travel, Needhotel.com i paru innych)
- Orbitz tylko w USA sprzedaje tyle biletów ile pewnie wszystkie systemy razem
wzięte w całej Europie. Integracja systemów trwa już od roku - wiec w gruncie
rzeczy Galileo dla Worldspana nie jest konkurentem - wszystkie jajeczka wpadają
do tego samego koszyczka. Działają jednak niezależnie i na chwilę obecną
internetowe wyszukiwarki również korzystają z różnych zasobów. Ma się to
zunifikować kiedyś :) Ale nie jest to takie proste bo to dwa gigantyczne centra
obliczeniowe których tak z dnia na dzień połączyć się nie da.
A wyszukiwarki biletów oparte o system Worldspan mają taki plus ujemny że czasem
nie potrafią założyć rezerwacji na rejsy na które same wyszukały połączenia :)
To samo w gruncie rzeczy dotyczy Galileo a powodem jest trzeci GDS (Global
Distribution System) Amadeus który dostarcza nieaktualne dane z linii lotniczych
Dodatkowo przez źle załadowane taryfy (a to robią ludzie którzy niestety są
omylni) do systemu ceny biletów są "dziwne" (albo kosmicznie wysokie albo
kosmicznie niskie).
Jutro jak zechcecie obsmaruje dla równowagi wyszukiwarkę internetową Amadeusa
oraz podam przykłady stron na których działają te systemy :)
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Temat: News- meski DKNY Be Delicious (ang.)
News- meski DKNY Be Delicious (ang.) Z WWD, damska wersja, o nucie zielonego jablka, jest juz w USA- teraz pojawia
sie meski odpowiednik- wg mnie nazwa jak na zapach dla panow jest conajmniej
nietrafiona. Nie wiem, czy kazdy facet chce byc delicious :-)
Polaczenie kawy i jablka brzmi jednak frapujaco.
"NEW YORK — Donna Karan Cosmetics is preparing to take another bite out of
the Big Apple — in its continuing campaign to add a little more juice to its
DKNY fragrance franchise.
The brand plans to launch a men’s counterpart to its just-launched Be
Delicious scent this spring. As reported, Donna Karan Cosmetics gave
international retailers a sneak peek at the men’s fragrance at a cocktail
party for the women’s scent held in Cannes, France, during October’s Tax Free
World Association meeting.
As reported, industry sources estimate that Karan’s total beauty business — a
division of the Estée Lauder Cos. — currently racks up annual sales of about
$150 million globally. It is believed that Lauder is aiming for a $250
million to $300 million business for the division within the next three
The Be Delicious men’s juice, developed by Karyn Khoury, senior vice
president of corporate fragrance worldwide in cooperation with Givaudan, has
top notes of grapefruit, juniper, quinine, green apple and coffee granita;
middle notes of ocean mist, jasmine, coffee absolute from Africa and pomerose
apple, and a drydown of applewood, coffeewood, dark woods and Indonesian
“Structurally, the women’s scent is built on apple, flower and wood notes,
while the men’s is built on coffee and apples,” explained Veronique Gabai-
Pinsky, senior vice president and general manager for Donna Karan
Cosmetics. “The structure brings something new to the market — it’s edgy
without being so edgy that men won’t wear it.”
The scent will be available in about 1,800 U.S. department and specialty
stores in February, with a global rollout immediately thereafter. By April,
the scent is expected to be in its full global distribution, noted Gabai-
Pinsky. The men’s target audience is expected to fall in the 25- to 40-year-
old age range. “Basically, we think it will appeal the most to affluent young
urbanites,” said Gabai-Pinsky.
Eaux de toilette in two sizes — 1.7 oz. for $42 and 3.4 oz. for $58 — will be
sold, as will two 3.4-oz. aftershaves, one a liquid and one a balm and each
priced $42; a 5-oz. shower gel, $24, and a 0.2-oz. lip balm, $16. The eaux de
toilette are housed in an amber version of the women’s bottle — a glass apple
with a silver spray-through cap and a label that looks like an apple sticker.
Outer packaging is of brown kraft paper.
While neither executive would discuss sales projections or advertising
spending, industry sources estimated that the scent would do upwards of $20
million at retail in its first year on counter, with about $4 million
expected to be spent on advertising and promotion.
Both TV and print advertising are planned for the scent. Two versions of the
print — one men’s-only and a second touting the masterbrand — will begin
breaking in March magazines, including GQ, Cargo, Men’s Health, Vanity Fair
and In Style.
TV advertising will build on the existing TV campaign that was developed for
the women’s scent. Additional scenes, shot at the same time as the women’s
commercial, have been edited into the spot, which show a hip young woman and
man reaching for the same apple at an outdoor fruit stand. Masterbrand TV
advertising will begin appearing in March, said Diane Kim, vice president of
global marketing for Donna Karan Cosmetics.
An extensive sampling campaign — expected to get more than 20 million scented
impressions to consumers — is also planned, noted Kim. "
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Temat: Pogubiłem sie z tymi wersjami theBata
Fri, 12 Dec 2003 17:38:31 +0100, *'Tom N'* wrote: A gdzie cross? A gdzie FUT warning? Kto tu kogo chce uczyĂŚ? jakieÂś RFC, co do cross & FUT warning...? 1855 Ci wystarczy? (3.1.3)
box1: 3.1.3 NetNews Guidelines - NetNews is a globally distributed system which allows people to communicate on topics of specific interest. It is divided into hierarchies, with the major divisions being: sci - science related discussions; comp - computer related discussions; news - for discussions which center around NetNews itself; rec - recreational activities; soc - social issues; talk - long-winded never-ending discussions; biz - business related postings; and alt - the alternate hierarchy. Alt is so named because creating an alt group does not go through the same process as creating a group in the other parts of the hierarchy. There are also regional hierarchies, hierarchies which are widely distributed such as Bionet, and your place of business may have its own groups as well. Recently, a "humanities" hierarchy was added, and as time goes on its likely more will be added. 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Still, there is no guarantee that all people reading the group will appreciate the material as much as you do. Use the Rotate utility (which rotates all the characters in your post by 13 positions in the alphabet) to avoid giving offense. The Rot13 utility for Unix is an example. * In groups which discuss movies or books it is considered essential to mark posts which disclose significant content as "Spoilers". Put this word in your Subject: line. You may add blank lines to the beginning of your post to keep content out of sight, or you may Rotate it. * Forging of news articles is generally censured. You can protect yourself from forgeries by using software which generates a manipulation detection "fingerprint", such as PGP (in the US). * Postings via anonymous servers are accepted in some Newsgroups and disliked in others. 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jak ktoÂś ma niesprawny samochód, to moÂże niech siĂŞ po drogach publicznych nie porusza... nawet, jeÂżeli jest to 'policjant' ;-
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Temat: Nowosci Arden- Provocative W. i uroda (ang.)
Nowosci Arden- Provocative W. i uroda (ang.) Artykuly o nowych produktach Elizabeth Arden- zapachu i pielegnacji ( z
moodiereport i WWD)
"US. Elizabeth Arden presented its new feminine fragrance, Provocative Woman,
to the trade at the recent Duty Free Show of the Americas. Inspired by the
brand’s spokesmodel Catherine Zeta-Jones, its positioning is one of unashamed
allure, sultriness and seduction.
“Provocative Woman is something of a departure for Arden,” director trade
marketing travel retail & distributors Ayaz Furniturewalla told The Moodie
Report. “Its objective is to broaden our consumer base — and attract more
younger customers in particular. We want to re-energise the whole brand.”
The new fragrance will go on-counter domestically in April. The travel retail
roll-out will begin in key North American accounts from May, building up to
full, global distribution by September.
As befits such a major launch, Provocative Woman will be supported by an
extensive print and TV ad campaign in all major markets such as the US and
the UK. The TV advertising will feature network in addition to cable — which
constitutes a first for Arden in terms of a fragrance launch, according to
Furniturewalla. “We’ve created a great promotional package,” he added.
A floral oriental, the juice features top notes (“The promise”) of quince,
water lotus and ginger lily, which give way to a heart (“The action”) of
midnight orchid, papaya blossom and pink freesia. The base (“The fulfilment”)
combines white sand, red amber and hinoki wood.
In line with its sensual positioning, the flacon is said to have been
inspired by the curve of a women’s back. It sports a dramatic sweeping arch,
highlighted in aubergine. The outer carton is an embossed holographic
aubergine and silver.
The initial line-up comprises 1.7fl oz and 3.3fl oz edp sprays, a 6.8fl oz
body lotion and a 6.8fl oz bath and shower gel. The recommended price points
are US$39.50, US$49.50, US$25 and US$20, respectively. “We will add a deo
spray and cream by September,” commented Furniturewalla. “And as time goes on
we will continue to build momentum though the launch of different
ancillaries, all in line-image bottles and packaging.”
Another key focus for Arden is its travel retail exclusive collection, Gifts
to Go. “We have done a lot of research into why people buy in travel retail,”
explained Furniturewalla. “Value, price and gifting are still the key
criteria — Gifts to Go embodies all three.”
Arden aims to have created 39 different Gifts to Go variations by year-end,
all of which will clearly communicate the inherent value offer.
“We’ve worked very hard to create an upscale image for this collection,”
added Furniturewalla. “The sets themselves look great and we have also
created branded merchandising units for them. And of course, as we introduce
new products, so we will create new Gifts to Go presentations. For example,
Provocative Woman fragrance sets will begin shipping from November.”
Within cosmetics, in the second half Arden will boost its signature Ceramide
franchise with new Ceramide Plump variations, following on from the success
of last year’s Ceramide Plump Perfect Moisture Cream SPF 30. “Depending on
the region, Ceramide Plump Lips will be launched in September/October, while
Ceramide Plump Eyes will be introduced in October though December,” said
In addition, Arden is poised to unveil a new Ceramide Night Cream in August,
and extend its flagship Eight Hour franchise with a hand cream in December."
Within make-up, there will be a new colour collection called Sparks Fly!.
This will feature limited-edition eye and lip palettes, and a sparkling body
powder. The company will also introduce a new mascara, called Double Density,
available in black and brown. “This will offer maximum volume,” commented
Kinch. “The packaging — square with rounded corners — is in line with that of
our latest lipstick line, Color Intrigue.”
"The company will unveil the first fragrance from Britney Spears in the US
this autumn.
“The US travel retail introduction will be simultaneous with the domestic
launch,” confirmed Kinch. “The fragrance will be launched in Australia and
New Zealand in November. The full international roll-out is scheduled for
next spring.”
The new scent, which is aimed at a younger consumer base, will be available
in 50ml and 100ml references. A 30ml version, and bath and body ancillaries,
will be introduced next year.
2005 will also see the launch of new Ceramide Plump line extensions: Ceramide
Plump Lips and Ceramide Plump Eyes. These will build on the success of last
year’s Ceramide Plump Perfect Moisture Cream SPF 30.
“With these new launches, we are re-energising and growing further the
Ceramide franchise,” explained Kinch. “Given that the range is over ten years
old, this is very pleasing.”
Lastly, Arden will introduce a new whitening line next year. The company will
revamp its existing collection and add two new products. “These will contain
vitamin C and botanical extracts, so there will be a strengthening as well as
a brightening element,” said Kinch. “The range, which will be produced out of
Japan, will be available in the first quarter.” "
Zdjecia Provocative Woman:
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Temat: News: "My Queen"- Alexander McQueen (ang.)
Duzo wiecej detali z WWD: "NEW YORK — Alexander McQueen is making room in his kingdom for his ideal
Three years after launching his first women's fragrance, Kingdom, the designer
is about to launch his second women's scent this fall, My Queen, as his new
olfactive icon.
According to Christine Piccola, senior marketing director for classic and
designer brands at the U.S. division of YSL Beaute, the new fragrance has a
more feminine positioning, with more of a magical, enchanting fairy-tale aura
than McQueen's first scent, which was launched in March 2003.
"I worked with Nick Knight and discussed an image that is long-lasting,
romantic, based on the works of Gainsborough and Whistler. It is an image that
can last for a long time, a memorable image," said McQueen, who spoke during
the fragrance's Paris unveiling , held at the British embassy there on June 21.
"She's my queen," he continued, adding that she's "godlike." "She gives herself
to everything around her. She is empowered."
Chantal Roos, chairman and chief executive officer of the parent YSL Beaute in
Paris, said of the positioning of the fragrance, "It's a fairy tale and the
fairy tale has no end. The idea of the fragrance is to last for eternity and
the advertising is the same — the ad is not just of this season."
The fairy-tale aspect was carried through to the purple flacon, which was
designed to suggest a bottle of magical potions. Roos noted that McQueen is a
collector of precious glass and he suggested that the company hire a designer
of Baccarat crystal. The resulting flask personifies the structure of the
formula. It is a floral Oriental developed by Anne Flipo and Dominique Ropion
of International Flavors & Fragrances — with an unusual formula. The structure
of the scent has four facets, dubbed Marvelous, Dazzling, Mysterious and
Intoxicating. Each facet, portrayed as individual layers of a woman's
personality, radiates from a common heart and shared base.
Marvelous is designed to open with the "innocent, warm and tender" feeling of
childhood, Roos said, with notes of Parma violet and sweet almond. Dazzling is
meant to be illuminating with orange blossom absolute fused with white musk and
heliotrope in a powdery and luminous bouquet of white flowers. The formula then
turns more feminine, sweet and intimate with the Mysterious facet, consisting
of patchouli, cedar and vetiver. As the name implies, Intoxicating is meant to
be charming and bewitching with Florentine iris and vanilla.
The formula's facets are signified by four corresponding indentations in the
glass bottle. Also, the company has, for once, taken the additional step of
echoing the mystery element in the positioning with the design of the outer
box, covered in white pique fabric. A shadowy outline appears as if a ghost of
the bottle is trying to break through the packaging.
The fragrance will come in two sizes of eau de parfum, a 1.6-oz. version for
$58 and a 3.3-oz. version for $75, plus a 0.5-oz. perfume for $145 and 6.6-oz.
body lotion for $35.
In the U.S., the fragrance will be launched Oct. 15 in the 95 doors of
Nordstrom, which was described as "a service-oriented environment" by Maggie
Ciafardini, ceo and managing director of the U.S. division of YSL Beaute.
Noting that the fragrance will be on counter in September, she indicated that
Nordstrom was chosen, in part, because the chain does well with designer brands
and the Nordstrom customer is younger than those usually found in department
stores. That is a key consideration because the consumer target for My Queen is
younger than that of the earlier Kingdom. Piccola put the new target at 30.
The Nick Knight ad will be used for blow-ins in the Nordstrom catalogue and
will go out as scented direct-mail pieces. Ciafardini also plans to use it on
Nordstrom's Web site. It also will be launched overseas in the fall, where
distribution will be equally tight. Roos estimated the global distribution at
only 3,000 to 4,000 doors, compared with 16,000 for YSL.
She compared the launch to "raising a small child. We have to start slowly,
slowly and see how people respond to it," Roos said.
The caution is justified by the fact that the McQueen beauty franchise is still
unfolding. Roos indicated that she expects this fragrance to be more readily
embraced than Kingdom, which has had a mixed record. The earlier scent had
landed in the top 10 at Selfridges and still does a healthy turnover in the
U.K. It also remains on the market in a number of European countries. But in
the U.S., it is sold only in McQueen's downtown boutique in New York.
She said that, while McQueen remains proud of Kingdom as a beautiful product,
he nevertheless is continuing to gain a feel for fragrance, as a practical
personal use item, after his first effort. Kingdom, she said, suffered from
being perceived as a little bit "elitist."
Roos declined to discuss numbers, but industry sources estimate that My Queen
could do 10 million euros, or about $12 million at current exchange, globally,
in the first four months this fall, with the U.S. contributing $2 million to
$2.5 million at retail during the fall alone."
Bardzo ladne zdjecie- w stylu klasycznych kampanii YSL, Chanel, czy Angel.
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Cytat |
Diabeł: wielki, czarny znak zapytania. Napierski Stefan Debiutuje się do samej śmierci, a i śmierć jest też debiutem. Aleksander Kumor Dla konserwatysty refleksja nad podstawami własnego światopoglądu jest rodzajem profanacji tak samo jak konieczność udowadniania egzystencji Boga jest estetycznym zgorszeniem dla każdego prawdziwie wierzącego; jest wyprowadzaniem irracjonalnej wartości na poziom racjonalny, desakralizacją boskości, której odebrany zostaje urok tajemniczości, bez której nie można pewnie stawić czoła lewicowym czcicielom diabła na ich polach bitewnych rozumu. Georg Quabbe Dlaczego tak często ludzie, dla których bardzo dużo zrobiłeś, ciężko się na ciebie obrażają? Może dlatego, że przypominasz im o ich słabościach. Kirk Douglas, Syn śmieciarza, Autobiografia Aby uwierzyć w drugiego człowieka, należy najpierw uwierzyć w siebie. Żyć w harmonii ze światem widzialnym i niewidzialnym. Odnaleźć prawdziwe oblicze Boga. . . Ale czy miłość jest w stanie uchronić przed samotnością? Nie zapominajmy, że "Bóg ukrył piekło w samym sercu raju". Paulo Coelho