Oglądasz wypowiedzi znalezione dla hasła: Global Trade
Temat: Free Cross-post Your Trade Leads & Obtain More Orders
On Fri, 14 Dec 2001 14:10:52 +0000 (UTC), Linxin <a@163.comwrote:
Global Trade Poster is one of the best classified advertising and internet marketing software which can cross post your trade leads and other classified ads to 3000+ trade message boards & classifieds. Global Trade Poster is your ideal business partner. For detailed info and download a free copy, please kindly visit our web site as following: http://www.tradeposter.com/indexe.html
If you want to be my friend, take my penis in your hand. Gud baj.
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Temat: china wholesale d&g hogan nike max 87 180 360 shoes UGG boots
www.ok-export.com wholesale/retail cheap nikes and jordans cheap nikes low prices Welcome to buy on ouke Global Trade CO,LTD.Our goal is to provide our customers with an unparalleled shopping experience,we offering the best selection Air Jordan shoes and Nike sneakers,basketball shoes,running shoes such as Nike air max,Nike shox,Nike air force one, Nike dunks,Nike Obama AF1,Nike Air Jordan Force Fusion.we have full products availablity in stocks for your demands. We also wholesale other brands of Puma,Timberland,UGG,Adidas,Prada wholesale/retail cheap nikes and jordans cheap nikes low prices etc.Meanwhile,brand clothes (t-shirts,hoodies,jacket ),brand handbags,brand jeans and brand sunglasses. www.ok-export.com wholesale/retail cheap nikes and jordans cheap nikes low prices is trusted wholesaler,retailer,dropshippper dedicated to providing top quality products with cheap price,we accept a single item order or various items orders,your requirement will be satisfied here. We always hope to hear from our shoppers,so please feel free to contact us for questions or comments at www.ok-export.com .We are looking for long time business relation with all friends. E-mail:oksh@live.com
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Temat: EN > PL (marketing) --- GTM strategy = ?
| wrote: jedyne co może to być (mój domysł), to Go To Market Strategy, ale niestety nie wiem co to jest.
Moja szklana kula mówi, że bez kontekstu to wiesz co (nie, napisanie w temacie "marketing" nie wystarcza).
Może być Go To Market, może być Global Trade/Travel Management, może być nawet Good To Me strategy. Evva
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Temat: EN > PL (marketing) --- GTM strategy = ?
Ewa Dacko <e@konto.plnapisał(a): | wrote:
| jedyne co może to być (mój domysł), to Go To Market Strategy, ale niestety | nie wiem co to jest. Moja szklana kula mówi, że bez kontekstu to wiesz co (nie, napisanie w temacie "marketing" nie wystarcza). Może być Go To Market, może być Global Trade/Travel Management, może być nawet Good To Me strategy. Evva
Kontekst jest taki: Oferujemy szkolenia dla (sales & marketing executives) w zakresie: - bla bla bla - bla bla bla - GTM strategy - bla bla bla Jest kontekst ... Teraz to się rozwiąże worek z odpowiedziami! ;-) A google działa i co z tego? Słońce też świeci.
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Temat: - niech mu ziemia bedzie lekka
Fri, 16 Jul 2004 07:39:40 +0000 (UTC) jednostka biologiczna o nazwie Franc <global-trade@[tnij]wp.plwyslala do portu 119 jednego z serwerow news nastepujace dane: Jeszcze wieksze pietne za pseudonaukowy belkot zawarty w tej pozycji. Same "suicydalne" i inne kwaitki, a "hierarchia" napisal przez "ch". Pietna za olanie przez niego czerwonych podreslen w dokumencie. Tona innych bledow. Na zyczenie dysponuje tym docem w formie oryginalnej. ECH!!
Mogles zostawic bledy. Takich bzdur na pewno i tak nikt nie kupi :-) No, co najwyzej autor, zeby mogl sie zachwycac "doniosloscia" swojego dziela, ale temu to akurat bledy nie beda przeszkadzaly :-)
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Temat: - niech mu ziemia bedzie lekka
On Fri, 16 Jul 2004 08:24:15 +0000 (UTC), Franc <global-trade@[wrote:
[ciach] Musialem to z siebie wypluc, bo zmora mnie straszna cisnela. No i oczywiscie bledy w mojej wypowiedzi. Chodzilo mi o dolny "cudzyslow". Moja wina.
No to można było to załatwić jedną operacją replace.
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Temat: Rondo zgrupowania Armii Krajowej Radoslaw
[ Marek Włodarz <mar@nospam.venus.ci.uw.edu.pl]
I dlatego nazwa GTC (Global Trade Center) dla Domaniewskiej 41 jest OK - bo to międzynarodowa firma i takie centra biurowe ma w kilkunastu krajach. Budynki nazywają się Mars, Saturn, Orion czy Merkury - i to jest w porządku. Ale po drugiej stronie Wołoskiej jest "Curtis Plaza" - Curtis zgoda, to jest nazwa firmy, ale dlaczego "Plaza"?
Bo właściciel tak chciał i to powinno wystarczyć. Niektóre nazwy rzeczywiście brzmią głupio, ale wara od nich rozmaitym radom języka.
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Temat: Rondo zgrupowania Armii Krajowej Radoslaw
W artykule <rjmt4us4eeda3qk4uadj8ovi4n3oafi@4ax.com Lukasz Kowalczyk napisal(a): [ Marek Włodarz <mar@nospam.venus.ci.uw.edu.pl]
| I dlatego nazwa GTC (Global Trade Center) dla Domaniewskiej 41 jest OK | - bo to międzynarodowa firma i takie centra biurowe ma w kilkunastu | krajach. Budynki nazywają się Mars, Saturn, Orion czy Merkury - i to | jest w porządku. | Ale po drugiej stronie Wołoskiej jest "Curtis Plaza" - Curtis | zgoda, to jest nazwa firmy, ale dlaczego "Plaza"? Bo właściciel tak chciał i to powinno wystarczyć. Niektóre nazwy rzeczywiście brzmią głupio, ale wara od nich rozmaitym radom języka.
W takim razie po co tworzyć prawo, które jest martwe? Ustawa (zwróć uwagę - to jest _ustawa_, nie jakieś powielaczowe zarządzenie jakiejś "rady języka") tego zabrania. I co? I nic. Piętnuję. Albo nieprzestrzeganie prawa, albo tworzenie prawa, które potem nie jest egzekwowane. A najlepiej jedno i drugie... Może Tobie to nie przeszkadza. Ale dla mnie "Babka Tower", czy "Saski Point" brzmi po prostu idiotycznie i dresiarsko. Ale to takie "kulerskie" nazwy... :( Pozdrawiam, Marek W.
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Temat: "sprawca moc prega" - kolej na mnie
W artykule <3FB786E7.9020@Xop.plX kam napisał(a): Marek Włodarz wrote: | Tylko wiesz, jest jeden problem. "Curtis Plaza" nie jest nazwą placu. | Jest nazwą budynku. Nazwanym tak nie przez "Warszawę"[*], ale przez | właściciela tegoż. Który - ciekawa zależność - też nazywa się Curtis | (firma znaczy). A w ustawie o języku polskim dopuszczone jest | stosowanie obcojęzycznych nazw, jeśli pochodzą od nazw podmiotów | zagranicznych. Akurat _w tym_ przypadku zatem czepiasz się całkowicie | bez sensu i niesłusznie. Żeby było śmieszniej, jest w Warszawie ileś | tam nazw, których faktycznie można się czepiać - ale akurat _nie ta_.
Ale błędem było nazwanie w ten sposób przystanku.
Tu się zgadzam. Też mi się to nie podoba. Ale rozumiem, że taki wybór wynikał z faktu, że - przynajmniej parę lat temu - był to jedyny "charakterystyczny" budynek w tym miejscu. A nie mogli nazwać przystanku "Domaniewska" - bo tak nazywa się już przystanek na innym skrzyżowaniu tejże Domaniewskiej... A alternatywą byłby "Global Trade Center" - chyba jeszcze gorzej :-( Pozdrawiam, Marek W.
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Temat: "Rozpacz" na temat Davos ;) "Magister" tam jezdzil
24 heads of state or government - including UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and
South African president Thabo Mbeki - are heading to the Swiss mountains.
This year German Chancellor and G8 chairwoman Angela Merkel will meet
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to explore ways to resolve the latest crisis
in the Middle East.
And more than 30 trade ministers will get together on the sidelines in the hope
of agreeing a new timetable for global trade talks.
Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the
bosses of corporate giants like BP, Coca-Cola, Intel and Volkswagen will all
join the crowd thronging the labyrinthine conference centre.
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Temat: "Rozpacz" na temat Davos ;) "Magister" tam jezdzil
Pogadac to se zawsze mozna o wszystkim. Kazdy komunikat po wizycie
dyplomatycznej brzmi tak, ze strony omowily z polowe problemow trapiacych
KONKRETY !!!!!!!
daktylek napisał:
> 24 heads of state or government - including UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and
> South African president Thabo Mbeki - are heading to the Swiss mountains.
> This year German Chancellor and G8 chairwoman Angela Merkel will meet
> Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to explore ways to resolve the latest crisis
> in the Middle East.
> And more than 30 trade ministers will get together on the sidelines in the
> of agreeing a new timetable for global trade talks.
> Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the
> bosses of corporate giants like BP, Coca-Cola, Intel and Volkswagen will all
> join the crowd thronging the labyrinthine conference centre.
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Temat: Hugo Chavez buduje socjalizm
Naprawdę STO pociech z tobą. Nie wiadomo wręcz od czego zacząć tą orkę na
ugorze. Może od ostatniego punktu?:
darthmaciek napisał:
> - walka z naplywem narkotykow do USA - to tez priorytet
Walka z napływem może tak, niech naiwni wierzą. Ale produkcja to jeszcze
większy US-priorytet:
Czytaj, nieboraku, czytaj. A później pisz.
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Temat: Światowa Organizacja Handlu: Handel w 2009 r. s...
Światowa Organizacja Handlu: Handel w 2009 r. s... szczerze mówiąc, to tempo spadku będzie najwyższe od II wojny światowej, a nie
poziom handlu.
ale kto by się przejmował drobiazgami.
najlepsze jest to że za błędnym tłumaczeniem PAPu powtórzyły to
rzeczpospolita, wyborcza, onet, wp, interia, rmf fm.
heh, rzetelność..
polecam źródło: www.wto.org/english/news_e/pres09_e/pr554_e.htm
WTO sees 9% global trade decline in 2009 as recession strikes
The collapse in global demand brought on by the biggest economic downturn in
decades will drive exports down by roughly 9% in volume terms in 2009, the
biggest such contraction since the Second World War, WTO economists forecast
today (25 March 2009).
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Temat: AMWAY
cuzamen - zbierając cuzamen do kupy twoje wypowiedzi wręcz słyszę mojąś
przyjaciółkę - kiedyś zajefajną złotniczkę - tyle, że ona nawija non stop o
N21 - nawet w barze, przy browarku, gdzie teoretycznie każdy jest wyluzowany.
Jednym słowem - przyjaciółka odeszła, przyszła sekciara. szkoda mi tej straty.
co więcej - nie podajesz konkretów, operujesz jedynie anglizmami (akurat
orientuję się w tym, co piszesz - studa: ekonomiczne, markteting & mamaging,
advertising, global trade), a nie podajesz konkretów.
Może i łosiu nie wie z kim gada - a ty wiesz z kim TY gadasz?
zjadłeś rozumki i tyle - jesteś zafiksowany na wizję świetlanej przyszłości, a
walisz błędy w sprawach przyziemnych:
* nie potrafisz jasno opisać terminów, rzucając jedynie hasłami - ja też tak
* nie podałeś jak dotąd swojego wykształcenia, zawodu, obecnego stanowiska,
docodów z amwaY itp. Choć nie sądzę, że przeczytam prawdę...
* ciągle nie podajesz RaCJONALNYCH powodów, dlaczego ci wierzyć
* doktryna "sero tolerancji" oraz kodeks moralny - pilnują was jak widzę:P
widocznie macie zapier*** jak mróweczki i przynosić zysk - nie sobie, nie
firmie ale tym 0,2% "multikłamstwożerów"
jak dla mnie - żenada, aczkolwiek zadałem sobie trud, by przeanalizować system
płac, prowizji i dystrybucji... teoretycznie wygląda nieźle, ale w praktyce -
mówić mi się nie chce...
i tyle
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Temat: Koniec ery USA, poczatek ery Chin
The US itself can finally act to end its internal credit expansions and
political budget deficits. If it does so, it takes head-on the long delayed
internal US economic recession to clear away the numerous malinvestments and
over-investments made over the past decade and a half. The costs to the rest of
the world will be a hard contraction of US imports which will cause terrible
economic damage to the economies which depend on selling their exports to the
internal US markets. Actions by the US itself to correct its accumulated
economic errors will cause an worldwide economic recession.
Conversely, the Bush Administration can drive blindly onwards. If they do, then
at some point ahead, all the rest of the world will simply have to give up
funding the US economic consumption machine. That will mean pulling back from
the US Dollar. And that will bring on one of history's biggest currency crises
as the US Dollar crashes worldwide because there is not a single Central Bank
left as the last willing buyer. If this is what eventually happens, the
financial chaos worldwide will be next to indescribable. When the dust finally
settles, the world will have to be established, for purposes of global trade
upon an entirely different monetary foundation. This much is certain, it will
NOT be a foundation of US Dollars.
Barring genuinely corrective action by the US, this is China's hand to play. It
is the last man standing.
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Temat: Chiny najwieksza gospodarka swiata
China's hand to play The US itself can finally act to end its internal credit expansions and
political budget deficits. If it does so, it takes head-on the long delayed
internal US economic recession to clear away the numerous malinvestments and
over-investments made over the past decade and a half. The costs to the rest of
the world will be a hard contraction of US imports which will cause terrible
economic damage to the economies which depend on selling their exports to the
internal US markets. Actions by the US itself to correct its accumulated
economic errors will cause an worldwide economic recession.
Conversely, the Bush Administration can drive blindly onwards. If they do, then
at some point ahead, all the rest of the world will simply have to give up
funding the US economic consumption machine. That will mean pulling back from
the US Dollar. And that will bring on one of history's biggest currency crises
as the US Dollar crashes worldwide because there is not a single Central Bank
left as the last willing buyer. If this is what eventually happens, the
financial chaos worldwide will be next to indescribable. When the dust finally
settles, the world will have to be established, for purposes of global trade
upon an entirely different monetary foundation. This much is certain, it will
NOT be a foundation of US Dollars.
Barring genuinely corrective action by the US, this is China's hand to play. It
is the last man standing.
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Temat: Rondo zgrupowania Armii Krajowej Radoslaw
W artykule <a2lr8o$di@h1.uw.edu.pl Michal Kwiatkowski napisal(a): Mikolaj. wrote:
| W sumie, przy Babce nic nie leży, nazwa była używana tylko | orientacyjne. Bo chyba żaden budek nie ma w nazwie 'Rondo Babka'. Hmmm, Babka Tower?
A za to IMHO też należy się piętno. I za "Reform Plaza". I za "Ochota Office Park". I wiele innych... Mamy ponoć ustawę o ochronie Języka Polskiego (duże litery zamierzone). O ile pamiętam, dopuszcza ona nazwy obcojęzyczne jedynie w przypadku, gdy jest to nazwa firmy "oryginalnie zagranicznej". Firmy, nie budynku! I dlatego nazwa GTC (Global Trade Center) dla Domaniewskiej 41 jest OK - bo to międzynarodowa firma i takie centra biurowe ma w kilkunastu krajach. Budynki nazywają się Mars, Saturn, Orion czy Merkury - i to jest w porządku. Ale po drugiej stronie Wołoskiej jest "Curtis Plaza" - Curtis zgoda, to jest nazwa firmy, ale dlaczego "Plaza"? Moim skromnym zdaniem Stołeczna zawsze pozostanie Stołeczną a Plac Wilsona Placem Wilsona. A moja najbliższa rodzina (i ja) mieszkamy "od zawsze" na
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Przecież _tak się właśnie nazywa_ - czy ja czegoś nie wiem?
A tak dla "poddierżenia razgawora" jeszcze jeden kamyczek do ogródka "zmian nazw bez sensu" - kilka lat temu radni dzielnicy W-wa Śródmieście postanowili zmienić nazwę ulicy Kubusia Puchatka. Nie ważne na co, ważne dlaczego: bo "nazwa nie licuje z godnością i powagą stolicy"... Szczęśliwie udało się im to wybić z głowy... :))) Pozdrawiam, Marek W.
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Temat: Pompa C.O.
pompy robi także HelWita, Wilo, Smedegaard, Halm, Calpeda, Vortex, Laing. Jest
jeszcze Turdus, Keller, Global Trade z pompą Werk. No i pewnie jest jeszcze
sporo innej chińszczyzny... Jaka jest różnica międy pompą markową a Diamond? Czy
masz pewność serwisu?
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Temat: Europa boi się genów
O Monsanto "Monsanto seems to have an allergy to labels. The trade body to which it belongs is currently attempting to persuade the United Nations’ food standards body, Codex Alimentarius, to prohibit the labelling of genetically engineered food products worldwide. If Codex agrees, then the World Trade Organization will adopt its ruling as the global trade standard, and any country in which retailers label genetically manipulated food will be subject to punitive sanctions. Monsanto has been lobbying the regulatory authorities in both Europe and the US to the same ends. Its spokesperson, Karen Marshall, argues that labelling “would not necessarily be good for the consumer at large” as it would imply that the genetically modified ingredients and conventional ingredients “are not the same, when they are.”"
"In *September, the World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled that the European Union would have to lift its ban on imports of beef and milk from cattle treated with Posilac, the injectable growth hormone manufactured by Monsanto. The WTO’s decision is deeply unpopular over here, and not only among Eurocrats, consumer and animal welfare groups. Farmers argue that, in order to compete with American producers, they too might reluctantly have to start using Posilac. Scientists funded by Monsanto reported that cows treated with the hormone suffered only a minor increase in udder infections. But when the results were re-examined by independent researchers, they found to their astonishment that only part of the data had been processed. A complete analysis revealed that white cells (pus, in other words) increased by 20 per cent in the udders of cows treated with Posilac.
Even more controversial is another of Monsanto’s big sellers, the artificial sweetener aspartame, marketed as NutraSweet. In 1991, the Journal of Advancement in Medicine carried a report associating aspartame with brain tumours. Its author wrote to the United States’ Congress urging it to declare aspartame an “imminent public health hazard” which should be withdrawn from the market. It is still legally on sale in both Europe and the United States, principally for sweetening diet food and drinks."
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Temat: Rosja: Rosyjskie ruble na sprzedaz...
Rosja: Rosyjskie ruble na sprzedaz... Rosyjskie Ministerstwo Finansow rozpocznie sprzedaz rubli dla bankow
Pirwszym klientem beda zapewne Chiny, kraje europy Wschodniej i byc moze
Wielka Brytania. Zapotrzebowanie na rubla ocenia sie na rownowaznosc 30-50
mld USD.
Russian Finance Ministry to sell rubles to central banks
Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed Wednesday that the ruble become a
convertible hard currency from July 1, 2006, rather than in 2007.
Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said several countries would soon accumulate
reserve rubles on a par with the U.S. dollar, the euro and the Japanese yen.
Analysts partially agreed with Kudrin, but said central banks were unlikely
to invest over $50 billion in the ruble in the following few years.
Kudrin said China, the world leader in international reserves [over $875
billion], was a likely client, and that several CIS and European countries
would also buy rubles.
Vladimir Pantyushin, senior economist with Renaissance Capital, said China
could convert part of its reserves into rubles and invest less in the dollar.
Pantyushin said CIS states would also start buying Russian rubles.
Trust Investment Bank economist Yevgeny Nadorshin said European banks would
have no reason to buy rubles unless Russian companies' European partners
requested them. Vladimir Tikhomirov, an economist with the Uralsib financial
corporation, said countries buying Russian raw materials could eventually
invest in the ruble. Tikhomirov said the list of prospective clients included
Eastern Europe, Germany, Italy, France and, possibly, the United Kingdom.
"Demand for rubles will not exceed $30-50 billion in the next few years
because Russia's share in global trade is only 2-3%," Tikhomirov told the
Nadroshin said $10 billion due to be purchased by the European Central Bank
was a large sum. Pantyushin said it would take at least five years to enhance
trust in the ruble and that Russia could channel more money into the economy,
increase the ratio of money supply to the GDP and reduce inflation if this
Moskovsky Komsomolets
Czy Balcerowicz skorzysta z oferty??
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Temat: okiem gościa(?)
sam global trade center wybuduje w łodzi 2 centra biurowe..na kopcińskiego i na
kościuszki w sumie 60-70 tys m 2..fabryka biznesu to blisko 60 tys..forum 76 10
tys..cros point 35 tys..textorial park 10 tys..biura na gdańskiej w byłych
zakładach lenora 10 tys..żeligowskiego 4(czy coś koło tego)..10 tys...biurowiec
monarii..7 tys..biura na kopcińskiego (obok polmosu)..biura agrafu na
żeromskiego (4 tys m2)..biura comarchu na jaracza 74..albo 76(w MiA haft
komputerowy tranzakcja sptrzedaży za 30 mln pln)..biura ericpolu na
dowborczyków..faktoria 1 na dowborczyków nadal trwa adaptacja dalszych budynków
(docelowo jest tam budynków na ponad 20 tys m 2)..biurowiec ole (dawny foniki-
tu ranowacja i podniesienie standardu)..biurowiec varitexu na mickiewicza 8 tys
m2...oraz wspomniany przeze mnie st paul's office park -100 000 m 2 (to jest
tabelaofert.pl/drukuj/oferta_95794(na samym dole strony)
Textorial Office Park – www.textorial-park.pl - 12 000 mkw. powierzchni
biurowej klasy A stanowiącej unikalne połączenie architektury fabrycznej i
nowej zabudowy. Faza I - 4 000 mkw. dostępna będzie do końca 2007 r. Faza II -
8 000 mkw. do końca 2008 r.
Info Office Park – powierzchnia biurowa klasy B+ przeznaczona głównie dla
najemców z branży BPO oraz IT. Całkowita powierzchnia do wynajęcia – 100 000
S-14 Logistic Park – 150 000 mkw. powierzchni w Parku Przemysłowym w Łodzi w
sąsiedztwie lotniska, o doskonałym połączeniu z drogami i koleją. Teren Parku
znajduje się w pobliżu, mającej powstać wkrótce, krajowej drogi ekspresowej S-
w dodaku jeszcze dochodzi inwestycja opala..oraz wiele wiele innych..np: po
norbelanie ma być kompleks biurowo-mieszkaniowy(info by pan tomas ze skyper
Na Jaracza 72 powstaje Hotel i centrum konferencyjne, które docelowo ma
wyglądać jak na załączonym obrazku
zresztą zapraszam tu..ludzie z branży budowlanej i urzędniczej..sypią czasmi
garściami świeżych informacji:)
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Temat: Znakomite półrocze stref ekonomicznych
Jednym z powodow dla ktorych strefa krakowska moze notowac nizsze wyniki sa
nieco gorsze ulgi (procentowe) dla inwestorow w porownaniu do innych SSE + jak
piszesz nie tylko nastawienie na produkcje.
A tak w ogole jezeli mowimy o inwestycjach, na stronach IPAWorld (Global trade &
investments news) znajdziesz krotkie najnowsze informacje z dziedziny inwestycji
na swiecie. Wiele z nich lokuje sie w SSE (ang. SEZ-Special Economics Zone). By
poczytac wiecej musisz placic, ale mozesz sprobowac "free trial". I tak news-y
dotyczace Polski z ostatniego tygodnia;
- 8 Aug 2006: Japan's Sumitomo Chemical Co plans to build a plant in northern
Poland to manufacture materials for liquid crystal displays and other IT-related
- 8 Aug 2006: Texas-based computer giant Dell is to undertake an investment in
Lodz, Poland in order to lower operating costs and gain access to rapidly
developing emerging markets. The new facility would reportedly create 3,000 jobs.
- 8 Aug 2006: Florida-based CellAntenna Corporation, a provider of cellular
communication solutions, has established a branch of its business in Poland.
- 4 Aug 2006: Sweden-based meat processing group Swedish Meats has announced the
opening of a two million euros plant in Swinoujscie, north-western Poland, by
the end of August 2006. The plant will be involved in slicing and packaging
Swedish bacon.
- 3 Aug 2006: Essel Propack Ltd, a group company of India-based Essel group, has
announced that it is setting up manufacturing operations in Poland.
- 31 Jul 2006: Icon Clinical PLC, an Irish provider of outsourced development
services to the pharmaceutical industry, has announced the opening of two new
offices in Warsaw and Vilnius.
I na koniec informacja nieco humorystyczna o saudyjskiej inwestycji:)
- 4 Aug 2006: Saudi polymer producer Sabic has announced that it will go ahead
with the construction of a polyethylene plant at Gelsenkirchen, Germany, at a
cost of around 200 million euros.
Dzien wczesniej;
- 3 Aug 2006: Sabic Europe, a division of Saudi Arabia-based Sabic, is to
further expand its polymer supply network in Central and Eastern Europe by
opening a logistics hub in Poland.
I kilka dni pozniej;
- 8 Aug 2006: Saudi-based polymer producer Sabic is to create a logistics centre
in Kutno, Poland.
Wychodzi wiec na to, ze bedziemy doradzac Niemcom logistycznie oraz jak
zarzadzac przedsiebiorstwem. Uczen przerosl mistrza:)))
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Temat: SAVEtheMALES.ca
the zionist-palestinian conflict is not an everyday squabble between two tiny
groups of belligerent people. The zionist lobby controls the american congress
and has a huge impact on the american government. American unilateralism is a
consequence of the zionists’ increasing grip over the american
congress/presidency. Zionists’ contempt for other peoples, other countries, for
international law, and for the world, is increasingly spilling over into a
contempt for the Earth itself. This would hardly matter if such attitudes were
confined to the messianic religious nutters in the zionist state in palestine
but zionists have now managed to infect american politicians and the american
military with such attitudes - the most obvious consequence of which is the
ditching of the kyoto treaty. As the zionist controlled war against terrorism
(wart) unfolds it is likely the zionists will push the american government even
further in the direction of unilateralism. This will almost invariably mean it
will become even more aggressive in defending and promoting its economic and
political interests against the rest of the world whether this might be over
the climate, global trade, or weapons’ treaties, etc. Zionist control of the
american government will be a disaster for the Earth. Even worse is that
scientific opinion will no longer find itself confronted by political sceptics
and politicians protecting vested interests but by religious nutters whose only
concern in life is abiding by the laws of a fictitious divinity. Zionists are
concerned only about their zionist god - nothing else matters to them whether
this might be international law or global justice or sustainability. As far as
zionists are concerned, sustainability will occur only when the zionist messiah
has made his/her appearance on Earth - although whether these evil nutters are
capable of recognizing pure goodness is highly questionable. By taking control
of the american political system, the zionists are dragging the world back into
an era of religious intolerance in which religious myths are given greater
credibility than scientific evidence. Zionists' outlook on life has no place
for the Earth.
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Temat: Milenko Kindl Cvrcko mnjimnjimnjimnji
Milenko Kindl Cvrcko CAMP DAVID, Md. - President Bush and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown are expected to hold a news conference after today's meeting at Camp David. Brown has said he would use his visit to strengthen what Britain considers its "most important bilateral relationship." ADVERTISEMENT With little relationship of their own yet, Bush and Brown point instead to how much their nations have in common. The alliance of the United States and Britain, though, has long been shaped by personalities - Roosevelt and Churchill, Reagan and Thatcher, Bush and Blair. Now Bush and Brown will find out how much they can do in a short time. Brown arrived Sunday at Camp David, the presidential mountain retreat 70 miles north of Washington. It was their first official sit-down, although they have met before. During a private dinner Sunday and more meetings Monday morning, the two leaders discussed strategy on the war in Iraq, killings in Darfur and stalled global trade. The meeting came as the two men head in different political directions. Brown took power just a month ago, with strong early marks for his response to terror threats and catastrophic flooding at home. He faces the tricky task of helping Bush tackle world crises without getting too closely aligned with a U.S. leader scorned in Britain. Bush, meanwhile, likes to size up a fellow world leader in person and, over time, measure the person's mettle under fire. Yet he doesn't have much time left. And his popularity, along with a good bit of clout, have worn away with the war in Iraq. "What the president wants to find out is whether the new prime minister is a reliable ally," said Simon Serfaty, a European expert at the Center for Strategic & International Studies. "The word to use is reassurance. This is not about a marriage. It's a date." Brown, in an op-ed article for The Washington Post, said that in the battle against terrorism, "it has fallen to America to take center stage." Terrorism is "not a cause, but a crime. A crime against humanity," he wrote, calling for a Cold War style cultural war against extremists' beliefs. To defeat extremists, Britain and the U.S. must use "all methods of intelligence, all tools of law and policing, and all the bravery of our security and military forces," Brown wrote. Brown said the modern world's key struggles are "the battles that engage military might which we have been fighting together in Iraq and Afghanistan." The two got off to a chatty start. Brown could be overhead remarking on how he was honored to be at Camp David, given its rich history. Part of that history included a stop by Tony Blair, Brown's predecessor, in 2001 when Bush barely knew him, either. "Do you come here a good bit?" Brown said Sunday. "I do," Bush said. Then the president whisked the prime minister away on a golf cart with a flourish - a 360-degree spin for fun. They dined privately over a meal of roast tenderloin, mashed potatoes and green beans. The all-American fare was to continue Monday, with cheeseburgers and fries for lunch. In between, the two had a heavy agenda, in private sessions and with top aides. Heading into it all, Brown downplayed Iraq as a focal point, although he acknowledged it would be discussed. Britain has 5,500 troops there, with forces moving from a combat role to aiding local Iraqi forces. Beyond the specific numbers of British forces, the United Kingdom's commitment to the war is essential to the Bush administration. Brown's spokesman Michael Ellam said there was no plan to withdraw British troops before the Iraqi army is deemed capable of maintaining security. Notably, though, Brown is covering his bases. After leaving Bush, he planned to meet leaders on Capitol Hill. Bush's top military commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, said he knew of no plan by the British to withdraw early from Iraq - only to gradually hand over certain facilities to Iraqi security forces. Brown was later to leave Washington for New York, where he will hold talks with U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and deliver a speech to the United Nations. Some of Brown's advisers have caused a stir with comments about the Iraq war and Bush's famously close ties with Tony Blair, the former prime minister. Yet just before he arrived in Washington, Brown was careful to praise the U.S. "America has shown by the resilience and bravery of its people from Sept. 11 that while buildings can be destroyed, values are indestructible," Brown said. "And we should acknowledge the debt the world owes to the United States for its leadership in this fight against international terrorism."
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Temat: http://www.clothserver-yhnetst
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Temat: http://www.clothserver-yhnetst
ďźwww.clothserver-yhnetstore.cn/ďźif you want do business on the internet .pls go,if you want buy much popular and inexpensive price pls go if you want do business on the internet .pls go,if you want buy much popular and inexpensive price pls go 1. Nike Air Max 90 91 95 97 2003 2004 2005 2006 360 Ltd | Nike Air Max Tn 2 3 4 6 Sneakers Supplier Trainers Wholesale Shop Catalogs Men's Women's Shoes Customize. ďźwww.clothserver-yhnetstore.cn/ďź 2.Nike Shox NZ R4 OZ Bmw Elite Monster VC Shox TL 2 3 Ride Rival Energia R5 LV TL 3 Turbo Classic Shoes dendara Supply Sale Store Distributor Manufacturer Running Shoes Mens Womens Shoes Wholesaler. ďźwww.clothserver-yhnetstore.cn/ďź 3.Nike Air Jordan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | Air Jordan Retro I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI Sneaker Seller Trainer Suppliers Collection Chaussure Catalog Customized. ďźwww.clothserver-yhnetstore.cn/ďź 4.Nike Air Force I 1 2 one's II Two One Low High Mid Custom Dollar Clear Carving Transparence Shoes Wholesalers Factory Sell Exporter Offer Manufacture Directory Importer. ďźwww.clothserver-yhnetstore.cn/ďź 5.Nike Air Dunk Mid Low High SB Rift Air Zoom Total 90 Foamposite Basketball Football shoes New Free 5.0 Kobe Harache Lebron James Sales Buyer Football Basketball Shoes Import Export Men Women Shoes Offers. ďźwww.clothserver-yhnetstore.cn/ďź 6.APE Bape Star Prada Bapesta Converse Reebok Puma Shoes | Timberland Boots High Mid Low Womens Classic Buy Authentic Shoes Discount Stock Series Cheap Shoes Business Selection louis vuitton. ďźwww.clothserver-yhnetstore.cn/ďź 7.Adidas Gooo Year Running Shoes 35 Years Anniversary Adidas Football Shoes T Mac 3.5 4.5 5 6 Series Basketball Shoes Produce Burberry Talaria Shoes Training Shoes Trade Outlet Flightposite In stock. ďźwww.clothserver-yhnetstore.cn/ďź 8.Our marketing to USA America US United States UK England United Kingdom IT Italy NT Netherlands China Chinese, Germany DE Greece GR France FR Spain Portugal Switzerland Switzerland Brazil Chile Peru (www.clothserver-yhnetstore.cn/ )professionally wholesale sports shoes from china,main product including:Footwear-sneakers series (nike,puma,adidas,Jordan 1-24,nike max,nike shox,nike dunk,nike kobe,nike rift,bapesta,timberland boot,D&G,dsquqred,LV,prada,icecream,NBA,lacoste tupac shoes,ect).,T- shirts,jeans,hootdies/clothes series.,Sandal slippers series.,Leather belt series.,Handbags series.,Purse series.,Sunglasses,the sun hats/ cap series.,etc.In the short several years, the company by the most preferential price, the first-class quality, the first-class service,the first-class security transportation, receives the domestic and foreign customers welcome. Product best-selling Europe and America,france, Southeast Asia, Russia, South Africa, country and area and so on. Welcome u coming to business with us !!! Our website: http://www.clothserver-yhnetstore.cn/ and wholesale jewelry,watch,NOKIA handset, ingenious teapot,mp3,mp4. Canada Japan Korea Australia Hongkong Canada Mexico.and sell to all over the world. ďźwww.clothserver-yhnetstore.cn/ďź 9.In the process of fast development, Xianyou Global Trade Co.,LTD.is looking forward to cooperation with inner and abroad business partners. We will work hard to meet the interests of our customers to boost our advantage.We are sure we will be one of your best ideal cooperation partners. ďźwww.clothserver-yhnetstore.cn/ďź 10.EUR Size: Womens Shoes Sizes | 35 35.5 36 37 37.5 38 39 39.5 40, Mens Sizes | 41 41.5 42 42.5 43 43.5 44 45 46. USA Size: Women's shoes sizes | 4 5 5.5 6 7 8 8.5, Men's shoes sizes | 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 13 13.5. U.K Size: women sizes | 5 5.5 6.5 7 8 8.5 9, man size | 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 12 13
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Temat: Czy dieslowcy kiedyś zrozumieją?
dzięki za merytoryczną odpowiedź. OK, korekta: światowe wydobycie ropy zacznie
spadać najdalej ok. 2009 r. a być może już w 2005. a zapotrzebowanie, mimo
ocieplania klimatu, rośnie cały czas. Chiny np. planują produkcję milionów
samochodów rocznie na rynek wewnętrzny.
W ciągu ostatnich kilkunastu lat jedyne znaczące nowe zasoby ropy odkryto w
Kazachstanie. Poza biegunami wszystko co było do przebadania pod kątem ropy -
przebadano. Rzeczywiste zasoby ropy w krajach OPEC są o wiele niższe od
oficjalnych szacunków podawanych przez te kraje - każdy zawyżał je jak mógł by
bardziej się z nim liczono w OPECu właśnie.
Oil shortages soon...
This document reveals that within ten years:
Oil extraction from wells will be physically unable to meet global demand (the
evidence is from the oil industry itself)
Alternative energy sources like nuclear and natural gas will fall far short of
compensating for expected shortages of oil. There is simply not enough time to
convert over to them.
Massive disruptions to transportation and the economy are expected around 2010
when the final peak of production of all petroleum liquids (globally) is
followed by decline.
Most significant effects:
Gradual, permanent cutoff of fuel for transport and for industrial machinery.
Global trade will greatly decline.
Agriculture (food production) depends heavily on fertilizers and made from oil.
Shortages of 500,000 other goods made from oil.
Therefore, reduction of virtually all business and government activity.
Difficulty of adapting: A major part of the problem is that existing equipment
is designed only for oil fuels. For example, the world's 11,000 airliners
cannot run on natural gas, nuclear or coal.
Byproducts of oil: Cost and decreasing availability of 500,000 known uses of
oil: Fertilizers (farms/food supply), medicines, plastics, insulation,
computers, asphalt, inks & toners, paints, glues, solvents, antiseptics, golf
balls, CDs, trash bags, nail polish, detergents, chewing gum, etc.
Hidden problem: Not only will the oil supply dwindle, but the shortages and
climbing prices will obstruct industry as it attempts to convert society to
other forms of energy.
Proof of impending shortages: Much uninformed literature says oil is plentiful
and that better extraction will maintain adequate supply for decades yet.
However, this sheet reveals:
- misleading reporting of oil inventories, by oil extracting countries.
- a clear, forty-year trend of less and less discovery of oil and dwindling
outputs from the steadily-emptying wells.
Alternative energy sources will not prevent shortages: Alternative fuels have
been studied. As replacements for oil they are grossly inadequate both in
quantity and versatility of use. There is insufficient time to prevent heavy
When, and how bad: Year when global oil supply first fails to meet global
demand: about 2009. Conventional "easy-to-extract" oil peaks around 2005 but
non-conventional will fail about 2009) See International Energy Agency tables
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Temat: Zwała gdzieś zniknęła.
How big is the China factor? Someone suggesteel that it was China which led to the current global markets
correction. The media all over the world also made such headlines, like China
markets decline led to the global markets slump.
However, it might be a landmark event for the history of the capital market
development in China. Its importance might only surface after a few years, but
how big is the effect of China is really worth our further studies.
The importance of China to the global economy is increasing. It is mainly
reflected in the real economic activities. After the entry to the WTO, the
economic strength of China has increased rapidly. Its GDP or economic size has
jumped from the 6th in the world in 2001 to the 4th in 2005. Its trading volume
also increased from the 6th to the 3rd. Because of its huge economic size and
the world's largest foreign reserve, the appreciation process of RMB has
directly affected the global trade pattern and the exchange rate of other major
currencies in the world, even though the capital account of RMB is still under
Nevertheless, the effect of China on the global financial market is still
rather limited. There are two main reasons attributable to this. The first one
is the relatively small scale of its financial markets. Its development is
still immature. According to the Financial Times, the market capitalization of
the equity markets in China only made up 2.22% of the world markets. The amount
of financial assets is a little bit larger, i.e. 4%-5% of the world's amount.
However, if we only calculate the free-float market capitalization, its size
would become much smaller with less than 1% share. The second reason is the
China markets are still not open enough, so it is not able to affect the global
markets. Currently, the approved QDII amounts totaled US$13.7 billion, but the
amounts of financial products sold to overseas investors was only US$580
million. Most of the financial products are fixed income assets, so its effect
to the global markets is limited.
The main reason for China's decline was the changes to the demand and supply
structure of its equity markets. On one hand, the regulating authority is
actively banning and clearing the problem of illegal investment. The size is
estimated to be around $100 billion. On the other hand, after the success of
stock holding reforms, there are more stocks become free floating and sold to
the markets recently. The amount of these new free floating shares available to
sell in the market is estimated to be $18.4 billion. More shares will become
free float in the coming two months, its pressure on the markets cannot be
cały tekst: www.tdctrade.com/econforum/boc/boc070301.htm
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Temat: prognozy saxo
December 17, 2008
Saxo Bank predicts 2009 will hit all economic lows
London and Copenhagen – 17 December 2008: Crude trading at $25. S&P 500 falls
50% to 500. China’s GDP
growth falls to zero. EURUSD falls to 0.95. Italy could leave the ERM. If Saxo
Bank’s 10 outrageous claims for
the year ahead transpire, economic conditions will worsen dramatically in 2009.
“The good thing is, overall,
we predict 2009 will be a turning point because it can’t get much
worse” says Chief Economist David
The Copenhagen"based online trading and investment specialist's predictions are
an annual attempt to predict
rare but high impact ‘black swan’ events that are beyond the realm of normal
market expectations. Compiled
as part of the bank’s 2009 Outlook, the thought exercise this year present a
dismal view of the global financial
Saxo Bank’s Outrageous Claims for 2009:
1) There will be severe social unrest in Iran as lower oil prices mean that the
government will not be able
to uphold the supply of basic necessities.
2) Crude will trade at $25 as demand slows due to the worst global economic
contraction since the great
3) S&P will hit 500 in 2009 because of falling earnings, vaporizing housing
equity and increased cost of
funds in the corporate sector.
4) The EU is likely to crack down on excessive government budget deficits in
several member states, and
Italy could live up to previous threats and leave the ERM completely.
5) The AUDJPY will drop to 40. The decline in the commodities markets
will affect the Australian
6) EURUSD will fall to 0.95 and then go to 1.30 as European bank
balances are under tremendous
pressure because of exposure to the faltering Eastern European markets and
intra"European economic
7) Chinese GDP growth drops to zero. The export driven sectors in the
Chinese economy will be hurt
significantly by the free"fall economic activity in the Global Trade and
especially of the US.
8) Pre"In's First Out. Several of the Eastern European currencies currently
pegged or semi"pegged to the
EUR will be under increasing pressure due to capital outflows in 2009.
9) Reuters/ Jefferies CRB Index to drop to 30% to 150. The Commodity
bubble is bursting, with
speculative excesses so large they have skewed the demand and supply statistics.
10) 2009 will see the first Asian currencies to be pegged to CNY. Asian
economies will increasingly look
towards China to find new trade partners and scale down their hitherto
US"centric agenda.
SAXO BANK A/S | Philip Heymans Allé 15 | DK-2900 Hellerup
Telephone +45 39 77 40 00 | Telefax +45 39 77 42 00 | www.saxobank.com |
David Karsbøl, Chief Economist at Saxo Bank, comments:
“It is not even outrageous to call this the worst economic crisis ever.
We have, regrettably, been rather
precise in almost all predictions from last year. What used to be outrageous
now seems to be the norm”,
says Karsbøl.
“In a year when markets and economies have fluctuated more widely than ever
before nothing seems out of
the ordinary or impossible. We believe that 2009 will be equally unpredictable
and therefore have made ten
outrageous predictions largely focusing and what might happen to global indices
and currencies. The good
thing is, overall, we predict 2009 will be a turning point because it can’t get
much worse” says Karsbøl.
"In 2008 the S&P 500 has fallen well over 25% below its 1182 high of 2007, world
oil prices got close to the
predicted high of $175, and UK growth has turned negative. Who knows which of
our 2009 forecasts will
prove to be right but judging by previous years some of them most certainly
will," he adds.
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Temat: Plac Grunwaldzki-coraz bliżej!
Za 45 mln zł Wrocław sprzedał grunt na placu Grunwaldzkim
3.8.Wrocław(PAP) - Władze Wrocławia sprzedały za 45 mln zł 2,8 h gruntu na
placu Grunwaldzkim, jednym z bardziej atrakcyjnych miejsc w mieście -
poinformował we wtorek prezydent Wrocławia Rafał Dutkiewicz. Jego zdaniem, "to
najwyższa cena, za jaką udało się sprzedać grunt nie tylko we Wrocławiu, ale i
w Polsce". Do 2006 r. na sprzedanym gruncie powstanie centrum handlowo-
rekreacyjne, w którym zatrudnienie znajdzie około 1,5 tys. osób. Centrum
wybuduje spółka Echo Investment z Kielc, która wygrała przetarg. Do przetargu
stanęły dwie firmy. Echo Investment z Kielc i Global Trade Centre z Warszawy.
Cena wywoławcza wynosiła 32 mln zł. Ostatecznie wygrała firma, która
zaoferowała 45 mln zł za grunt oraz dodatkowe 13 mln zł na wybudowanie na pl.
Grunwaldzkim przejścia podziemnego oraz dwóch kładek nad ziemią. "To jest
bardzo dobra inwestycja, z której jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni. Nie dość, że
inwestor gwarantuje nam dostosowanie się do naszych planów zagospodarowania
przestrzennego, to jeszcze zaoferował bardzo dobrą cenę" - powiedział
Dutkiewicz we wtorek podczas spotkania z dziennikarzami. Dodał, że Echo
Investment wybuduje na placu 4-kondygnacyjne centrum o powierzchni 40 tys. m
kw. Będzie to nie tylko centrum handlowe, ale też rekreacyjne z kinami,
siłownią i kręgielnią. Znajdzie się w nim także centrum kongresowe, a także
ogród zimowy. Budowa centrum ma kosztować 300 mln zł (w koszty nie jest
wliczona cena gruntu) i docelowo znajdzie w nim zatrudnienie 1500 osób. "Przy
budowie centrum będzie zatrudnionych nawet do 5 tys. osób i Echo obiecało, że
będą to głównie ludzie i firmy wrocławskie" - mówił Dutkiewicz. Dodał, że firma
zobowiązała się, iż kompleks zostanie postawiony do 2006 r. Jeśli nie wywiąże
się ze zobowiązań, to zapłaci 1 mln euro kary Urzędowi Miasta we Wrocławiu.
Dutkiewicz wyjaśnił, że zanim Echo Investment skończy budowę obiektu, miasto
musi uporać się z przebudową placu Grunwaldzkiego, zwłaszcza części dotyczącej
komunikacji. Do 2006 r. na placu Grunwaldzkim zostanie wymieniona:
nawierzchnia, chodniki, oświetlenie, powstanie nowoczesny węzeł komunikacyjny,
zostaną wybudowane dwie kładki naziemne oraz przejście podziemne. "Plac zmieni
nieco swój kształt. Teraz jest okrągły. A po przebudowie będzie w kształcie
elipsy"- mówił Dutkiewicz. Miasto stara się również o środki z Unii
Europejskiej na remont Mostu Szczytnickiego, przez który wjeżdża się na plac
Grunwaldzki, jadąc od strony Warszawy oraz remont ulicy Sienkiewicza, która
sąsiaduje z placem. "Po remoncie będzie to nowoczesny, elegancki plac" - mówił
Dutkiewicz. Dodał, że plac Grunwaldzki jest jednym z najbardziej atrakcyjnych
rejonów w mieście, obok placu Wolności i placu między Hotelem Wrocław a
Poltegorem na Krzykach (dzielnica Wrocławia). W najbliższym czasie,
najprawdopodobniej jeszcze w tym roku, na sprzedaż zostanie wystawiony grunt na
placu Bema. Tam miasto chciałoby, aby powstało centrum rekreacyjno-
administracyjne z mieszkaniami. Plac Grunwaldzki jest ważnym węzłem
komunikacyjnym nie tylko dla miasta, ale i przejeżdżających przez Wrocław
podróżnych. Przede wszystkim to jednak centrum akademickie. W pobliżu są liczne
obiekty naukowe: Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Akademii Rolniczej i Medycznej oraz
akademiki i kluby studenckie. Szacuje się, że codziennie przez to miejsce
przewija się 60 tys. osób, głównie studentów.(PAP)
2004-08-03 14:41:19
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Temat: kopuły nie będzie
Grunwaldzki oficialnie sprzedany + info Żeby nie zakładać osobnego, 20 nowego wątku o UFO :) wklejam to do tego tematu:
PAP, tm /2004-08-25 16:58:00
Wrocław: Centrum handlowo-rekreacyjne za 300 mln zł
Akt notarialny dotyczący sprzedaży 2,8 ha gruntu na placu Grunwaldzkim, jednym
z bardziej atrakcyjnych miejsc we Wrocławiu, podpisano w środę w stolicy
Dolnego Śląska. Do 2006 r. powstanie tam centrum handlowo-rekreacyjne.
Wybuduje je kielecka spółka Echo Investment, która wygrała przetarg.
Za teren na pl. Grunwaldzkim Echo Investment zapłaciło 45 mln zł. Cała kwota,
jeszcze przed podpisaniem aktu notarialnego, znalazła się na koncie gminy
Obok Echo Investment z Kielc, do przetargu stanęła też Global Trade Centre z
Warszawy. Cena wywoławcza za 2,8 ha gruntu wynosiła 32 mln zł. Ostatecznie
wygrała firma, która zaoferowała 45 mln zł za grunt oraz dodatkowe 13 mln zł na
wybudowanie na pl. Grunwaldzkim przejścia podziemnego oraz dwóch kładek dla
pieszych nad ziemią.
Echo Investment wybuduje na zakupionym placu 4-kondygnacyjne centrum handlowo-
rekreacyjne o powierzchni 40 tys. m kw. W części rekreacyjnej znajdą się kina,
siłownia i kręgielna oraz centrum kongresowe, a także ogród zimowy.
Budowa centrum ma kosztować 300 mln zł (w koszt nie jest wliczona cena za
grunt) i docelowo znajdzie w nim zatrudnienie 1500 osób. Budowa ma się
zakończyć w listopadzie 2006 r.
"Pod koniec września gotowe będą projekty obiektu. Nad projektem pracują trzy
zespoły architektów. (...) Ostateczny projekt będzie konsultowany z architektem
miejskim i urbanistami" - powiedział w środę prezes Echo Investment, Piotr
Zapowiedział też, że w styczniu przyszłego roku rozpoczną się przetargi, które
wyłonią głównego wykonawcę obiektu. Szef Echo Investment uważa, że nawet jeżeli
przetarg wygra firma spoza Wrocławia, to i tak co najmniej 80 proc. prac
wykonają podwykonawcy miejscowi.
Zanim Echo Investment skończy budowę obiektu, miasto musi uporać się z
przebudową placu Grunwaldzkiego, zwłaszcza w części dotyczącej komunikacji. Do
2006 r. na placu Grunwaldzkim musi być wymieniona nawierzchnia, chodniki,
oświetlenie, powstanie nowoczesny węzeł komunikacyjny, zostaną wybudowane dwie
kładki naziemne oraz przejście podziemne.
Miasto stara się również o pieniądze z Unii Europejskiej na remont Mostu
Szczytnickiego, przez który wjeżdża się na plac Grunwaldzki od strony Warszawy,
oraz remont ulicy Sienkiewicza, która sąsiaduje z placem.
W najbliższym czasie, najprawdopodobniej jeszcze w tym roku, na sprzedaż
zostanie wystawiony grunt przy placu Bema. Miasto chce, aby powstało tam
centrum rekreacyjno-administracyjne z mieszkaniami.
Plac Grunwaldzki, obok placu Wolności i placu między Hotelem Wrocław a
Poltegorem na Krzykach (dzielnica Wrocławia), jest jednym z najbardziej
atrakcyjnych rejonów w mieście.
Jest też ważnym węzłem komunikacyjnym nie tylko dla miasta, ale i dla
podróżnych. Przede wszystkim jest to centrum akademickie. W pobliżu znajdują
się liczne obiekty naukowe: Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Akademii Rolniczej i
Medycznej oraz akademiki i kluby studenckie. Szacuje się, że codziennie przez
to miejsce przewija się 60 tys. osób.
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Temat: Bogactwo USSA na pozyczkach u calego swiata jedzie
Bogactwo USSA na pozyczkach u calego swiata jedzie A jak przyjdzie czas splacania, to co USSA zrobi, oprocz terroryzowania
swiata za pomoca USSAmacht, a?
When Weakness Is a Strength
Published: November 26, 2004
Suddenly all eyes are on a weakening dollar. In recent days, the American
currency has fallen against the euro, the yen and most other currencies
around the world. The renminbi is a notable exception; China has kept its
currency firmly pegged to the dollar for a decade.
The fall of the dollar is not a surprise. It is the logical outgrowth of an
unbalanced world economy, and America's gaping current account deficit - the
difference between foreign trade and investment in the United States and
American trade and investment abroad - is just the most visible manifestation
of these imbalances. The deficit ran at a record annual rate of $665 billion,
or 5.7 percent of gross domestic product, in the second quarter of 2004.
While a decline in the dollar is not a cure-all for what ails the world, it
should go a long way toward bringing about a sorely needed rebalancing. With
a weaker dollar, economic and even political tensions among nations would be
relieved, helping to promote more sustainable growth in the global economy.
Still, a debate persists as to the wisdom of allowing the dollar to decline.
The Bush administration seems to have given its tacit assent, and Alan
Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve, is finally on board. But outside
the United States, where policymakers have long been vocal in their
displeasure over America's deficits, officials are now objecting to America's
cure. Europeans have referred to the dollar's recent decline as brutal. The
Japanese have threatened to intervene again in foreign exchange markets. And
Chinese officials have argued that global imbalances are "made in America."
In this blame game, it's always the other guy. Yet global imbalances are a
shared responsibility. America is guilty of excess consumption, whereas the
rest of the world suffers from insufficient consumption. Consumer demand in
the United States grew at an average of 3.9 percent (in real terms) from 1995
to 2003, nearly double the 2.2 percent average elsewhere in the industrial
Meanwhile, Americans fail to save enough - whereas the rest of the world
saves too much. American consumers have borrowed against the future by
squandering their savings. The personal savings rate was just 0.2 percent of
disposable personal income in September - down from 7.7 percent as recently
as 1992. Moreover, large federal budget deficits mean the government's
savings rate is negative.
Lacking in domestic savings, the United States must import foreign savings to
finance the growth of its economy. And it runs huge current-account and trade
deficits to attract such capital from overseas.
America's consumption binge has its mirror image in excess savings elsewhere
in the world - especially in Asia and Europe. For now, America draws freely
on this reservoir, absorbing about 80 percent of the world's surplus savings.
Just as the United States has moved production and labor offshore in recent
years, it is now outsourcing its savings.
This is a dangerous arrangement. The day could come when foreign investors
demand better terms for financing America's spending spree (and savings
shortfall). That is the day the dollar will collapse, interest rates will
soar and the stock market will plunge. In such a crisis, a United States
recession would be a near certainty. And the rest of an America-centric world
would be quick to follow.
The only way to avoid this unhappy future is for the world's major central
banks to carefully manage a gradual but significant depreciation of the
dollar over the next several years. America, and the world, would gain in
several ways.
First, there would be a gradual rise in interest rates in the United States -
compensating foreign investors for financing the biggest debtor in the world.
That would suppress growth in those sectors of the American economy that are
most sensitive to interest rates, like housing, consumer durables like cars
and appliances, and business capital spending. The result: a higher domestic
savings rate and a reduced need for foreign capital - a classic current-
account adjustment.
Second, when the dollar falls, other currencies rise. So far, the euro has
borne a disproportionate share of the change. That puts increased pressure on
Asian nations - including China - to share in the adjustment by allowing
their currencies to strengthen. Most currencies in Asia are now rising, but
the renminbi has remained conspicuously unmoved.
Third, as the currencies of Asia and Europe strengthen, their exports will
become less attractive to American consumers. This will force Asia and Europe
to work to stimulate domestic demand to compensate - resulting in a reduction
of both excess savings and current-account surpluses. This is easier said
than done, especially since it may require painful structural reforms, like a
loosening of domestic labor markets, to unshackle internal demand.
Fourth, a weaker dollar might defuse global trade tensions. Dollar
depreciation will support American exports, and higher interest rates should
slow domestic demand and reduce imports. That means the United States trade
deficit should narrow - tempering protectionist risks. And with Asian
countries allowing their currencies to fluctuate, Europe gets some relief and
may be less tempted to resort to protectionist remedies.
What's certain is that a lopsided world needs to be put back into balance.
The dollar is the world's most widely used currency, but its fall affects
more than just foreign-exchange rates. A weakening dollar is an encouraging
sign that the world's relative price structure - essentially the value of one
economy versus another - is becoming more sensible. If the world can manage
the dollar's decline wisely, there is more reason for hope than despair.
Stephen S. Roach is chief economist for Morgan Stanley.
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Temat: ;)))
An Open Letter from President Shimon Peres to President Barack Obama
Relayed to the world by Steven Plaut
Dear Mr. President,
I am shocked, Mister President, truly shocked. After all the hope
have inspired for a new America, after your denunciation of American
arrogance, after your pledge to solve problems with the world's
through talking, here you go and order the American Navy SEALS to
the human rights of the Somalian pirates without so much as reading
their Miranda rights!
Have you lost your senses? Why could you not have learned from the
lessons offered to you by Israel in its successful strategy to get
Shavit released from captivity! After all, we have worked quietly
peacefully for more than three years to obtain Shavit's freedom. Why
could you not have been content to do the same with Captain Phillips?
What happened to your promise to deal with all forms of activism in
world being perpetrated by misunderstood militants through civilized
Mister President Minister, I have a great amount of experience in
successfully with terrorism and violence, and this is why I wish to
explain to you why your actions were unjustified and simply
The first thing you must realize is that one can only make peace with
one's enemies. With one's friends there is no need to make peace.
There is
no military solution to the problems of terrorism, and this is why
should have sought a diplomatic solution to the holding of Captain
Phillips. "No Justice, No Peace," as they say. You must now invite
leaders of this Somalian protest organization responsible for the
hijacking of the ship and the holding of Captain Phillips to the
House. You must learn to feel their pain and understand their needs.
But most importantly, you must end the illegal occupation of
that does not belong to you! First, you must withdraw from Guam and
Hawaii and remove all the illegal Anglo-Saxon settlers there. But
is just a beginning. Large sections of the United States, including
Southwest, are illegally occupied territories. Some even have a
The solution is to create two states for two peoples inside Illinois
itself. One will be for the Americans and the other for the Somali
Then there is the matter of the status of Washington, DC. It has a
sizeable Somali minority, many of whom drive taxis. Your selfish
insistence that the District of Columbia remain American is racist
insensitive. You must end the apartheid regime inside America and
Washington into the shared capital of two states.
Then you must pay compensation to the families of the Somali pirates
mercilessly killed in cold blood by your Navy SEALS. You must grant
survivor benefits from the American social security administration
lands inside Yellowstone Park. This is not even the first time that
Americans violated the civil rights of pirates. Your crimes go all
way back to Thomas Jefferson and his imperialist attacks on the
coast pirates. The aggressors were led by that racist warmonger
Lieutenant Stephen Decatur, Jr., who attacked pirate ships in Tripoli
no better reason than that they had hijacked the USS Philadelphia.
you not learn anything from that early bout of American imperialist
You must offer the pirates Internet web services and five-star
hotels in exchange for their promising to abandon violence. After
that is how we turned Yasser Arafat into a peace partner. You see,
military force serves no role any more in the post-modern universe.
It is
passe. It is archaic. Today, consumer interests dominate the world,
the Somali activists of the earth will surely wish to make peace in
exchange for some profits from participating in global trade.
The attacks on the American ship by the Somali pirates came because
have been insufficiently sensitive to the needs of the Other. You
have negotiated with them even while the ship was under attack.
Conditioning negotiations on an end to violence is a no-win
situation. It
will simply prolong the bloodshed! You must put your own house in
eliminate inequality and injustice inside Chicago, and then the
will no longer target you.
The key is to build a New Middle Africa, one in which everyone is so
with the important matters of developing tourism, infrastructure
investments and high-technology that they will have no time to pursue
Begin by declaring a unilateral ceasefire! Mister President, blessed
the peacemaker. Remember Martin Luther King! Go meet with the
representatives of the Somali pirates. The entire world will support
and congratulate you if you respond to the attack on the American
ship by
disarming the United States and opening serious dialogue with the
All we are saying is give peace a chance. Yitzhak Rabin would have
approved. Yes, chaver, what you need is shalom, salaam, peace. You
be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in recognition. Do not allow yourself
be drawn down into the gutter of retaliation. Violence never
anything. History has no lessons. History is the dead past.
Follow my example! Provide the Somali pirate organization with
anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles so that they can battle against
true radicals and extremists. And they will do so with no ACLU or
Court to restrain them!
Demonstrate your humanity by paying pensions to any widows and
orphans of
the militants killed by the Navy SEALS.
Mister President, my own peace policies have eliminated war,
bloodshed and
terror from the Middle East. We now have only peace partners. If you
follow in my footsteps, you can achieve the same lofty goals.
Peacefully yours,
Shimon Peres, Peacemaker-at-Large
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Temat: From President to Prime Minister
From President to Prime Minister An Open Letter from President Shimon Peres to Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh of India
Published: 08/27/03, 6:58 PM
Peres? Letter to the Indian PM
by Steven Plaut
The attacks on Bombay came because you have been insufficiently
sensitive in understanding the needs of Moslem fundamentalists. You
took their rhetoric at face value, whereas we in Israel know that
all this rhetoric is empty and in fact these people simply want
peace. Sure, they praise Hitler and celebrate atrocities, but what
is it that they really want? You must negotiate even whil
Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
My heartfelt sympathies to you and the Indian people for the Bombay
unrest this week.
But we must really speak about how to deal with the atrocities and
protests, including the attacks on India, by these misunderstood
Islamic activists. Mister Prime Minister, I have a great deal of
experience in dealing successfully with terrorism and this is why I
wish to come to your rescue.
The first thing you must realize is that one can only make peace
with one?s enemies. With one?s friends there is no need to make
peace. There is no military solution to the problems of terrorism,
and this is why you must seek a diplomatic solution. ?No Justice, No
Peace,? as they say. You must invite the leaders of this Islamic
organization to Delhi to meet with you and perhaps tour the Taj
Mahal. You must learn to feel their pain and understand their needs.
You must offer to turn a third of your territory over to them so
that these stateless Moslems can have their own state. I have no
doubt Pakistan will applaud your efforts.
You must meet their demands nearly in full. In addition, you must
offer them Internet web services and five-star tourist hotels in
exchange for their promising to abandon violence. That is how we
turned Yasser Arafat into a peace partner. You see, military force
serves no role any more. It is passe. It is archaic. Today, economic
interests dominate the world and the Islamist activists of the earth
will surely make peace in exchange for some profits from
participating in global trade.
The attacks on Bombay came because you have been insufficiently
sensitive in understanding the needs of Moslem fundamentalists. You
took their rhetoric at face value, whereas we in Israel know that
all this rhetoric is empty and in fact these people simply want
peace. Sure, they praise Hitler and celebrate atrocities, but what
is it that they really want? You must negotiate even while under
attack; conditioning negotiations on an end to violence is a no-win
situation. It will simply extend the bloodshed!
You have been trying to rule over others and failed to be sensitive
to The Other. You have illegal settlements that you have yet to
remove from Kashmir and Hyderabad and Punjab and Gujarat. You must
put your own house in order, and eliminate inequality and injustice
inside India, and then the terrorists will no longer target you.
The key is to build a New Middle Asia, one in which everyone is so
busy with the important matter of development tourism and
investments and hi-technology that they have no time to pursue
violence. The era of war is finished.
Moreover, if you strike at the perpetrators of the Bombay
unrest/protests and their supporters, you will simply extend and
enlarge the cycle of violence. Your bombs will no doubt injure some
innocent children and civilians alongside any terrorist activists
you strike, and that will simply enrage the rest of the world and
make the victims seek revenge. Your bombing of these militants and
activists will cause them to hate the Hindus and drive the
separatists to embrace terrorism. Moreover, if you refuse to
negotiate with the Moslem separatists, then their leader will be
toppled and a really violent militant and fanatic will take his
place. In that case, you will have lost the window of opportunity to
make peace. Begin by declaring a unilateral ceasefire!
Mister Prime Minister, blessed is the peacemaker. Remember Mahatma
Gandhi (but not Rehavam (Gandhi) Zeevi). The entire world will
support you and congratulate you if you respond to these horrific
attacks by disarming India and opening dialogue with the terror
activists. All we are saying is give peace a chance. Yitzhak Rabin
would have approved. Yes, chaver, what you need is shalom, salaam,
peace. You will be cheered and awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in
recognition. Do not allow yourself to be drawn into the gutter of
violence. Violence never achieves anything. History is no lesson.
History is the dead past.
End the cycle of violence. Show restraint. Forgo the juvenile
impulse to avenge.
Follow my example! Provide the Bombay bombers with anti-aircraft and
anti-tank missiles, so that they can battle against the true
radicals and fanatics. And they will do so with no ACLU or Supreme
Court to restrain them.
Demonstrate your humanity by paying pensions to any widows and
orphans of the terrorist who blew up the cars.
Mister Prime Minister, the proof is in the pudding. My own peace
policies have eliminated war and bloodshed and terror from the
Middle East. We no longer have terrorists to deal with in the
Levant, only peace partners. If you follow in my footsteps, you can
achieve the same lofty goals.
Peacefully yours,
Shimon Peres, Peacemaker-at-Large
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Cytat |
Diabeł: wielki, czarny znak zapytania. Napierski Stefan Debiutuje się do samej śmierci, a i śmierć jest też debiutem. Aleksander Kumor Dla konserwatysty refleksja nad podstawami własnego światopoglądu jest rodzajem profanacji tak samo jak konieczność udowadniania egzystencji Boga jest estetycznym zgorszeniem dla każdego prawdziwie wierzącego; jest wyprowadzaniem irracjonalnej wartości na poziom racjonalny, desakralizacją boskości, której odebrany zostaje urok tajemniczości, bez której nie można pewnie stawić czoła lewicowym czcicielom diabła na ich polach bitewnych rozumu. Georg Quabbe Dlaczego tak często ludzie, dla których bardzo dużo zrobiłeś, ciężko się na ciebie obrażają? Może dlatego, że przypominasz im o ich słabościach. Kirk Douglas, Syn śmieciarza, Autobiografia Aby uwierzyć w drugiego człowieka, należy najpierw uwierzyć w siebie. Żyć w harmonii ze światem widzialnym i niewidzialnym. Odnaleźć prawdziwe oblicze Boga. . . Ale czy miłość jest w stanie uchronić przed samotnością? Nie zapominajmy, że "Bóg ukrył piekło w samym sercu raju". Paulo Coelho