Oglądasz wypowiedzi znalezione dla hasła: Global World
Temat: Linux
Rcvd! with much adue Marcin Wojtczuk sweated out thee following: majk__1111__ claimed: | TKM/Linux ?)
Zaraz tam linux. Bash to lepszy cel. Względnie strony błędów squida czy apache. Albo skrypty startowe :
Zecywiscie przeklenstwa najbardziej by pasowaly do komunikatow o bledzie... np. K...., pier...... Indianin nie wstal. Prosze, poj...., RTFM i go czem predzej, do ku... nedzy, skonfiguruj poprawnie. Ale poza tym, to co Ci w duszy gra ;) /me chodzilo o T.K.M (tm by Kaczyński) --- Tera... @#$%^& My / Linux Global World Domination,
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Temat: Dobry serwis newsowy. Fox News w Polsce?
skx wrote: Znacie jakiś dobry serwis z wiadomościami/informacjami w sieci? Najlepiej po angielsku, może być płatny, byle nie czerwony. No i możliwie międzynarodowy, a nie skupiony na kraju swojego pochodzenia.
czasem czytam Bloomberga, ale wiesz co to za panowie :) czasem NBC, ale średnio mi się podoba. a to dosyć konserwtywna gazeta więc serwis jest ok: http://online.wsj.com/public/page/news-global-world.html
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Temat: Lining up investors. Vast Scale, Global Opportunity. Alternative to IMF and World Bank.
Feel free to post far and wide but to the appropriate web and online service forums, newsgroups and mail lists. We are lining up accredited and institutional investors, arbitrageurs, financial engineers economists, politologists with expertise in geo politics and other social scientists, figures of global stature with direct involvement in issues of global interest, and introducers for an alternative investments arbitrage hedge fund. We intend to implement via the fund, among other things, Multi-Tranche Time/Interest Rate Arbitrage operations which will produce SWAPs that can become a significant alternative to IMF and World Bank financing with the bonus of NO DEBT SERVICE. This is envisioned as a global, world class vast scale type of project that can be intellectually and financially rewarding for those participating in any capacity. Be aware that this hedge fund is structured as a joint venture. Only high risk capital from accredited and institutional investors should be invested. To download Power Point 2000 presentations on the Arbitrage Hedge Fund and the Time/Interest Rate Arbitrage, or viewing the presentations in web resolution, please, go to: www.angelfire.com/biz2/AdamSmithCorp If interested in participating in any capacity, please, feel free to contact me, Francisco Lopez at d0057@dc.seflin.org Note: The downloading facility and web view are hosted by Black Bean Communications, Inc., www.bbean.com, a site specializing in financial intermediation, Mr. Gary Mohr, President
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Temat: New site for all IT students
Here's a Good News for all the IT n Computer Students out there !! We recently launched http://www.itpalace.com in an effort to connect all the Computer Students & Professionals around the world !! Forget the Confusing and Techy global world , sit back and enjoy the new experience. A place where you can interact with other students and also the people who have been there, The professionals. Talk with your peers about the problems you face in programming and discuss on issues ranging from Software yo Gaming. A Place for all IT students. So what are you waiting for ??? Click it and join in. This is your site do make it BIG. www.itpalace.com : The Place for all IT Students!!
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Temat: Oj cienszkie czasy nastaly , aj waj ,...
Tak a propos, wertowalem sobie dzisiaj rano najnowszy numer Sports Diver i na
stronie 49 natknalem sie na taki tekst (napisany przez goscia, ktory nurkowal w
Then he asked "Where are you from?"
"We're from the United States," we called back. In today's polarized global
world, that statement is usually met with a derisive comment on our government.
We all braced ourselves.
"We love the United States," he yelled back. His wife, next to him, vigorously
waved at us, smiling broadly. "My name is Menachem," he continued. "We're from
the 51st state. We love the U.S."
"Which 51st state is that?" I called back.
"Israel," he replied. His wife waved back again. He gave us two fist-pumping
thumbs-up then looked back over the water.
Ciekawe mniemanie maja ci na Bliskim Wschodzie, nie?
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Temat: Food brought in
varsovian napisał:
> "Blund cuisine" indeed. You are so passe ... (q.v. Chirac)
> The problem is there are too few English women who can be bothered to cook or
> bake, and English men are too lazy.
> At least Brits have discovered spicy food - that has yet to appeal to Poles.
Yeah, Brits have discovered spicy food, same way Columbus has "discovered"
America I guess, it took British sea merchands at least 5 millenia to
discovere yummy Thai, Vietnamesse and Malasian foods
> Poles and curries do not mix well together, and they certainly don't cook
> spicy food at home - although my brother and sister-in-law are converts to my
> curries!
That's true, Poland is the salt & pepper country....if it was located at least
500 miles south it would surely be the paprika country But in this global
world we live in, culinary habits change, to tell you the truth I consume more
Thai and Chinesse foods then typical polish ones, since I moved to US.
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Temat: Dobry serwis newsowy. Fox News w Polsce?
Moon napisał(a): a to dosyć konserwtywna gazeta więc serwis jest ok: http://online.wsj.com/public/page/news-global-world.html
Lubisz któregoś z ich "kolumnistów" (felietonistów)?
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Temat: Google translator
aż tu nagle: the bomb has exploded -bomba nie wybuchła the bomb exploded -bomba wybuchła
et tam, ten fragment słownika Al Kaida robiła. W końcu global world mamy. P.
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Temat: Nic nowego w IV Rzeczpospolitej
W Anglii narasta krytyka urynkowienia Zamiast epatować się straszakiem PRLu, proponuję zaznajomić się z argumentacją
poddającą w wątpliwość forsowanego w ostatnim czasie w Anglii urynkowienia
części usług publicznych w służbie zdrowia i edukacji (tradycyjnie
finansowanych, jak w PRLu, ze środkow budżetowych).
Gordon Brown, amid the foundation hospitals debate, made a speech to the Social
Market Foundation (SMF) in which he said that markets in healthcare were
inefficient, had imperfect information available and prioritised the wrong
things. He was right, and the freedoms of foundation hospitals were restricted.
Markets in health are distinguished by the fact that every activity has a price
and that more resources are diverted into negotiating prices, contract
compliance and administering financial flows. Primary care trusts are to be
turned from service providers into organisations that solely buy services, no
doubt with the help of consultancy firms such as United Healthcare, headed up
by the prime minister's former health adviser.
They will be obliged to create markets where none exist, just in the way
publicly funded but privately run independent treatment centres (ITCs) have
been imposed on local areas. The health secretary, Patricia Hewitt, has
promised £3bn to the private sector for ITCs. It sounds like a good idea to
shorten waiting lists - but not when they can poach scarce NHS staff; not when
they are guaranteed a flow of operations that means NHS hospitals lose their
work; not when they are paid more than the NHS. The ophthalmology department at
the John Radcliffe in Oxford was undermined by the imposition of a treatment
centre by the Department of Health, losing the routine cases that made it
possible to train doctors and pay for the specialists used for the more
difficult cases.
Efficiency will be the guiding force, not social need, and hospitals will
specialise to maximise income. Preventing health problems is not a priority; as
US health companies know, there is real money in treating long-term illnesses.
Already "payment by results" is destabilising local health budgets and the cost
of PFI constricts hospitals even more. In 2004 we found that PFI hospitals had
some of the biggest deficits and were shutting wards and freezing recruitment.
This is being repeated in 2005 and the BMA is warning that there may not be
jobs for those in the expanded doctor-training programme.
Meanwhile, the education secretary, Ruth Kelly, is is turning secondary schools
into academies - owned by rich businessmen, showered with tens of millions of
pounds of public money and allowed to teach whatever they want, even
All this wouldn't be so bad if there was any evidence to show that private
companies are better at providing public services or that competition drives up
standards. Quite the opposite. We have plenty of evidence showing that markets
harm public services. What about hospital cleaning, or school meals, or the
railways? These services have failed miserably. Is this what we can expect for
other public services when competition and markets rule?
Take hospital cleaning, probably the service that has had the longest exposure
to market forces. Now it is lean and cheap to run but fails to meet the
standards of cleanliness needed. There are too few cleaners, a lack of
training, casualisation and unacceptable levels of infections. That is the
logic of the market.
Governments have short memories. This one has forgotten why we have public
services in the first place - to tackle market failure, to ensure a safe
environment, to safeguard public health and education, and to equip Britain for
a leading role in a global world.
Although I lead the largest public-service union, I've deliberately not focused
on the workforce. I have hardly mentioned the harmful effects contracting out
has on pay, conditions, equal pay, hours, training, holidays, maternity leave
and pensions. That's because I'm not just a trade unionist, but also a citizen
who cares passionately about public services. That's why, as a friend of the
government, I am worried that the waste and instability of public-service
markets will not deliver a fourth term.
We know what works: sustained, high levels of investment; cooperation and
collaboration, not competition; investment in staff and teamwork; joined-up
thinking rather than fragmentation; embedding change rather than permanent
revolution and upheaval. That's the message Labour members in Brighton want to
hear this week.
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Cytat |
Diabeł: wielki, czarny znak zapytania. Napierski Stefan Debiutuje się do samej śmierci, a i śmierć jest też debiutem. Aleksander Kumor Dla konserwatysty refleksja nad podstawami własnego światopoglądu jest rodzajem profanacji tak samo jak konieczność udowadniania egzystencji Boga jest estetycznym zgorszeniem dla każdego prawdziwie wierzącego; jest wyprowadzaniem irracjonalnej wartości na poziom racjonalny, desakralizacją boskości, której odebrany zostaje urok tajemniczości, bez której nie można pewnie stawić czoła lewicowym czcicielom diabła na ich polach bitewnych rozumu. Georg Quabbe Dlaczego tak często ludzie, dla których bardzo dużo zrobiłeś, ciężko się na ciebie obrażają? Może dlatego, że przypominasz im o ich słabościach. Kirk Douglas, Syn śmieciarza, Autobiografia Aby uwierzyć w drugiego człowieka, należy najpierw uwierzyć w siebie. Żyć w harmonii ze światem widzialnym i niewidzialnym. Odnaleźć prawdziwe oblicze Boga. . . Ale czy miłość jest w stanie uchronić przed samotnością? Nie zapominajmy, że "Bóg ukrył piekło w samym sercu raju". Paulo Coelho