Oglądasz wypowiedzi znalezione dla hasła: Gmail account
Temat: Jiffy Gmail Account Creator - PORTABLE
Jiffy Gmail Account Creator - PORTABLE
Programik do automatycznego tworzenia kont pocztowych GMAIL.
Posiada funkcję masowego tworzenia kont, dzięki czemu w krótkim czasie mamy sporą ilość kont.
do poprawnego działania programu należy mieć zainstalowany Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0
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Temat: Jiffy Gmail Account Creator - PORTABLE
Autor: xxdjatxx
Jakiekolwiek problemy z linkami zglaszaj do wyzej wymienionego usera!
Jiffy Gmail Account Creator 1.3
With Jiffy GMail Email Creator Software you are able to better utilize the world’s best email service. For an unlimited amount of reasons, you might need to mass create GMail email accounts.
God Bless!
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Temat: Paypal w Polsce - oficjalnie od dzi .
Bartol Partol napisał(a):
Poza tym na gmailu mozna zakladac konta bez bolu i zaproszen juz chyba
od dobrego miesiaca.
Ciekawe stwierdzenie. Jak widać Gmail ma inne zdanie na ten temat ;)
2. How do I sign up? When can I get a Gmail account?
We're currently only offering Gmail as part of a preview release and
limited test. We don't have details on when Gmail will be made more widely
available, as that depends in part on the results of the test.
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Temat: Paypal w Polsce - oficjalnie od dzi .
Użytkownik Markus Sprungk napisał:
| Poza tym na gmailu mozna zakladac konta bez bolu i zaproszen juz chyba
| od dobrego miesiaca.
Ciekawe stwierdzenie. Jak widać Gmail ma inne zdanie na ten temat ;)
2. How do I sign up? When can I get a Gmail account?
We're currently only offering Gmail as part of a preview release and
limited test. We don't have details on when Gmail will be made more widely
available, as that depends in part on the results of the test.
Heh, ciekawe. Baaaardzo dawno temu, jak google po raz pierwszy oglosily,
ze maja zamiar obslugiwac konta pocztowe, polazlem tam i wpisalem moj
adres w jakies okienko. Chodzilo o to, ze google poinforuja mnie jak cos
ciekawego bedzie sie dzialo. O sprawie zapomnialem. Jakis miesiac temu
dostalem maila, ze juz dziala, moge wejsc i konto zalozyc. I zalozylem,
ale nie uzywam, bo nie potrzebuje. Ale moze jeszcze pouzywam. ;-)
Ajajaj, znalazlem tego maila. Faktycznie:
Thanks for signing up to be updated on the latest Gmail happenings. We
hope it's been worth the wait, because we're excited to finally offer
you an invitation to open a free Gmail account! Just click on this link
to create your new account: [a tu link].
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Temat: Javamail + Gmail - problemy
A nie chodzi o to by nie robic z konta skladowiska plikow i takiego
swoim radzaju remove filesystemu? Byly wynalazki takie z tego co
pamietam do FUSE.
Watpie zeby chodzilo o zabezpieczenie. GMail jakos system plikow ma sie
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Temat: Javamail + Gmail - problemy
Watpie zeby chodzilo o zabezpieczenie. GMail jakos system plikow ma sie
No wlasnie, czy ktos ma pojecie dlaczego Gmail Drive dziala wielokrotnie na
tych samych danych (mailach) i wszystko jest ok a Javamail tego nie potrafi
wykonac? Widac ze Gmail Drive nie byl napisany w Javie, czy wykorzystuje on
moze jakies specjalne API do laczenia sie ze skrzynka Google'a??
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Temat: Nowy polski klient p2p ???
Dnia Thu, 7 Oct 2004 13:30:42 +0200, Agent Orange napisaÂł(a):
fajna sprawa, ale czy to juÂż dziaÂła, bo na tej stronce nie widziaÂłem
moÂżliwoÂści rejestracji?
How do I get a GMail account?
Currently GMail accounts are by "invitation" only, which means you need to
know someone who has a GMail account that can invite you. Ask that person
to login to their GMail account and look for the "Invite a friend to join
Gmail!" link. Presumably in the near future these accounts will be
available to anyone similar to Yahoo Mail or Hotmail.
juÂż wiem ;)
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Temat: dysk sieciowy
fronda wrote:
na prawde nie zna nikt darmowego dysku sieciowego ,ktory mozna uzywac z
poziomu systemu?
Zdaje siê, ¿e gmailfs.
Gmail Filesystem provides a mountable Linux filesystem which uses your Gmail
account as its storage medium. Gmail Filesystem is a Python application and
uses the FUSE userland filesystem infrastructure to help provide the
filesystem, and libgmail to communicate with Gmail.
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Temat: looking for a polisch girlfriend
Hello my name is nol,i`m 28 years old ade i live in holland!
I`m seeking for a nice polisch girlfriend how speaks englisch or
Welcome to Poland, a great land of stupid politicians and very smart
If your intrested send me an email on my gmaail account en we can
talk some more!!
A body in exchange for gmail account ? Youre like polish blonde :)
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Temat: Google Spreadsheets
On 2006-08-17, citizen |<onrad testified:
Strzelam nastepny projekt Google (poza juz znanymi, ze będą, jak
Writely): wirtualny dysk twardy i do niego interfejs www. Przechowywanie
plikow, ogladanie ich. W aplikacjach google (gmail, spreadsheet,
writely...) opcja "save on googledisk"
Use your Gmail account as a FTP server!
The included demonstration gmailftpd.py sets up a download-only FTP
proxy on port 8021 of your computer to enable you to use a standard ftp
client to retrieve message attachments that have the label 'ftp'.
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Temat: lista/grupa
On Mon, 07 Nov 2005 20:14:36 +0100, Mateusz Ludwin wrote:
New Shell process <news:pan.2005.
1.USENET:pl.pregierzcd "Artur Jachacy"
1.USENET:pl.pregierz/Artur Jachacytype body
| Ups, chyba fałszywy alarm. Tak to jest, jak się wierzy rewelacjom z
| internetu bez sprawdzania. Ten link jest od Google Accounts, a to nie daje
| konta na Gmailu. Przepraszam wszystkich za zamieszanie.
Witamy w Kontach Google, łatwym sposobie dostępu do wszystkich usług Google
wymagających nazwy użytkownika i hasła.
Początkowymi usługami dostępnymi z konta Google są:
* Gmail - Konto email od Google
Does creating a Google Account give me a Gmail account?
Unfortunately not. Gmail is currently in a limited release, so you need to
get invited by another Gmail user in order to sign up. If you are
interested in Gmail, you may want to check the About Gmail page
periodically for updates. If, on the other hand, you already have a Gmail
account, you can use your Gmail username and password to sign in to your
Google Account.
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Temat: Portale licytują się, który zaoferuje większe s...
nie ma w tej chwili czegos takiego jak konto Gmail. to dopiero przyszlosc (
How do I sign up? When can I get a Gmail account?
We're currently only offering Gmail as part of a preview release and limited
test. We don't have details on when Gmail will be made more widely available,
as that depends in part on the results of the test. If you're interested in
receiving updates on Gmail, submit your email address using the form at the
bottom of this page. And you can check out a sneak peek of Gmail here).
to jest wlasnie to co Gmail pisze na temat swojej uslugi. najlepsze jest Yahoo,
cala reklame wrzucaja do osobnego Bulk folder, i wogole nie trzeba tego czytac.
WAZNE jest ile daja miejsca na swoje bezplatne WWW i tu bedzie tez rywalizacja.
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Temat: ertes - zdjecia - aparat - pytania
W tej cenie jest to zdecydowanie najlepszy obiektyw.
Jest cichy, super szybki i ostry. Bedziesz zadowolona.
Te sklepy nadal sa aktualne, ja u nich z reguly robie zakupy sprzetu.
Cena z tej aukcji jest chyba calkiem niezla. Ja moj, uzywany, sprzedalem w
grudniu za okolo $280 jesli sie nie myle.
problem jest tylko taki ze w zasadzie to nikt nie ma tych D50. Zniknely z polek
na calym swiecie. Tu i tam mozna znalezc tylko refurbished.
Zaloz tez sobie Picasa. Calkiem niezly program do katalogowania, szybkiej
korekcji itp zdjec. Wspoldziala z emailem wiec od razu mozna wysylac zdjecia :)
A jesli masz Gmail account to mozesz wyslac prosbe o akces do Albumu Picasa na
necie. W tej chwili daja cos 250mb free.
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Temat: ertes - zdjecia - aparat - pytania
jutka1 napisała:
> Co to znaczy "podlaczyc sobie pod gmail"?
tools -> options -> zakladka e-mail i tam wybierasz "use my gmail account"
potem zaznaczasz zdjecia, ktore chcesz wyslac opcja hold, naciskasz na dole po
prawo email i w okienku, ktore wyskoczy wpisujesz swoj login i password z konta
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Temat: gmail logowanie
From: The Google Team
Date: 12/25/06 18:09:29
To: aunap@gazeta.pl
Subject: Re: [#96097416] Google Account Access Recovery Support
Thank you for contacting us.
You're receiving this auto-reply message because you indicated that you
are having trouble logging in to your Gmail account.
If you can't remember your username or your password, please follow these
1. Go to mail.google.com or mail.google.com
2. Click 'I cannot access my account.'
3. Select the link which applies to your issue and follow the instructions
that appear.
A few things to note when you're trying to recover your username or
*For security reasons, and to protect our users' privacy, the Gmail Team
cannot retrieve your password under any circumstances or send a new
password to you.
*Please note that the password field is case-sensitive, so make sure
you're using the correct capitalization.
*If you've logged in or tried to log in to your account in the past five
days, and you have a secondary email address listed in your Gmail account,
a message containing instructions to reset your password will be sent to
that address.
*If you don't have a secondary email address associate with your Gmail
account, you may retrieve your password by correctly answering your
security question after your Gmail account has been idle for five days.
You'll need to refrain from login attempts for five consecutive days in
order to access this option. This protects active Gmail accounts from
unauthorized access.
*You may be able to retrieve your username by clicking the link in your
original Gmail invitation. If you received an email from 'The Google Team'
at your secondary address after creating your account, you can also
retrieve your username from that message.
*If you don't have access to your secondary email address, or if you've
forgotten the answer to your security question, you won't be able to
access your account.
If you're still having sign in problems, please reply to this message. For
other issues, please visit the Gmail Help Center at
The Google Team
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Temat: Indy + gmail
Trzeba sie rejestrowac wiec zamieszczam ten opis:
GMail is the free mail service of Google.
Recently, the GMail accounts can also be accessed by means of POP3 and
SMTP protocols (that is to say, to use them through a mail client
program like OutLook)
It has a peculiarity, the access to GMail through POP3 uses
encriptación SSL and No-Standard ports.
This tip explains briefly how to connect with POP3 service of GMail
through the Indy components.
You need to put in one form these components:
* A TidPop3 (idPop31) (Indy Clients Tab)
* A TidMessage (idMessage1) (Indy Misc Tab)
* A TIdSSLIOHandlerSocket (IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1) (Indy I/O
handlers Tab)
* A TMemo (Memo1)
* A TButton (Button1)
So that the SSL works, the Indy uses the OpenSSL library, that is GPL
and that another people do, for that reason, you have to download it so
that the TIdSSLIOHandlerSocket can use it.
I for this test, have downloaded it of: http://indy.fulgan.com/SSL/and
the file that I have used is indy_openssl096.zip
Descompress the the ZIP and put the two DLLs in the directory of your
Now, make that idPop31 uses the IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1 putting it in its
IOHandler property.
Set the name of the pop server in the Host property of idPop31, that in
the case of Gmail is pop.gmail.com, set the port, that in this case is
special and is 995 and set the username and your password in the
idPop31 component.
Once made, to test the invention, put this code in the OnCLick de
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
nummsgs : integer;
//Obtenemos el numero de emails que tenemos
Memo1.lines.add( 'Emails:' +IntToStr(NumMsgs) );
for n:=1 to NumMsgs do begin
Memo1.Lines.Add( 'Email NÂş:'+IntToStr(n)+
' De:'+idMessage1.From.Text+
' Tema:'+idMessage1.Subject );
and you will have an example that will obtain the headers of the emails
of GMail account.
NOTE: Yo need an actual version of the Indy library. If your Delphi
hasn't, dont worry, you can download it from the oficcial website:
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