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Temat: po 11 latach chce wröcic do PL
znalazlam oferte u SHELLA co sadzicie???
Jobs and Careers
Shell Polska sp. Z.O.O. Oddzial w Zabierzowie
SSSC KR Customer Service Professional - German speaker Job ID:
Location: Krakow/Zabierzow, Poland
Royal Dutch Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemicals
companies, operating in over 100 countries and territories and
employing more than 102,000 people. Our core values of Honesty,
Integrity and Respect for People define who we are and how we work.
Royal Dutch Shell has developed a global network of Shell Shared
Services Centres to provide first-class services to Shell companies
across the world. 6 Centres are currently in existence in Krakow,
Glasgow, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Chennai and Cape Town. This network
provides a platform for large-scale specialist expertise and process
knowledge to deliver operationally excellent and controlled process.
Shell Shared Service Centre in Krakow provides its customers with
services in three main areas: Finance Operations, HR Services and
Customer Service. In addition, being international and well-
established, the company gives a unique chance of working with
people from all over the world in a young and rapidly developing
Shell offers interesting development opportunities for both
graduates and experienced professionals.
Job Responsibilities:
• Be the first point of contact for Customers
• resolve Customer requests received via all mediums (phone, email,
fax) according to agreed service levels and service standards
• Provide assistance to customers in self-service mediums and assist
customer to complete transactions
• Record and follow up all customer contacts in customer facing
systems for the service accredited
• Very good German (written and oral proficiency)
• Good English
• Positive customer focus attitude and passion for working with
• Competence in problem solving with customer facing services
• Excellent communication skills
• Ability to cooperate in a team
• IT software familiarity (Microsoft Office and Internet)
Application Deadline: Wednesday 10 February 2010
Number of Vacancies: 1
Please note: We occasionally amend or withdraw Shell jobs and
reserve the right to do so at any time, including prior to the
advertised closing date.
Before applying, you are advised to read our data protection policy
which sets out, the processing that may be associated with your
personal data and informs you that your personal data may be
transferred to Royal Dutch/Shell Group companies around the world.
The Shell Group and its approved recruitment consultants will never
ask you for a fee to process or consider your application for a
career with Shell. Anyone who demands such a fee is not an
authorised Shell representative and you are strongly advised to
refuse any such demand.
'Shell is an Equal Opportunity Employer'.
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Temat: Kłamstwo aborcyjne czy zbrodnia?
zebys ty luka chociaz wiedzial co to 'takiego' ;-)
)A ja sie pytam - co to za wyniki, gdzie rozgłoszone, przez kogo zlecone, przez
kogo wykonane, przez kogo )opracowane i kto je akceptował. Konkretnie. Pani
wypisuje po raz któryś tam jakieś ogólniki i dziwi się, że )nazywam ten
bełkot "jakieś tam"?
....Ani t wojemu nazewnictwu, ani poziomowi sie nie dziwie.
Mam zasade luka, ze glupocie w ogole nie nalezy sie dziwic
Wyniki to szacunki, raport zaakceptpwany przez rzad polski i ONZ
Ogloszone we w sejmie, T K, mediach, organizacjach poza- i rzadowych zwiazanych
z problematyka, w srodowisku lekarskim itp. - w formie raportu a nastepnie
przedstawione w posctaci propozycji ustawy. Zlecone przez Federacje na rzecz
Kobiet i Planowania Rodziny za pomoca nastepujacych osrodkow :
Ośrodka Informacji Środowisk Kobiecych - OŚKa
Global Network on Women's Advocacy and Civil Society
The Ford Foundation
Open Society Institute
RUN-Badania Rynkowe i Społeczne
)A co to jest ONZ?
Dziecko zajrzyj do encyklopedii, chociaz, albo najlepiej na strony Organizacji -
swiata przed toba nie zamierzam odkrywac, swoja droga te braki sa zapewne juz
nie do nadrobienia
Tam dowiedz sie co to ONZ i jakie ma kompetencje w tej sprawie i dlaczego in
teresuje sie przestrzeganiem praw czlowieka i skad biora sie jego
uprawnienia ))
)Jakie kompetencje ma delegat Sri Lanki, by akceptować lub nie raport z jakimiś
tam danymi z Polski, których nie jest w stanie zweryfikować?
Od kiedy to kompetencje mierzy sie narodowoscia?
Jakis LPR z ciebie 'beknal' )
> Streszczenie luko polega na oddawaniu sensu i tresci przekazu, ktory chce sie
> przedstawic w skroconej formule
)Zgadza się. Dlatego napisałem "jakieś tam". Nie mogę nazwać ich inaczej,
ponieważ Pani ich nie określiła. Dlatego słusznie streściłem Pani przekaz jako
)niezborny bełkot. Na studiach uczą na pierwszych zajęciach zadawania pytań -
kto, kiedy, gdzie i jak. DO tego jednak jeszcze Pani nie dorosła.
no i luka mamy podloze klopotu:
Interpretacja wlasna to nie streszczenie. Zamieszczajac wlasne 'widzi misie' i
opinie streszczasz swoj oglad w tej sprawie - tu zatem oceniles go slusznie.
Co zas do zadawania pytan - to mnie uczyli juz tego rodzice. opanowane mialam
juz w przedszkolu - a ty na studia z taka 'niesbornoscia' nie wiem, jak sie
I to ma byc ten przyklad nawiazujacy do 'przedstawianych przeze mnie danych'?
Luka, skoro na studiach uczyli cie dopiero zadawania pytan, to kiedy i gdzie w
koncu naucza cie myslec????
)Zmniejszyłem ambicje. Proszę mi przedstawić dowolne konkretne dane, o ile i to
nie jest zbyt wielkim wyzwaniem.
> Przywolaj moja wypowiedz, w ktorej ‘powoluje sie na wieksze,’
)Z oenzetem to kto wyjechał, o różnych ośrodkach i ginekologach nie wspominając?
To ma byc przywolanie mojej wypowiedzi, luka ?
A potem sie dziwisz, jak zwracam ci uwage, ze w ogole z pomocami naukowymi
typu :streszczenie, konspekt - masz problem
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Temat: Kłamstwo aborcyjne czy zbrodnia?
camrut napisała:
> ....Ani t wojemu nazewnictwu, ani poziomowi sie nie dziwie.
> Mam zasade luka, ze glupocie w ogole nie nalezy sie dziwic
Ja się Pani przecież nie dziwię. W czym rzecz?
> Wyniki to szacunki, raport zaakceptpwany przez rzad polski i ONZ
O, zaczynają się jakieś konkrety - raport zaakceptował rząd i ONZ. Bardzo
ciekawe - a dlaczego? Oba ciała składają się ze specjalistów?
> Ogloszone we w sejmie, T K, mediach, organizacjach poza- i rzadowych
> z problematyka, w srodowisku lekarskim itp. - w formie raportu a nastepnie
> przedstawione w posctaci propozycji ustawy.
Raport w formie propozycji ustawy? Coraz ciekawiej...
> Zlecone przez Federacje na rzecz
> Kobiet i Planowania Rodziny za pomoca nastepujacych osrodkow :
> Ośrodka Informacji Środowisk Kobiecych - OŚKa
> Global Network on Women's Advocacy and Civil Society
> The Ford Foundation
> Open Society Institute
> RUN-Badania Rynkowe i Społeczne
No, nareszcie. Mamy te ośrodki. Dlaczego napisanie tych paru zdań sprawiało
Pani szlone trudności przez kilka dni?
> Tam dowiedz sie co to ONZ i jakie ma kompetencje w tej sprawie i dlaczego in
> teresuje sie przestrzeganiem praw czlowieka i skad biora sie jego
> uprawnienia ))
Z encyklopedii dowiem się, jakie kompetencje ma ONZ w sprawie raportu o
szacowanej liczbie nielegalnych aborcji??? Szukałem - i nie znalazłem. Jakie
więc ma kompetencje?
> Od kiedy to kompetencje mierzy sie narodowoscia?
Bardzo dobre pytanie - od kiedy? Pani powołuje się na organizację NARODÓW
zjednoczonych, więc zapewne zna odpowiedź na to pytanie. A zatem...?
> Interpretacja wlasna to nie streszczenie.
A co ja interpretowałem? Jak mogłem cokolwiek interpretować, skoro odpowiedź na
pytanie "kto zlecił" padła dopiero dzisiaj?
> Zamieszczajac wlasne 'widzi misie' i
> opinie streszczasz swoj oglad w tej sprawie - tu zatem oceniles go slusznie.
> belkot
Zgadza się, bełkotała Pani przez dłuższy czas. Pisałem już - ja mam zawsze
> Co zas do zadawania pytan - to mnie uczyli juz tego rodzice. opanowane mialam
> juz w przedszkolu - a ty na studia z taka 'niesbornoscia' nie wiem, jak sie
> dostales?
O, najmocniej przepraszam, wynika z powyższego, że jest Pani uposledzona
umysłowo. Dzieci bowiem nie trzeba uczyć pytać - o ile nie są autystyczne, ale
to inna historia; dzieci zaczynają pytać same z siebie bezpośrednio po
nauczeniu się mówienia, jest to świadectwo chłonnosci i otwartości ich umysłów -
i to nawet w okresie przedprzedszkolnym.
W związku z Pani oświadczeniem, że nie jest Pani sprawna umysłowo od
najmłodszych lat - oświadczam, że przestaję z Pani żartować. Mam miękkie serce,
kalectwo mnie wzrusza.
> To ma byc przywolanie mojej wypowiedzi, luka ?
Owszem. Wspominała Pani o ONZ czy nie?
> A potem sie dziwisz, jak zwracam ci uwage, ze w ogole z pomocami naukowymi
> typu :streszczenie, konspekt - masz problem
Dziwię się. To znaczy - dziwiłem. Teraz już wiem, skąd u Pani to prostactwo w
rozumowaniu. Bardzo współczuję.
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Temat: AIO Tracing Utilities
Tracing Utilities AIO
Visual Route 2006 Server
Visual IP Trace 2006
Visual Route 2006 Server
VisualRoute helps determine if a connectivity problem is due to an ISP, the Internet, or the web site you -- or your customers -- are trying to reach, and pinpoints the network where a problem occurs.
VisualRoute 2006 is available in six specialized editions, enabling on-demand and continuous connectivity analysis from a single computer, a remote customer desktop, a remote server, or multiple points on a global network.
All editions include integrated traceroute, ping tests, reverse DNS and Whois lookups, and display the actual route of connections and IP address locations on a global map.
SmartWhois is a useful network information utility that allows you to look up all the available information about an IP address, hostname or domain, including country, state or province, city, name of the network provider, administrator and technical support contact information. It helps you find answers to these important questions:
* Who is the owner of the domain?
* When was the domain registered and what is the owner's contact information?
* Who is the owner of the IP address block?
With SmartWhois you can focus on your work; the program will unmistakably choose the right database from over 60 whois databases all over the world and fetch the most complete results within a few seconds.
* Smart operation: The program always looks up whois data in the right database; you don't have to waste your time trying them all.
* Integration with Mcft Internet Explorer and Mcft Outlook. Look up domain owners and IP addresses in e-mail headers instantly!
* Saving results into an archive: you can build your own database that can be viewed offline.
* Batch processing of IP addresses or domain lists.
* Caching of obtained results.
* Hostname resolution and DNS caching.
* Integration with CommView Network Monitor: Can be accessed from CommView for quick, easy lookup.
* Calling SmartWhois directly from your application. See SmartWhois FAQ.
* Wildcard queries.
* Whois console for custom queries.
* Country code reference.
* Customizable interface.
* SOCKS5 firewall support.
Visual IP Trace 2006
Trace and report hackers, investigate web sites with Visual IP Trace:
Knowing where a suspect intruder is located, where a malicious email originated, or validating the location of a website is key information to identify security threats, track and report abusers.
While many IP lookup tools only provide network provider locations, Visual IP Trace's unique IP address location technology provides a much higher level of accuracy by identifying the actual physical city and country location of servers and routers, key forensics information for investigating hackers or suspects. In addition, by seeing the actual route path to the destination point, the locations of last few network hops provide valuable clues to the end-point's true location.
Visual WhoIs allows you to find relevant information about domains, ip addresses and email addresses. The program retrieves the WHOIS information, Network details and displays the country location on a 3D globe. In addition, it integrates with Internet Explorer, so you can quickly trace any web site by simply clicking a button in the IE toolbar.
Similar to Caller ID for your telephone, CallerIP shows you who is connecting to your system, so you can protect your privacy and confidential information.
* Receive instant alerts for high risk connections and back doors
* Identify spyware and suspicious connections to your system
* Report abuse and illicit activity
# NEW! CallerIP Server (Professional Edition only) allows you to monitor your machine from a remote location.
# NEW! Plot all connections feature that plots all current connections on the world map to allow for easy analysis of where connections reside.
# NEW! New look table which includes gradient fill depending on the threat of the connection.
# NEW! Improved logging technique means searching large log files is literally hundreds of times faster!
# Realtime monitoring instantly identifies suspect activity and spyware
# Identifies the country of origin for all connections
# Worldwide Whois reports
# Network Provider reports with abuse contact information
# Automated alerts of high-risk connections
# Detailed log of connection history with search options
CommView, a product of Tamosoft, is a powerful network monitor and packet analyzer designed for LAN administrators, security professionals, network programmers, home users … virtually anyone who wants a full picture of the traffic flowing through a PC or LAN segment.
* Maintain efficient network data transmission, test firewalls and intrusion detection systems
* See what, where, and how information leaves and enters your systems and network -- critical information for secure Internet computing
* Quickly troubleshoot and debug network-based applications
* Captures all data packets flowing through a PC or LAN segment
* Automated alarms notify you about important events
* Protocol decoding
* Generates traffic reports in real time
* Reconstructs TCP data streams
* Enables real-time browsing of captured and decoded packets
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Temat: Mobile Phones can cause cancer: New findings
1.Mobile Phones can cause cancer: New findings More than 20 people who believe they have suffered from brain tumors, memory loss or damage to their immune systems line up to seek legal redress from mobile phone companies. Scientists believe microwave radiation emitted by these phones may affect the brain in the way a microwave oven cooks food. *********************************************************************** Telcomine (http://www.infozech.com/telcomine.html), a monthly newsletter from Infozech. Telcomine brings you the latest trends and developments in frontline IT Technologies. To subscribe send a mail to n@infozech.com *********************************************************************** Hello there, This article is part of the Telcomine January issue released just now. The rest of the major headers are below. Feel free to reach us with your comments and views at edi@infozech.com. Visit the full articles at http://www.infozech.com/telcomine.html. *****TELCOMINE************ Wealth of Information about Telecommunications Volume 2,No1, January 1999 IN THIS ISSUE 2. Euro launch not a software success story Though a major sensation in stock markets around the world, the euro was not a software success. It was like a major Coca-Cola launch in a country without delivery vans and outlets or even bottling plants. 3. She Got 463 suitors on Internet Sighted on an agency website, Zarna Mehta, a New York based girl received 463 suitor responses on Internet before she finally chose Shalabh Garg, a Citibank Executive in Zurich, Switzerland. 4. Make your telephone ring from your website A unique new product, Webcallback, from Globalphone Corp, links a visitor and a company hosting a web site by telephone. By clicking on Webcallback hyperlink, the visitor can make secure transactions, review a site with the host company, ask questions and obtain answers over the telephone. 5. Rest your fingertips, dial with your voice Cheap powerful software -- developed by IBM, Microsoft, Dragon Systems, Lernout & Hauspie, General Magic and others -- is hitting the market allowing people to talk to their machines. 6. Alert on Hole for Hackers in Internet Language A computer security watchdog has alerted that a "hole" in the underlying language of the Internet (TCP/IP) could allow hackers to cause an array of disruptions to targeted Web sites and Internet systems. 7. Pacific Bell warns billing firms on fraud Pacific Bells warns billing firms of termination of contracts if they did not stop cramming - a fraud which occurs when charges show up on the consumer's bills for products or services that consumers either never ordered or didn't receive. 8. Product Goof-ups of 1998 Every year we have our share of product mishaps -- and 1998 was no exception. Have a look at some of the blunders of the year gone by. 9. Ebill for Hong Kong giant Magictel Magictel, a Hong Kong based telecom service provider, chooses Infozech's billing solution eBill to bill for its IP Telephony services. 10. Mailbox "No cars, please!" A reader's objections and our comments on why we used the "Driverless car story" in our December issue. ************************************* Ebill For Hong Kong Giant, Magictel ************************************* Magictel - the first of a new generation of telecom service providers to apply internet technology to telephone calls - has chosen Infozech's billing and customer care solution eBill to bill for its IP telephony services. Magictel is part of a global communications network known as Interline. The Interline global network reaches over 200 countries including local partners in HongKong, Japan, South Korea, Australia, USA, UK, New Zealand, Canada and China. eBill provides software solutions for telecom services like Callback, toll-free numbers, calling cards, Internet services and Internet Telephony. Details at http://www.infozech.com/solution.html ********* Mailbox ********* "No Cars Please"! I believe Telcomine should provide me more information about telecommunication industry like new technology, source of information on new technology and deployment of new technology. I do not think that items like "Car and Chip Makers Join To Make 21st Century Driverless Car" should have a place in Telcomine. - Amar Kumar, India A driverless car on the road is inconceivable without a distinct component of sophisticated telecom technology. Telcomine and its readers cannot be indifferent to the fascinating intermingling of Internet and Information highway technologies in the software world. - Editor We are a system integrator and a Cisco Silver partner. More and more customers are asking about IP Telephony and I would like to get more knowledge of this from the marketing and technical point. - Harold Chan, Hong Kong This is a good site. Thanks very much. - Arumugham Sudalaimuthu *********************************** Information supplied on as is basis. If you have found Telcomine useful, please consider telling somebody else about it. E-mail: Telcom@infozech.com Fax: 408-490-2840; Voice Mail: 408-490-2842 Internet: http://www.infozech.com/telcomine.html Please visit us at http://www.infozech.com -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- http://www.dejanews.com/ Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
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Temat: Nie zapominajmy o zamordowanych Rosjanach!
STRONA TErRORISLAmCOW www.kavkaz.org/eng/
zwroccie uwage na ich linki .....
27 04 2002 Saturday 03:14on Djokhar time
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America's headache is getting stronger
On Sunday Pakistani authorities banned the protest rally against the referendum
on the new presidential term for General Pervez Musharraf. The government of
the Punjab Province did not permit opposition party Jamaat-e-Islami..
2002-04-27 01:47:26
Amir Khattab can possibly be near Voronezh already
Unwinding the story with «Khattab’s death», Russian mass media laid out the
entire evil kit of the Chechen Commander's characteristics that the Kremlin
propaganda ascribed to him – «brutal, he used to cut his captive's..
2002-04-26 17:40:47
Israeli terrorism threatens the U.S.
They are talking about the Palestinian refugee camp where during almost two
weeks Israeli troops were conducting the operation that resulted in hundreds of
victims among the refugees.
2002-04-26 17:36:05
«It will end some time. But who knows when?» Rating of regime's danger
Victoria Pupko emigrated from the Soviet Union 22 years ago. For 5 years she
lived in Austria and worked in the University of Vienna. Then, after working a
year in Munich and a year in Berlin, she moved to America, where she..
Official mass media are continuing to publish ratings of President's
popularity, which, according to the opinion of the regime's ideologists, must
testify about the infinite trust in the government, in the Kremlin's policy and
Skirmish for Ingushetia Radio «Liberty» shakes up Dagestan
As it was reported earlier, Ingushetian journalist Alikhan Guliyev, who with
the help of the Kremlin made the Supreme Court of Russia cancel the
registration of Ingushetian presidential candidate General Khamzat.. The
launch of the US-funded radio station's new service for the North Caucasus is
already creating waves in the region's largest republic. Just as ordinary
listeners in Dagestan responded with excitement to the first-ever..
Battle over Ingushetia's Future escalates Azerbaijan: State hounds Muslim
Ingushetia's leadership contest will be between a supporter of regional
autonomy and a Moscow-backed general. Alikhan Amirkhanov, a deputy from the
Russia's State Duma, was the surprise front-runner after the first.. The head
of the board is Sheikh ul-Islam Haji Allahshukur Pashazade, the main official
cleric in Azerbaijan since Communist times, who welcomed the foundation of the
government's new «mediating structure» in June 2001..
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U.S. lost in Venezuela
Iraq salutes the return of ex-President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez. Speaking
2002-04-18 02:42:11
Bloody trace of Russism
The Chechen Press Agency reported that on April 16, 2002, in a suburb of the
2002-04-19 13:39:17
Political games continue
It is a real scandal to demand Russia to create the conditions so that Russian
2002-04-18 17:29:35
Repercussions of KGB-ism in Russia
Almost every day reports come from Russia about Russian youth gangs attacking
2002-04-18 17:28:24
Snake swallowing its tail
In the beginning of this month the order by Minister S.Ivanov about the draft
in the
2002-04-17 13:10:38
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Temat: Kosmiczne milczenie
Dla tych co znają angielski, poniżej kopia tego co osiągnięto w programie
SSETI. Jak by na to nie patrzeć, jest to więcej niż przyzwoicie. Oryginał na
stronie: sseti.gte.tuwien.ac.at/express/mop/index.php?uri=news.html
Tak sobie to porównuję z osiągnięciami zespołów z uczelni amerykańskich w
budowie "komercyjnych" pojazdów z napędem elektrycznym, albo z ostatnimi
zawodami organizowanymi przez Armię USA (DARPA) na bezzałogowy samochód który
sam przejedzie przez pustynię. Pomimo startu zespołów z najbardziej
renomowanych uczelni, jak również z prywatnych firm, w pierwszym roku ŻADEN
pojazd nie przejechał więcej niż kilka kilometrów. Ale już rok później (w tym
roku) - nie jeden a kilka ukończyło trasę. Nie od razu Kraków zbudowano.
The SSETI Express student microsatellite mission has been a remarkable success,
achieving its two first mission objectives and a number of important
milestones. Due to a failure in the electrical power system on board the
spacecraft is inoperable and mission control is on "standby". There is a small
but significant possibility of recovery, the likelihood of which is being
ascertained by ongoing testing. The educational goals of the project continue
to be met by the student teams who are still working hard to analyse and
understand all available data, such that the lessons learned can be applied to
future missions.
Detailed statement:
Despite the brevity of the initial mission a number of important milestones
were achieved:
1) Objective 1 is fulfilled: Reaching the launch pad after progressing through
the challenging and rigorous acceptance process is a major milestone
demonstrating the capability and applicability of the SSETI Programme itself
and all of the student teams involved.
2) Objective 2 is fulfilled: All evidence suggests that the three Cubesat
passengers were successfully deployed into orbit by SSETI Express, and were
hence able to begin their own independent missions. The Cubesats Xi-V and UWE-1
are alive and well, the status of NCube-2 has yet to be confirmed.
3) SSETI Express booted up in orbit and transmitted its first data back to
earth precisely on schedule. This data was received and decoded by the primary
groundstation and several others. This confirmed that SSETI Express survived
its journey into space and was successfully separated from the launcher.
4) The primary groundstation established reliable two-way communication with
SSETI Express. This was a remarkable achievement further demonstrating the
capability of the SSETI Programme and all the students involved.
5) A significant amount of house-keeping data was downloaded from the
spacecraft, allowing for a detailed analysis of the situation on board. This
also involved the global network of radio amateurs, who have given us
invaluable support and additional data during this mission.
The problem:
6) In order to ensure the safety of the other spacecraft on the same launch
vehicle, SSETI Express remained inactive and coasted for 65 minutes before
deploying the three Cubesat passengers.
7) During this time all the energy gathered by the solar panels was to be
dissipated within the spacecraft. Evidence strongly suggests that this
dissipation system failed by fusing on, therefore not allowing any energy to
charge the spacecraft batteries.
8) The battery charge steadily declined during the mission, causing the
spacecraft to enter safe mode after approximately 6.5 hours, and eventually
shutting it down altogether.
The outlook:
9) Careful analysis of the data received, coupled with ground-based computer
simulations and hardware tests, strongly support the proposed theory of a
specific component failure in the excess power dissipation system.
10) Ground-based hardware tests confirm the possibility of a further failure
mode of the specific component, which would allow the batteries to charge and
the spacecraft to operate once again.
11) Testing is ongoing to ascertain the specific likelihood of (10), and to
investigate other possible alternative explanations.
12) Given that the spacecraft is currently inoperable, the mission cannot
continue as planned. It is therefore on indefinite "standby", pending the
technical possibility of re-activation of the spacecraft, as in (10).
13) The team remain hopeful and vigilant. The primary groundstation and mission
control centre are being configured for autonomous monitoring of the
spacecraft, such that if it reactivates the team will be immediately alerted
and ready to resume the mission.
14) The educational goals of the mission continue to be met daily as we try to
analyse and understand the events since the launch.
Neil Melville - Project Manager
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Temat: O perfumach i biznesie perfumiarskim (ang.)
O perfumach i biznesie perfumiarskim (ang.) Z: www.nytimes.com/2004/05/25/fashion/25DRES.html?8nyh
The Indies of Perfumery
Published: May 25, 2004
In the world of luxury fragrances, Vita is no "Troy," an olfactory
lumbering onto the shelves of Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus or the vast global
network of duty-free stores. Beth Terry, its maker, would more likely compare
her confection of black currant, grapefruit and tea to an art-house product
tailored to rarefied tastes. "In my kind of business we have to have
something not everyone is going to love," Ms. Terry said. "That's the market
that I cater to."
Creative Universe, the company Ms. Terry runs, is the parent of Vita and its
sister fragrances, with evocative names like Mare and Tè. It distributes her
perfumes in only a handful of stores. Known as niche fragrances, they fall at
the opposite end of a continuum led by behemoths like Chanel No. 5, Eternity
by Calvin Klein and Pleasures by Estée Lauder. "Niche fragrances may never
have the reach of the bigger brands, the ones who can advertise and paper the
magazines with scent strips," said Rochelle Bloom, who heads the Fragrance
Foundation, an industry trade group, "but their prestige level can be very
"In the world of perfumery, they are a kind of hidden little secret," said
Ms. Bloom, who defines a niche brand as one sold in only 300 or 400 stores,
compared with 3,000 or more for mainstream brands. Infused with exclusivity,
niche scents have gained an edge in an overcrowded fragrance field that is
just beginning to rebound after several years of flat sales. These days
little-known scents with mysterious, exotic-sounding names like Zabête, a
heady oriental scent from Kirna Zabête; Yuzu Rouge from 06130 (the postal
code for Grasse, France); and Ambra di Venezia increasingly compete for shelf
space with popular designer brands.
"Within our universe of fragrances, we are seeing smaller brands emerge,"
said Natalie Seidman, beauty director for the NPD Group, which tracks retail
trends. Indeed, their proliferation has stolen some thunder from more high-
profile names, Ms. Seidman said. In 1999, the top 20 brands sold in
department stores represented 40 percent of the fragrance market, according
to NPD. Today the top 20 account for only 25 percent, a market erosion also
caused by the extension of existing brands.
The niche lines are increasingly sought by department stores as an
alternative to best sellers. "Bigger stores like Saks Fifth Avenue are
dropping a lot of big-name designer fragrances because women can buy them on
the Internet without sales tax, for 30 to 40 percent less," said Allan
Mottus, editor of The Informationist, a beauty industry trade publication.
Barneys New York has similarly bypassed labels like Michael Kors and Stella
McCartney in favor of names like Serge Lutens and Susanne Lang. Ms. Lang, a
Canadian who sells exclusively at Barneys in the United States, offers
shoppers the option of blending their scents from essential oils like
coconut, lotus and vanilla. "These products are important to us," said Alana
Delacrausaz, a fragrance buyer for Barneys. "They allow us to develop a loyal
following among customers who know that they can only buy them here."
Inspired by successful predecessors like the 20-year-old Antonia's Flowers, a
freesia-based fragrance made by Antonia Bellanca in the United States, and
Musc Ravageur, a dusky scent from the French perfume specialist Frédéric
Malle, many niche scents are marketed to aficionados, shoppers who
are "always on the lookout for something different and not mainstream," said
Dana Jellinek, associate fragrance buyer for Takashimaya, a Fifth Avenue
store. Amoureuse, one of its brands, was developed for women jaded with the
profusion of single-note fragrances that have glutted the market of
late. "Very few of the mainstream brands have a true, assertive personality,"
said its maker, DelRae Roth. "American women," she added, "are starved for
really complex rich perfumes."
Some of Ms. Roth's competitors cater to an even narrower segment of the
market. Chypre, from Patyka, an organic fragrance line from Hungary, is aimed
at purists who seek out all-natural products. And the leather-based Spahnke &
Groome, a men's eau de cologne expected to make its debut this summer, courts
an affluent gay population.
Ms. Terry of Creative Universe said she seeks to market to "the
influentials," celebrities and trendsetters like Amanda Burden, the society
figure, and the actor Will Smith.
Limiting supplies has also been key to her marketing strategy. "You warehouse
1,000 bottles, not 10,000, like the larger brands do," Ms. Terry said. Ms.
Terry declined to provide sales figures for her company. Mr. Mottus estimates
that a successful niche entrepreneur generates $1 million a year.
Not an empress's ransom, exactly, but enough to fuel a perfumer's creative
vision. As Ms. Terry said, "I don't want to rule the world; I just want to
keep experimenting." Recently, balmy spring days made her think of
sangría. "Don't you love that smell? Wouldn't you like to bottle it?" Ms.
Terry asked. "I think I will," she said.
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Temat: --------------------AQUANET-----------------------
SAVEtheMALES.& ParaNO-YES & 'GUY-uh' www.intrepidsoftware.com/other/outdoors.php
"But I was inspired when I learned about British scientist James Lovelock's
Gaia Hypothesis (pronounced 'GUY-uh'), a bunch of scientific theories about the
earth's biosphere (the plant and animal world) & upper atmosphere and how they
work together to sustain our lives. The term 'Gaia' comes from the Greeks. Gaia
was the name for the goddess of the Earth and it was one of James Lovelock's
friends, Lynn Margolis, who suggested that he give this name to his theories.
But then I learned that people were turning Gaia principles into a freakin'
religion. That upset me at first because I'm not very fond of organized
religions. But then later I thought maybe Gaia principles as part of a belief
system might not be such a bad idea. We need a belief system that cares more
deeply for the earth rather than assuming it has infinite resources. We're
taxing it faster than it can renew itself. Many, like Dr. Ralph Metzner, have
speculated that new emerging mythologies (the underpinnings of how we think)
need to include a healthier appreciation for the earth. The current mythology
seems to be that science can solve all our problems, and that the pollution
created by all these solutions will also be solved by science. Philosopher Sam
Keen calls this our myth of progress, the notion that we can continue
progressing towords increasing states of bliss through technology. As much as I
like science, this just isn't adding up. It seems that we can, however,
progress out of poverty, and that is important. But beyond that the mind and
body do not seem to be designed for increased states of comfort. For example,
note the recent talk about exercise and diet.
The true way to gain much, is never to desire to gain too much. He is not rich
that possesses much, but he that covets no more; and he is not poor that enjoys
little, but he that wants too much.
Francis Beaumont (1584-1616) "
The Oral Defense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .262
The Internet Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . .265
The Global Network Academy. . . . . . . . . . . .270
The Architectural Plan of UU-GNA. . . . . . . . .275
The Suppressive Regime of UU-GNA. . . . . . . . .277
An Alternative: Neutopian Transversity . . . . .279
Student-Teacher Relationship. . . . . . . . . . .281
The Mission of Neutopian Transversity . . . . . .282
The Neutopian Administration. . . . . . . . . . .286
Architectural Plan of the Neutopian Transversity.287
The Neutopian Rituals . . . . . . . . . . . . . .290
"My own approach has been to try and seize various "net kooks" and
their ideologies for myself, to take certain terms, push their
ideology to absurdity and also try to mix in some serious thought
in the mess. The "neu neu topian" movement has been flaring
sparodically in alt.cyberspace for a couple months now and though
it is in a low point (we are trying to integrate after success),
fragments of interest to this group to remain. Check Paul Wolf,
Glass, Paul Murphy, James McGowan, Earl Dombrowski and myself
for relevant articles (though not all are relevant). Also look
for threads containing "neu" and "buttons". Mythical organizations
such as the "knight templar" and "Illuminati" along with various
theories are all attempts to create pseudo idea systems which
battle across the net.
In regards to conventional "neutonians", you must divide into several
subsets. The only "classical Neutopian" appears to be Libby Hubbard
herself. If taken as a satirist (which I strongly suspect), she is
at points brilliant and she does have a capacity to press certain
"buttons". There are a number of unassociated people with an obsession
about Libby who have been given a purpose in life by her ramblinga
and finally there are the "monster truck neutopians." The quality of
these people vary, though some are educated. A few weeks back, I
attempted to engage them in a pseudo religious war with little response
and finally silence. I'm afraid alt.society.neutopia has been disrupted
by the event and a new force known as "Mother Foundress" has moved in
to fill the vacuum. We are still evaluating the results of this
experiment and the process is in a lull.
Those in this alt.memetics who are interested in acting out actual
events of idea conflict might create pseudo neutopian ideologies
or anti neutopian ideologies and move them to alt.society.neutopia.
We can then act out aspects of Minskys "society of minds". The
cross posting of such threads is quite welcome in alt.cyberspace
because a number of our readers don't get alt.society.neutopia.
The goal is satire and absurdity with a serious edge.
- Doctress Chen -"
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Temat: Co zarobicie w USA wydacie na lekarza
>Ty i tak nie dostaniesz wizy
zgadles mam US passport wiec mi odmowia
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, March 19, 2007 – The rising cost of U.S. healthcare is a
pressing concern for 85 percent of U.S. adults[1], according to a recent survey
sponsored by the American Society for Quality (ASQ) and conducted by Harris
Interactive®. In fact, healthcare costs overtake U.S. adults’ concern for other
hot button issues including the war in Iraq (79 percent), the rising cost of
fuel (80 percent) and the threat of global warming (61 percent).
These findings contrast with results of a recent New York Times/CBS Poll that
ranked Iraq as America’s top overall issue. The issue of universal healthcare
coverage wins even stronger approval in the ASQ survey which found that 79
percent of adults believe universal coverage would improve healthcare quality.
According to the ASQ survey, nearly nine in 10 (88 percent) adults think being
able to go to any doctor would also improve the quality of their healthcare over
the next five years.
“It’s clear that Americans are getting hit hard by our current healthcare crisis
and they are looking for change,” said Dr. Jim Levett, ASQ Healthcare Division
officer. “This survey shows the increasing importance for both the U.S.
administration – as well as healthcare organizations across the country – to
look for new solutions to improve the quality of healthcare while still managing
escalating costs.”
Other survey findings:
* More than one in four U.S. adults have not filled a prescription (29
percent) or have delayed a medical procedure due to expense (28 percent). Those
most likely to not fill a prescription are adults who live in the southern
United States (35 percent South, vs. 24 percent Northeast, 25 percent Midwest
and 27 percent West). The South is where health insurance coverage is the
lowest, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
* Women are more likely than men to think universal healthcare coverage
would improve the quality of healthcare over the next 5 years (83 percent women
vs. 75 percent men). This could correlate to the finding that women (38
percent) are more likely than men (19 percent) to have failed to fill a
prescription due to expense and women (34 percent) are also more likely than men
(22 percent) to delay medical procedures due to expense.
* 68 percent of adults indicated that they thought it would improve the
quality of healthcare over the next 5 years if individuals became less dependent
on health insurance companies for the cost of their own healthcare. Men (71
percent) are more likely than women (66 percent) to indicate that they thought
lower dependency would improve healthcare quality.
* 39 percent of adults said they would be concerned/very concerned about
medical errors occurring if they were hospitalized.
* 80 percent of U.S. adults visited the doctor within the past year.
ASQ commissioned this survey in an effort to provide healthcare quality
professionals with a better understanding of the most pressing healthcare
quality and cost concerns that are affecting patients today.
About the Survey
Harris Interactive fielded the online survey within the United States on behalf
of the American Society for Quality between February 26 and February 28, 2007
among 2,758 U.S. adults 18 years of age or older. Figures for region, age
within gender, education, household income and race/ethnicity were weighted
where necessary to bring them in line with their actual proportions in the
population. The data were also weighted to be representative of the online
population of U.S. adults.
With a pure probability sample of 2,758, one could say with a 95 percent
probability that the overall results have a sampling error of +/- 3 percentage
points Sampling error for sub samples may be higher and varies. This online
survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no theoretical
sampling error can be calculated.
About Harris Interactive
Harris Interactive is the 12th largest and fastest-growing market research firm
in the world. The company provides innovative research, insights and strategic
advice to help its clients make more confident decisions which lead to
measurable and enduring improvements in performance. Harris Interactive is
widely known for The Harris Poll, one of the longest running, independent
opinion polls and for pioneering online market research methods. The company
has built what it believes to be the world’s largest panel of survey
respondents, the Harris Poll Online. Harris Interactive serves clients
worldwide through its United States, Europe and Asia offices, its wholly-owned
subsidiary Novartris in France and through a global network of independent
market research firms. More information about Harris may be obtained at
About American Society for Quality
The American Society for Quality www.asq.org is the world's leading authority on
quality. With more than 90,000 individual and organizational members, the
professional association advances learning, quality improvement and knowledge
exchange to improve business results, and to create better workplaces and
communities worldwide. ASQ is also a leader in providing resources, training,
certification and networking opportunities to professionals in healthcare.
Quality professionals across all segments of healthcare use ASQ’s resources to
improve quality of care, patient safety and satisfaction, organizational
efficiencies and the bottom line. Headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the
60-year-old organization is a founding partner of the American Customer
Satisfaction Index (ACSI), a prominent quarterly economic indicator, and also
produces the Quarterly Quality Report
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Diabeł: wielki, czarny znak zapytania. Napierski Stefan Debiutuje się do samej śmierci, a i śmierć jest też debiutem. Aleksander Kumor Dla konserwatysty refleksja nad podstawami własnego światopoglądu jest rodzajem profanacji tak samo jak konieczność udowadniania egzystencji Boga jest estetycznym zgorszeniem dla każdego prawdziwie wierzącego; jest wyprowadzaniem irracjonalnej wartości na poziom racjonalny, desakralizacją boskości, której odebrany zostaje urok tajemniczości, bez której nie można pewnie stawić czoła lewicowym czcicielom diabła na ich polach bitewnych rozumu. Georg Quabbe Dlaczego tak często ludzie, dla których bardzo dużo zrobiłeś, ciężko się na ciebie obrażają? Może dlatego, że przypominasz im o ich słabościach. Kirk Douglas, Syn śmieciarza, Autobiografia Aby uwierzyć w drugiego człowieka, należy najpierw uwierzyć w siebie. Żyć w harmonii ze światem widzialnym i niewidzialnym. Odnaleźć prawdziwe oblicze Boga. . . Ale czy miłość jest w stanie uchronić przed samotnością? Nie zapominajmy, że "Bóg ukrył piekło w samym sercu raju". Paulo Coelho