Oglądasz wypowiedzi znalezione dla hasła: Global Network
Temat: Global Deejays - Network
Global Deejays - Network
1. Intro
2. Stars On 45
3. What A Feeling (Flashdance) (Clubhouse Album Mix)
4. Lonely
5. Global Deejays ID
6. The Sound Of San Francisco (Progressive Album Mix)
7. Mr. Funk
8. Shock Me
9. Global Network ID
10. Clap Your Hands
11. Global Network Signation
12. Happy Station
13. Commercial Break
14. Its The Music (Remix)
15. What A Feeling (Flashdance) (Progressive Album Mix)
16. Talkbox
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Temat: Global Deejays - Network
02.Stars On 45
03.What A Feeling (Flashdance) (Clubhouse Album Mix)
05.Global Deejays ID
06.The Sound Of San Francisco (Progressive Album Mix)
07.Mr. Funk
08.Shock Me
09.Global Network ID
10.Clap Your Hands
11.Global Network Signation
12.Happy Station
13.Commercial Break
14.It's The Music (Remix)
15.What A Feeling (Flashdance) (Progressive Album Mix)
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Temat: Oferta pracy: Norwegian-Speaking Accounting Assistants and Graduates
Royal Dutch Shell plc. (Shell) has developed a global network of Shell
Shared Service Centres to provide first-class services to Shell
companies across the world. 4 centres are currently in existence in
Glasgow, Guatemala, Kuala Lumpur and Manila. A 5th centre was opened
in 2006 in Kraków providing services of accounting, procurement, HR
service and data management functions for some Shell companies within
Europe. This network provides a platform for large-scale specialist
expertise and process knowledge to deliver operatinally excellent and
robustly controlled processes. Currently we are looking for:
Norwegian-Speaking Accounting Assistants and Graduates
* experience in accountancy (for Assistants)
* good knowledge of Excel, Word and MS Outlook
* good English (written and spoken)
* good or communicative Norwegian
* university degree (extramural students are welcome)
* good interpersonal skills (team-player)
* attention to details
* good analytical skills.
The candidates interested in the offers are requested to send their
documents (CV and motivation letter in English with the clause on
personal data protection) at the appropriate e-mail address.
We offer a unique opportunity to participate in setup of a new
organization based on international standards, challenging tasks and
growth opportunities in a motivating work environment.
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Temat: Linux w obronie demokracji
"Ponure Zacietrzewienie" <trasz_ni@buziaczek.pl wrote in message
sipth <sipthWYTNI@autograf.pl wrote:
Lockheed Martin u¿ywa Linuksa jako systemu operacyjnego w programu obrony
rakietowej Theater High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD).
a freebsd-5 sponsorowaly literki D, A, R, P oraz A. tez mi nowosc.
(szczegol, ze finansowaly takze bsd jako takie.)
The FreeBSD Foundation received a donation of a blade system from
Hewlett-Packard for use as a third-party software build cluster. This
20-node HP BladeSystem cluster triples the speed of the build process for
i386 packages.
"We at HP recognize the important role of FreeBSD in the Internet's global
network infrastructure, and we are happy that the HP BladeSystem cluster can
contribute to the on-going success of the FreeBSD Foundation," said Mark
Potter, vice president of the Hewlett-Packard BladeSystem division
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Temat: TLK (The Linux Kernel) update
[ Article reposted from cz.comp.linux ]
[ Author was Pavel Janik ml. <Pavel.Ja@inet.cz]
[ Posted on 24 Feb 1998 07:36:18 +0100 ]
Vazeni kolegove,
vcera v noci byla updatovana kniha z LDP nazvana The Linux Kernel -
najdete ji bud primo na Linux Documentation Project serveru
(http://sunsite.unc.edu/linux) nebo na ceskych mirrorech (CESNET -
http://www.linux.cz/linuxdoc, IBM Global Network -
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Temat: dostawca internetu w niemczech
"| shap |" <s@o2.plschrieb im Newsbeitrag
Mam taką systuację mój brat mieszka w Niemczech w pobliżu Studgardu i
chciałbym mu uruchomić internet przez modem. Jaki jest tam operator i
ustawienia, zebym mógł ustawić mu dial-up'a. Z góry dzięki.
jacek s.
Planet Interkom
E-Plus Online
Tiscali Online
Easy Connect
Planet Internet
Connect Telecom
Surf 1
AT&T Global Network
http://www.dooyoo.de/internet/internet_service_provider/internet_prov... -
pod tym adresem masz testy 170 provider (operatorow)
co do ustawien, to jest to roznie.
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Temat: dostawca internetu w niemczech
pole wrote:
Planet Interkom
E-Plus Online
Tiscali Online
Easy Connect
Planet Internet
Connect Telecom
Surf 1
AT&T Global Network
buuuu.... ja chce tak w Polsce!!!
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Temat: Registration is Free to computer Programmers.
Free global network listing. AT http://www.Year2000bug.com
For all computer programmers, IT project managers and legal representatives.
c c++,
Project managers
Legal representatives
computer programmers
and Other Languages
Register your services at the global network listing for Y2K solution
and all Programmers.
Registration is Free.
Lucrative contracts to people skilled in computer programming.
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Temat: Pierwsza polska camgirl !
poproszę o jakieś krótkie .avi lub .mpeg - kota w worku nie kupuję !
-}Tych ktorzy jeszcze nie byli na mojej stronie to serdecznie
-}zapraszam :),k
-}azdego wieczoru transmisja na zywo :)))
-}Joanna TV- Global Network http://joanna.prv.pl
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Temat: Koncesje na dzierzawki
Dnia 1 Jul 99 o godz. 4:37, J.F. napisal(a):
Wlasne? To znaczy zamowili statek co poplynal do Szwecji ukladajac
swiatlowod, czy po prostu dzierzawia wlokienka od TPSA ?
Od kogo dzierzawia to nie wiem, ale wczesniej mieli lacze satelitarne, i na
pewno nie byl to kanal na satelicie kupowany od tepsy...
| POL34 tez na pewno.
Podobne pytanie..
I podobna odpowiedz ;-)
Aha, przypomnialo mi sie - firma PerytNet ma tez wlasny kanal satelitarny
do IBM Global Network. Troche tego jest...
Ludzie czesto myla fakt, ze TPSA ma monopol na miedzynarodowe uslugi
*powszechne* (tzn. telefonie) z uslugami niepowszechnymi (czyli np.
transmisja danych). Fakt, zalatwic taka koncesje na miedzynarodowa
transmisje danych nie jest latwo, ale jest to mozliwe...
Jaroslaw Rafa
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Temat: Koncesje na dzierzawki
Aha, przypomnialo mi sie - firma PerytNet ma tez wlasny kanal satelitarny
do IBM Global Network. Troche tego jest...
Jak toto uruchamiali to byla jakas dyskusja czy im wolno i z tego co
pamietam oni mieli jakas umowe z IBM czy tez przedstawicielstwo i oficjalnie
byla mowa o wpieciu sie do tej wspomnianej sieci IBM jako dealer (czy
cokolwiek) IBM a ze przy okazji na tym byl internet to juz inna broszka...
(nie pamietam dokladnie jak to wygladalo ale jakos tak)
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Temat: Prosba o wytlumaczenie routingu.
Przypomnialo mi sie, ze PerytNet i SuperMedia mialy kiedys swoje wlasne
lacza miedzynarodowe... PerytNet mial lacze satelitarne bodajze do IBM
Global Network, a do kogo SuperMedia - nie wiem... Nie wiem tez, czy te
lacza nadal dzialaja - moze ktos jest bardziej zorientowany?
Jaroslaw Rafa
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Temat: o partyzantce ( po angiesku )
REMOV wrote:
| przerzneli sprawe w iraku , nawet jesli sobie jeszcze z tego nie zdaja
| sprawy
Cholera, nie zapytali Cię o zdanie, Michał? I poza tym - co
przerżnęłi, to mówisz jakie mieli cele, które się nie udały, co?
O, sensowne pytanie.
(gen Franks, briefing dla prasy)
"First, end the regime of Saddam Hussein.
Second, to identify, isolate and eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass
Third, to search for, to capture and to drive out terrorists from that
Fourth, to collect such intelligence as we can related to terrorist
Fifth, to collect such intelligence as we can related to the global network
of illicit weapons of mass destruction
Sixth, to end sanctions and to immediately deliver humanitarian support to
the displaced and to many needy Iraqi citizens.
Seventh, to secure Iraq's oil fields and resources, which belong to the
Iraqi people.
And last, to help the Iraqi people create conditions for a transition to a
representative self-government"
Kazdy moze ocenic co i w jakim stopniu sie udalo, a co nie.
BTW, powtorze pytanie, a co bylo naszym celem, i co jest naszym celem, w
zwiazku z dzialaniami w Iraku?
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Temat: Hiszpania wycofuje sie z Iraku ( link , pol )
To że nieodnaleziono tej broni nie jest dowodem na jej nieistnienie
Zamieszam Ciw glowie jeszcze bardziej, Anatol:
Zacznijmy od tego, ze Polska, wg oficjalnego
oswiadczenia "brala udzial w rozbrajaniu Iraku" i jako jedyny
powod dzialan militarnych podano wlasnie - rozbrajanie Iraku
z broni chemicznej na podstawie rezolucji 1441.
USA zdefiniowala zupelnie inne cele wojny!
Rozbrojenie Iraku z chemii wcale nie bylo najwazniejsze, w
zwiazku z czym wykazany niedawno brak BMR nie jest dla USA
najwazniejszy, i za specjalnie sie nim nie przejmuja.
Cele wojny, briefing Franksa dla prasy:
"First, end the regime of Saddam Hussein.
Second, to identify, isolate and eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass
Third, to search for, to capture and to drive out terrorists from that
Fourth, to collect such intelligence as we can related to terrorist
Fifth, to collect such intelligence as we can related to the global network
of illicit weapons of mass destruction
Sixth, to end sanctions and to immediately deliver humanitarian support to
the displaced and to many needy Iraqi citizens.
Seventh, to secure Iraq's oil fields and resources, which belong to the
Iraqi people.
And last, to help the Iraqi people create conditions for a transition to a
representative self-government"
Pozderawiam serdecznie.
P.S. Musze konczyc na dzis.
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Temat: cele wojny w Iraku
Pozdrawiam grupowiczów
Czy kto może mi wskazać gdzie znajdują się informacje dotyczące celów
jakie podał gen Franks podczas pierszego briefingu dla prasy.
"First, end the regime of Saddam Hussein.
Second, to identify, isolate and eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass
Third, to search for, to capture and to drive out terrorists from that
Fourth, to collect such intelligence as we can related to terrorist
Fifth, to collect such intelligence as we can related to the global network
of illicit weapons of mass destruction
Sixth, to end sanctions and to immediately deliver humanitarian support to
the displaced and to many needy Iraqi citizens.
Seventh, to secure Iraq's oil fields and resources, which belong to the
Iraqi people.
And last, to help the Iraqi people create conditions for a transition to a
representative self-government"
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Welcome to Euresis!
New ideas! New opportunities! New people!
GLOBAL NETWORK OF INNOVATIONS GROUP connects science with business and
GLOBAL NETWORK OF INNOVATIONS GROUP connects business innovators.
International technology and know-how transfer centres, centres of
excellence, universities, business associations, conventions and much
Sign Up!
Tell more about yourself and build our group of innovators,
business leaders and best scientists.
New ideas - New opportunities - New people - Are waiting for you!
Why not give a chance to your colleagues, co-workers, business partners and
friends and send
this email to them?
Best regards
Jaroslaw T.
Copyright (c) Euresis
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Temat: Europejczycy na Marsa
Newsuser "Borys Dabrowski" <usun_to_bor@wp.plwrote: ...
"Zenon Kulpa" <zku@ippt.gov.plwrote:
| Byc moze (choc nie widze tego tak rozowo - gdzie te reaktory
| lataja?),
A gdzies z 800km nad Ziemia. Amerykanski program Prometheus
korzysta obficie z rosyjskiej pomocy, m.in. Rosjanie produkuja
paliwo do tych "amerykanskich" reaktorow kosmicznych.
Prosze Panie Zenonie zapytac Borysa, o jakim programie Prometheus on pisze
Ledwie go z poczatkiem roku 2003 ogloszono (tak na okraglo), a juz niby cos
jadrowego lata?
Gdzie to lata?
W ktorym ze startow cos wyniesiono?
A o Prometheus:
Ponadto ekologisci nie spia:
On May 3, a protest of "NASA Plutonium launches and warfare in space" is
slated outside the gates of the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Organized by the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space of
Gainesville, Florida, the group wants to call attention to White House
intentions to spend nearly $3 billion in the next five years to expand NASA's
nuclear space program. Moreover, they argue that any military-run space laser
project to control space requires onboard nuclear reactors too.
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Temat: מתוחים ? לחו
network of Menstrual Huts
This is a Free Bitch Zone
In a recent letter to Oprah Winfrey, I asked her to buy up all the Pizza Huts
in the world and convert them into a global network of Menstrual Huts. There,
for a few days each month, every one of us, men and women alike, would be able
to drop out of the unnatural, crazy-making rhythm of the work week and sink
luxuriously back into eternity
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Temat: KLM, K+N win Rolls-Royce contract
KLM, K+N win Rolls-Royce contract
KLM, K+N win Rolls-Royce contract
ROLLS-ROYCE has awarded KLM a three-year global contract to manage inbound
and outbound international freight forwarding for sites in the UK, USA,
Germany and Canada.
KLM Cargo Aerospace Logistics entered a joint bid with Kuehne + Nagel to
provide operational and commercial services for Rolls-Royce.
Programme manager, global physical logistics for Rolls-Royce, Ian Shellard
said: "KLM Aerospace Logistics and Kuehne + Nagel won this contract - against
some of the very best alternative companies in the logistics industry, not
least because the combination of KLM's long-standing experience in aircraft
and engine support and Kuehne + Nagel's extensive global network of offices
and facilities was uniquely suited to understanding and fulfilling our
Rolls-Royce added it will use a track and trace system which combines the
capabilities of KLM and Kuehne + Nagel's stand alone systems.
"Combining KLM's aviation skills and multi-lane control of freight capacity
with Kuehne + Nagel's operational strength, award winning IT systems and
specialist knowledge in aviation logistics, provides Rolls-Royce with a
unique logistics solution," Chris Edwards, director airfreight, Kuehne +
Nagel said.
Gert-jan van Noordt, Director Aerospace Logistics, KLM said: "The
contractually agreed improvement programme for Rolls-Royce is a challenge for
us but we believe is achievable."
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Temat: Nicki na forum czyli who is who
siur z tym ze nie napewno ;D
z tym ze wg ARIN to jedna ATT jest wlascicielem, no ale epsy wiedzom lepiej bo
ARIN to hamerykanki szit ;)
ja nie wiem jak sie kol unia laczy - VPN,dial up do stanwo ? operator
virtualny? zakres NALEZY do ATT
IP range : -
Network name : ATT-32-0-0-0-A
Infos : AT&T Global Network Services
Infos : 3200 Lake Emma Road
Infos : Lake Mary
Infos : FL
Infos : 32746
Country : United States of America (US)
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Temat: Nicki na forum czyli who is who
Nick "Unia" - prawda jest ze z Belgii
To nie prawda, jestem w Belgii i wcale nie w USA lub EN itp..
Tes informations à mon sujet sont fausses !
IP range : -
"Network name : ATT-32-0-0-0-A
Infos : AT&T Global Network Services
Infos : 3200 Lake Emma Road
Infos : Lake Mary
Infos : FL
Infos : 32746
Country : United States of America (US)"
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Temat: Herb Czeladzi zmieniany już dwukrotnie w ciągu ...
CTV is a Canadian English language television network. It is Canada's largest privately owned network, the main television asset of CTVglobemedia, one of the country's largest media conglomerates. Since 2002, CTV has consistently placed as Canada's top-rated network in total viewers and in key demographics, after several years trailing the rival Global network in key markets.
There has never been a full name for the initials "CTV". However, many people take them to mean "Canadian Television", which was used in a promotional campaign by the network in the late 1990s.
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Temat: Lucent otwiera Globalne Centr.Zarządzania Sieciami
Lucent otwiera Globalne Centr.Zarządzania Sieciami
PIĄTEK, 28 LIPCA 2006 R.
Bydgoszcz, Polska – Lucent Technologies (NYSE: LU) ogłosił dzisiaj otwarcie
Globalnego Centrum Zarządzania Sieciami (GNOC - Global Network Operations
Center) w Bydgoszczy, gdzie mieści się siedziba firmy w Polsce.
Lucent oferuje klientom na całym świecie usługi Managed Services, i zgodnie z
tą strategią usługową polskie centrum – piąte już centrum GNOC Lucenta na
świecie, zapewniać będzie operatorom szereg usług zarządzania sieciami
telekomunikacyjnymi i hostingu aplikacji. Usługi te obejmować będą m.in.
monitoring sieci, wsparcie techniczne, dostarczanie usług oraz usługi hostingu
aplikacji komunikacyjnych. Centrum GNOC w Bydgoszczy rozpoczęło działalność w
lipcu 2006 r.
kto chce moze sie cieszyc ;)
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Temat: Jak to robią COPNIACKI???
Dear Our_Magdalenko
The problem of Copniack?s biology is his duality. He
excises it two different dimensions. He is a kind of
not material abstractive being, on the other hand he is
a material, biological species. As the ideal being, he
reproduce himself due to Global Network. He simply
login to our common loveliest ?Gazeta.pl?. Using a
Latin alphabet he creates a sign of his existence and
through the screens of our computers he gets into our
minds. Than he jumps in to ours brain neurones and he
starts his intellectual-parasite like live. He bites
our minds so long, as we do not start listen to
Kaczmarski, Gintrowski and Lapinski. He makes us
addicted to them. Maybe we witness right now, for the
first time a moment of invasion of ?Virtual-Biological
Bug Called Copi? (VBBCC ? please notice the one who
said that for the first time). Fore example, just a few
month ago, I did not need to listen to them at all. Now
I can peacefully exist ONLY in case I listen their
songs fore at list 3 hours per day (minimum dose).
So I must to tell you! All of you!
COPNIACK HAS GOT US !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He has already reproduced him self!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The dream becomes the true. The evolution has begun:
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Temat: dobra lecę ale potrzebuję waszej rady :)
Nie wiem jak w przypadku MET, ale na pewno jest zniżka w Guggenheimie (-$5),
Museum of Natural History ($4 za wejscie) czy w katedrze St. John. Sprawdzone
na własnej osobie. Jak masz wątpliwości to zobacz na stronie www.isic.org :
>With access to a global network of affordable and specialised student
services, the ISIC is your passport to more than 32,000 discounts and benefits
in 106 countries worldwide.
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Temat: Oferta Pracy: Italian-Speaking Graduates, Accounting Assistants and Process Accountant
Do you still think of Shell as an oil company? In fact we are a global
group of energy and petrochemicals companies, operating in over 140
countries and territories and employing more than 112, 000 people. Our
core values of honesty, integrity and respect for people define who we
are and how we work.
Royal Dutch Shell plc. (Shell) has developed a global network of Shell
Shared Service Centres to provide first-class services to Shell
companies across the world. 4 centres are currently in existence in
Glasgow, Guatemala, Kuala Lumpur and Manila. A 5th centre was opened
in 2006 in Kraków providing services of accounting, procurement, HR
service and data management functions for some Shell companies within
Europe. This network provides a platform for large-scale specialist
expertise and process knowledge to deliver operatinally excellent and
robustly controlled processes. Currently we are looking for:
Italian-Speaking Graduates, Accounting Assistants and Process
* experience in accountancy (not required for Graduates)
* university degree
* very good English (written and oral)
* good or communicative Italian
* good analytical skills and attention to details
* good interpersonal skills (team-player) and customer focus
* good working knowledge of MS Office tools and MS Outlook.
We offer a unique opportunity to participate in setup of a new
organization based on international standards, challenging tasks and
growth opportunities in a motivating work environment.
The candidates interested in the offers are requested to send their
documents (CV and motivation letter in English with the clause on
personal data protection) at the appropriate e-mail address:
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Temat: Pierwsza polska camgirl !
Czesc ! :)))
Tych ktorzy jeszcze nie byli na mojej stronie to serdecznie zapraszam :),k
azdego wieczoru transmisja na zywo :)))
Joanna TV- Global Network http://joanna.prv.pl
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Temat: Dlaczego przegramy w Afganistanie i Iraku
Z formalnego punktu widzenia nietrudno.
Przypominam: wygrywa ten, kto osiągnie cel gry, w tym przypadku cel jaki
sobie postawił przystępując do wojny. Kto tego nie zrealizuje ten przegrywa.
Dla porzadku dodajmy, ze cele rzeczywiste moga nie byc zbiezne z celami
publiczne deklarowanymi, wobec tego nie zawsze je nawet ZNAMY, a takze
ze w przypadku wojen dluzej trwajacych cele moga sie zmieniac z czasem,
a takze ze w praktyce coraz rzadziej wystepuje klasycznie prosty
przypadek polegajacy na tym ze celem gracza A jest tylko i wylacznie
przeciwdzialanie graczowi B, moze byc i tak ze w wyniku wojny obie
strony zrealizuja swoje cele, zadna ze stron nie zrealizuje swoich celow,
lub ze obie strony zrealizuja je w pewnym stopniu, a propaganda wszystkich
graczy oglosi zwyciestwo i tak.
Przyklad z zycia.
Cele wojny w Iraku (osiem) jak oglosil gen. Franks:
"First, end the regime of Saddam Hussein.
Second, to identify, isolate and eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.
Third, to search for, to capture and to drive out terrorists from that country.
Fourth, to collect such intelligence as we can related to terrorist networks.
Fifth, to collect such intelligence as we can related to the global network
of illicit weapons of mass destruction.
Sixth, to end sanctions and to immediately deliver humanitarian
support to the displaced and to many needy Iraqi citizens.
Seventh, to secure Iraq's oil fields and resources, which belong to
the Iraqi people.
And last, to help the Iraqi people create conditions for a transition
to a representative self-government"
Celowo pozostawiam w oryginale.
Jak widac czesc deklarowanych celow okazala sie nierealizowalna z tego
powodu ze byla, jak to sie mowi, "bezprzedmiotowa" (second, third),
czesc nie wymagala wojny w ogole (sixth) z cala pewnoscia natomiast
zrealizowano cel numer jeden...
wygrywa ten, kto osiagnie cel gry
Gdyby to bylo takie proste... ;-)
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Temat: o partyzantce ( po angiesku )
Użytkownik "Michal Kukula" <mic@alpha.net.plnapisał:
"First, end the regime of Saddam Hussein.
OK. Załatwione.
Second, to identify, isolate and eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass
OK. Załatwione. W specyficzny sposób, ale załatwione :o)
Third, to search for, to capture and to drive out terrorists from that
Definicja terrorysty jest bardzo obszerna, ale można powiedzieć, że
jest to załatwione. Na jakiś czas przynajmniej, bowiem terroryzmu
wyeliminować się nie da. Co prawda, nie podejrzewam Irakijczyków o
desperacje równą palestyńskiej, acz zamachów można się spodziewać.
Fourth, to collect such intelligence as we can related to terrorist
Jak wyżej.
Fifth, to collect such intelligence as we can related to the global
of illicit weapons of mass destruction
OK. Załatwione.
Sixth, to end sanctions and to immediately deliver humanitarian support
to the displaced and to many needy Iraqi citizens.
OK Tym się zajmują min. Polacy.
Seventh, to secure Iraq's oil fields and resources, which belong to the
Iraqi people.
OK. Poza sporadycznymi przypadkami jest to załatwione.
And last, to help the Iraqi people create conditions for a transition to
representative self-government"
OK. W trakcie.
Kazdy moze ocenic co i w jakim stopniu sie udalo, a co nie.
Ja tam widzę, że udało się wszystko. Ostatni punkt jest w trakcie
realizacji, ale też jego realizacja będzie trwała latami.
BTW, powtorze pytanie, a co bylo naszym celem, i co jest naszym
celem, w zwiazku z dzialaniami w Iraku?
Działania stabilizacyjne. Czyli jest to inna nazwa misji pokojowej -
mamy te same cele, które przyświecały nam w innych misjach tego typu, ale
działamy na większą skalę. No i - chcemy na tym też nieco zarobić :o)
Przejrzyj resztę wiadomości
Temat: Czas na ofensywe
Ale my tu, sadzilem, chcemy dyskutowac o faktach, a nie o ich propagandowej
Ale to na prawde nie jest jasne co jest kleska a co zwyciestwem.
Inaczej - zwyciestwo to realizacja celow wojny, kleska to ich niezrealizowanie,
problem tylko w tym ze kazdy co innego uznaje za _prawdziwe_
amerykanskie cele tej wojny.
Oficjalne cele wojny, briefing Franksa dla prasy:
"First, end the regime of Saddam Hussein.
Second, to identify, isolate and eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass
Third, to search for, to capture and to drive out terrorists from that
Fourth, to collect such intelligence as we can related to terrorist
Fifth, to collect such intelligence as we can related to the global network
of illicit weapons of mass destruction
Sixth, to end sanctions and to immediately deliver humanitarian support to
the displaced and to many needy Iraqi citizens.
Seventh, to secure Iraq's oil fields and resources, which belong to the
Iraqi people.
And last, to help the Iraqi people create conditions for a transition to a
representative self-government"
Jak widac niektore cele zostaly zrealizowane, niektore okazaly sie
"bezprzedmiotowe" (drugi), niektore nie tylko nie zrealizowano
ale wrecz sytuacja sie pogorszyla (Cel trzeci prawda? - skoro mowi
sie dzis o NAPLYWIE terrorystow do Iraku ! )
I co, Stany wygraly ta wojne, wygrywaja, przegrywaja, a moze maja juz
dzis inne cele?
To nie taka banalna sprawa jednak...
P.S - Uwaga, wsrod celow wojny nie wymieniono demokracji...
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Temat: _Interpol ostrzega_ islamisci zaatakuja virusami.
_Interpol ostrzega_ islamisci zaatakuja virusami.
Bioterror i terror nuklearny to tylko kwestia czasu ! Tak sadzi Interpol !
Islamisci juz pichca i kombinuja jak wytruc niewiernych (ktorzy chca
ich INTEGROWAC ) . Niestety przygotujmy sie na najgorsze ( mully tego
nie potepiaja ).
Interpol: Bioterror attack imminent
Interpol officials say bioterrorist attack by al-Qaeda is clear and present
danger. We need to be ready today, not tomorrow, Interpol chief says
Associated Press
A bioterrorist attack is not a case of "if" But "when," the international
police organization Interpol warned Monday, citing threats by the al-Qaeda
terror network to use biological weapons to kill millions of people.
Bioterror Threats
Germany: 'Dirty bomb' risk grows / Reuters
German spy chief warns of 'very concrete threat', saying it is 'no real
problem' to produce chemical, biological weapons
Full Story
Interpol Secretary General Ronald K. Noble said the world was woefully
unprepared to cope with the impact of such a bioterrorist attack and said
there was too little cooperation between law enforcement and public health
authorities on the issue.
"In my view, al-Qaeda's global network, its desire to do the unthinkable and
the evidence collected about its bioterrorist ambitions ominously portend a
clear and present danger of the highest order that al-Qaeda will perpetrate a
biological terrorist attack," he said at the opening session of a three-day
workshop to train African police agencies on how to reduce the risk of
The workshop, the first of three regional meetings, follows a conference at
Interpol headquarters in France on the issue earlier this year
Noble cited al-Qaeda claims that it has the right to kill 4 million people
using biological and chemical weapons.
South African police chief Jackie Selebi, president of Interpol, said there
was a need for much more global cooperation and an increase in resources to
reduce the threat.
"If it is not 'if' but 'when,' we need to be ready today, not tomorrow,"
Selebi said. "we should have been ready yesterday."
(11.21.05, 15:15)
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Temat: Polanski aresztowany
Moreover, the Times editors know that their position carries weight.
The editorial will help poison the atmosphere against Polanski and
undermine his ability to defend himself against the authorities. The
Times is more than willing to throw Polanski to the wolves if it
will appease its reactionary critics, even for a day.
American liberalism at present is entirely without principle or
scruples. This wretched decay of principles, not to mention
humanity, is by no means an exclusively American phenomenon. In
Europe, a concerted campaign is underway to turn public opinion,
initially sympathetic to Polanski’s plight, against the director.
And there as well, the leading role is being played by the
representatives of the official “left.”
Daniel Cohn-Bendit—a leading European Green politician—has made
common cause with the fascist Le Pen in chastising French ministers
for expressing outrage over Polanski’s arrest. Back in 1968, Cohn-
Bendit was the notorious “Danny the Red.” He has spent much of the
last 40 years atoning for his youthful excesses and proving the
enduring truth of the old French adage, “Before 30 a revolutionary;
afterwards a swine.”
Justice must be served, intone the Times and the rest of the
mainstream media. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. The entire
American establishment has agreed that “the country must move
forward” and that the CIA and military criminals who ran—or continue
to run—Guantánamo, Abu Ghraib, Bagram and the global network
of “black sites,” where those illegally detained have been sexually
abused, tortured and, in some cases, murdered, should go unpunished
for their heinous acts.
George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald
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Temat: Sikorski: Tusk pokazał w USA, że jest zawodniki...
List profesorów& org. pokojowych w US do Premiera
List wysłany w poniedziałek rano do Ambasady RP w Waszyngtonie i do polskiego
Konsulatu w Nowym Jorku.
We współpracy z Polską Kampanią Przeciwko Militaryzmowi www.tarcza.org i
Kontakt dla mediów: +48662535719 lub tarcza@bzzz.net
Premier Donald Tusk
Rzeczpospolita Polska
Szanowny premierze Tusk,
Piszemy jako osoby prywatne i w imieniu organizacji działających w Stanach
Zjednoczonych. Jesteśmy zaangażowani w obronę praw człowieka i promujemy
pokojowe stosunki pomiędzy narodami. Jesteśmy bardzo zaniepokojeni działaniami
rządów Polski i Czech zmierzającymi do zawarcia porozumienia z administracją
prezydenta Busha w sprawie powstania amerykańskich baz wojskowych w tych krajach
pomimo, iż większość społeczeństwa jest przeciwna tym działaniom. Budowa nowych
baz amerykańskich grozi rozpoczęciem nowej Zimnej Wojny pomiędzy USA, a Rosją.
Tego rodzaju inicjatywy nie mają nic wspólnego z prawdziwą obroną i stanowią w
rzeczywistości wyraz agresywnej polityki militarnej USA.
· Campaign for Peace and Democracy
· Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
· Humanist Movement-U.S.
· Physicians for Social Responsibility/NYC
· Peace Action
Oraz następujące osoby prywatne (nazwy organizacji tylko w celach informacyjnych)
1. Anthony Arnove, pisarz, Brooklyn, NY
2. Stanley Aronowitz, wybitny profesor socjologii, CUNY Graduate Center
3. Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies
4. Norman Birnbaum, University Professor Emeritus, Georgetown University Law Center
5. Eileen Boris, Hull Professor of Women's Studies, University of California at
Santa Barbara
6. Laura Boylan, MD, Assistant Professor, New York University School of Medicine
7. Jeremy Brecher, historyk
8. Vinie Burrows, Przedstawiciel ONZ, Women's s International Democratic Federation
9. Leslie Cagan, Krajowy koordynator, United for Peace and Justice
10. Noam Chomsky, emerytowany profesor, MIT
Czytaj wiecej:
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Temat: wypracowanko, proofreading
wypracowanko, proofreading
czy ktos zechce rzcic okiem na 'wypracowanie' czy wszystko trybi?
Dear XY,
XYZ.com is the first global network and a free-access way for international
students from all over Europe and elsewhere to connect and share their abroad
experience with other fellow students, including exchange coordinators from
respective institutions. Our innovative project is supported by the European
We bring for all the people engaged in international exchange programmes a new
place where they can get to know with each other and find any information they
are looking for. With all the required tools students are able to prepare
their trip thoroughly beforehand.
When signing in, every student is asked to indicate the name of its sending
and receiving institution, so as to be automatically recognized by his future
fellow students and to be able to find the information he needs in the most
effective way. Every user gets a personal account and has access to message
boards. Every bit of information about universities, courses, scholars, halls
of residence, public transport and entertainment - now all of that is
organized and just one click away.
(Additionnally, members of our website can easily book tickets online for
various means of transportation, find a flat to rent and look for flatmates or
roommates, open a bank account and deal with all the sometimes mundane, but
essential tasks to ensure the success of the residence abroad.)
Our goal is also to cooperate with you as the coordinator of international
exchange programme at the University of XYZ. We offer you an account with no
fees whatsoever that provides you with communication facilities with incoming
and outgoing students as well as with coordinators from other educational
institutions. Send announcements to your students, publish downloadable files
for them, follow their ups and downs and more!
Please take a brief moment and respond to the following questions:
1. As a coordinator of international exchange programmes, what main
difficulties or challenges have you been facing? If possible, we would like to
help and hopefully resolve the situation for you.
2. Is there any other suggestion you would like to make regarding our possible
Let us stress once again that becoming member of our website is completely
free of charge for unlimited period.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
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Temat: Moda - meski punkt widzenia (ang.) :-D
Moda - meski punkt widzenia (ang.) :-D
"Who actually decides the new colours of the season? Is it God? No, it's not.
It's actually a global network of analysts and trend forecasters in
organisations like the Color Association of the United States (CAUS) and
Pantone Inc. who together form a kind of new black Bilderberg Group. They
meet in secret, possibly in Davos, possibly in a hi-tech base built into a
volcano, and usually let the weakest link in the group - possibly the one
with a distasteful penchant for lime green - take their chances down the
shark chute.
Their forecasts infuence designers of shirts, paper products, cars, tiles,
paints, silk flowers and lipstick. When they say 'Aqua', the rest of the
world says, 'How high?' These people know about colour. The CAUS website
boasts: 'Pinks and fuchsia were everywhere in spring 2003; CAUS members knew
this in spring of 2001'. That's some serious knowledge.
But predicting colours is a strange pursuit - a bit like predicting cows.
Basically, they're just kind of there; not really getting any better or worse
with the passage of time. This partly explains why, describing their recent
aqua-blue ranges, designers Narciso Rodriguez and Michael Kor could only
really claim inspiration from seeing - surprise! - some blue water.
'Colour is always out there', pointed out Leatrice Eiseman, executive
directive of the Pantone Color Institute, to Time magazine.'We just have to
determine where it's coming from at any given time.'
Beware of flying color. It's 'out there'."
Steve Lowe & Alan McArthur "Is it just me or is everything shit? The
encyclopedia of modern life"
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Temat: Oferta Pracy w Krakowie dla Ksiegowych
Oferta Pracy w Krakowie dla Ksiegowych
Hungarian Speaking Accountants
- Graduates, Accounting Assistants, Process & Senior Accountants - are
required to work in newly open Shell Shared Service Centre in Kraków!
•experience in accountancy (min. 1 year for Process Accountants, min. 3 years
for Senior Process Accountants)
•good knowledge of Excel, Word and MS Outlook
•good English (written and spoken)
•good or communicative Hungarian
•university degree (extramural students are welcome)
•good interpersonal skills (team-player)
•attention to details
•good analytical skills.
The candidates interested in the offers are requested to send their documents
(CV and motivation letter in English with the clause on personal data
protection) at the appropriate e-mail address: lang.int@hrk.pl
We offer a unique opportunity to participate in setup of a new organization
based on international standards, challenging tasks and growth opportunities
in a motivating work environment.
Do you still think of Shell as an oil company? In fact we are a global group
of energy and petrochemicals companies, operating in over 140 countries and
territories and employing more than 112,000 people. Our core values of
honesty, integrity and respect for people define who we are and how we work.
Royal Dutch Shell plc. (Shell) has developed a global network of Shell Shared
Service Centres to provide first-class services to Shell companies across the
world. 4 centres are currently in existence in Glasgow, Guatemala, Kuala
Lumpur and Manila. A 5th centre was opened in 2006 in Kraków providing
services of accounting, procurement, HR service and data management functions
for some Shell companies within Europe. This network provides a platform for
large-scale specialist expertise and process knowledge to deliver
operatinally excellent and robustly controlled processes. Currently we are
looking for Hungarian Speaking Accountants.
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Temat: Great Satan to the rescue ... again and again and
przyklad pozytywny
> Pawel a moze bardziej produktywnie i ciekawie bedzie zamiast krytykowac innych
- nie bylo moja intencja krytykowanie kogokolwiek - wlaczylem sie do dyskuscji
> napiszesz cos ciekawego o Australii w temacie.
zdaje sie ze Ci to umknelo - b. ciekawy przyklad produktywnej pomocy:
(kopiuje, by bylo latwiej):
For more than 30 years, Opportunity International has been a leading specialist
provider of Micro-Enterprise Development (MED). Opportunity International helps
the poor to help themselves. Charity and aid can help the poor for a time, but
what every person needs is the ability to provide for themselves - for the long
MED is the provision of collateral-free business loans, training, mentoring and
leadership development to chronically poor adults empowering them to start or
expand their own small businesses. By tackling the causes of poverty at the
grass-roots, this method has proven to be one of the most effective and
sustainable ways to solve poverty.
Credit entrusted into the hands of poor families has remarkable results.
Opportunity International has a worldwide repayment rate of 98 per cent on both
principal and interest. This means all donations are recycled and re-loaned,
thereby creating and sustaining many businesses.
A small loan of just A$120 will create a business.
As the business grows, income is generated and families are able to meet basic
needs like food, education, medical care, and housing. Instead of relying on
charity or handouts, the poor are being empowered to solve poverty for this
generation and the next. Step by step, the family moves from dependency to
This is the work and passion of Opportunity International. From humble
beginnings, the Opportunity Global Network has distributed more than one
million small business loans in 27 countries around the world. Every day at
least 2,500 families receive help - that's one job created or maintained every
35 seconds - and these results improve every year.
Przejrzyj resztę wiadomości
Temat: Parca w Krakowie dla osób znających Norweski
Parca w Krakowie dla osób znających Norweski
Norwegian Speaking Accountants -
Graduates, Accounting Assistants, Process & Senior Accountants - are required
to work in newly open Shell Shared Service Centre in Kraków
•experience in accountancy (min. 1 year for Process Accountants, min. 3 years
for Senior Process Accountants)
•good knowledge of Excel, Word and MS Outlook
•good English (written and spoken)
•good or communicative Norwegian
•university degree (extramural students are welcome)
•good interpersonal skills (team-player)
•attention to details
•good analytical skills.
The candidates interested in the offers are requested to send their documents
(CV and motivation letter in English with the clause on personal data
protection) at the appropriate e-mail address:
We offer a unique opportunity to participate in setup of a new organization
based on international standards, challenging tasks and growth opportunities
in a motivating work environment.
Do you still think of Shell as an oil company? In fact we are a global group
of energy and petrochemicals companies, operating in over 140 countries and
territories and employing more than 112,000 people. Our core values of
honesty, integrity and respect for people define who we are and how we work.
Royal Dutch Shell plc. (Shell) has developed a global network of Shell Shared
Service Centres to provide first-class services to Shell companies across the
world. 4 centres are currently in existence in Glasgow, Guatemala, Kuala
Lumpur and Manila. A 5th centre was opened in 2006 in Kraków providing
services of accounting, procurement, HR service and data management functions
for some Shell companies within Europe. This network provides a platform for
large-scale specialist expertise and process knowledge to deliver
operatinally excellent and robustly controlled processes. Currently we are
looking for Norwegian Speaking Accountants.
Przejrzyj resztę wiadomości
Temat: Praca w Krakowie dla osób znających Holenderski
Praca w Krakowie dla osób znających Holenderski
Dutch Speaking Accountants
Graduates, Accounting Assistants, Process & Senior Accountants are required
to work in newly open Shell Shared Service Centre in Kraków
•experience in accountancy (min. 1 year for Process Accountants, min. 3 years
for Senior Process Accountants)
•good knowledge of Excel, Word and MS Outlook
•good English (written and spoken)
•good or communicative Hungarian
•university degree (extramural students are welcome)
•good interpersonal skills (team-player)
•attention to details
•good analytical skills.
The candidates interested in the offers are requested to send their documents
(CV and motivation letter in English with the clause on personal data
protection) at the appropriate e-mail address: lang.int@hrk.pl
We offer a unique opportunity to participate in setup of a new organization
based on international standards, challenging tasks and growth opportunities
in a motivating work environment.
Do you still think of Shell as an oil company? In fact we are a global group
of energy and petrochemicals companies, operating in over 140 countries and
territories and employing more than 112,000 people. Our core values of
honesty, integrity and respect for people define who we are and how we work.
Royal Dutch Shell plc. (Shell) has developed a global network of Shell Shared
Service Centres to provide first-class services to Shell companies across the
world. 4 centres are currently in existence in Glasgow, Guatemala, Kuala
Lumpur and Manila. A 5th centre was opened in 2006 in Kraków providing
services of accounting, procurement, HR service and data management functions
for some Shell companies within Europe. This network provides a platform for
large-scale specialist expertise and process knowledge to deliver
operatinally excellent and robustly controlled processes. Currently we are
looking for Dutch speaking Accountants.
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Temat: Zła święta?
Buddyjska dobroczynnośc w Japonii
song_mun napisał:
> czego np. nie da się niestety powiedzieć o
> polskich szkołach buddyjskich (nie są tu odosobnione - w Japonii jest
> podobnie)
Zgadzam się w pełni z treścią Twojego postu, ale nie z tym fragmentem.
Japońskie szkoły buddyjskie mają całkiem sporo zasług na polu dobroczynności.
Podam kilka linków:
- Buddhist NGO Network of Japan (BNN) - zrzesza 40 mniejszych organizacji
budyjskich, działa zarówno w Japonii jak i krajach Azji (Bangladesz, Iran),
wydaje rocznie około 7 mln jenów,
- Tendai-shu, Ichiguu no Terasu Undou - prowadzona przez Tendai, działa głównie
w Indochinach i Indiach,
- Risshou Koseikai Donate a Meal - prowadzona przez Rissho Koseikai i Singon,
działa w Indochinach i na Filipinach gdzie wspiera finansowo dobroczynne
organizacje katolickie,
- Shanti Volunteer Association - prowadzona przez szkołę Soto,
- Buddhist Aid Centre - głównie Nichiren, buduje szkoły w Laosie,
- Relief, Asisst, Comfort, Kindness - działa w Indochinach, Indiach i na Sri Lance,
- The Arigatou Foundation - pomaga dzieciom, głównie w Nepalu, zaincjowała
Global Network of Religions for Children - międzyreligijną organizację
wspierającą dzieci w trudnej sytuacji na całym świecie
- Ayus Buddhist Int. Coop. Network - kolejna organizacja pomagająca dzieciom
żyjacym w trudnych warunkach (gł. Korei Płn i Palestynie),
- Terra Net - zrzesza kilkadziesiąt świątyń różnych szkół, prowadzi działalnośc
charytatywną na terenie Azji
To oczywiście nie wszystko.
Uważa się, że buddyjska działalnośc charytatywna w Japonii uległa znacznej
intensyfikacji po wielkim trzęsieniu ziemi w Kobe w latach dziewięcdziesiątych.
Obyśmy i my nauczyli się tak reagowac na nieszczęścia!
Przejrzyj resztę wiadomości
Temat: APV otwiera fabrykę w Bydgoszczy
APV to open manufacturing plant in Poland
APV, part of the international Invensys group, specialising in turnkey
solutions and specialised equipment for the food, dairy and healthcare
industries worldwide, is pleased to announce the opening of a new manufacturing
facility in Bydgoszcz, north western Poland.
This new factory will further strengthen APV’s local presence and capabilities
in the rapidly growing market of Eastern Europe, highlighted by the latest
contracts awarded to APV in Poland.
This facility strengthens APV’s manufacturing capability and follows the
opening of a state-of-the-art facility in Shanghai, China earlier this year.
Manufacturing will commence in a temporary facility at the Bydgoszcz site from
September 2006, pending completion of a state-of-the-art factory. It is
anticipated the move to the new site will take place during 2007.
About APV
APV is a world leader of high quality process technologies and engineering
solutions for the dairy, food, beverage, brewing, pharmaceutical and healthcare
industries. As a subsidiary of Invensys plc, APV has access through its sister
companies to some of the latest and most innovative automation systems. From
engineered components through to complete, fully automated process plants, the
company focuses on adding value to its customers’ business performance and
profitability. APV’s range of manufactured products includes heat exchangers,
homogenisers, pumps and valves for hygienic applications.
APV's services extend far beyond the product itself. From manufacturing the
equipment to offering our customers an extensive, global network of after-sales
parts and services, APV ensures that the equipment performs to optimum
efficiency throughout its lifetime.
APV solutions are supplied through its global network of sales and service
offices located in more than 40 countries throughout the world.
About Invensys
Invensys is a global automation, control and process solutions group. Its
products, service expertise and ongoing support enable intelligent systems to
monitor and control processes in many different environments. Leading companies
in a wide range of industries rely on Invensys to help them perform with
greater efficiency, safety and cost-effectiveness.
The Invensys Group comprises five businesses: Process Systems, APV, Eurotherm,
Rail Systems and Controls. The Group is headquartered in London, employs more
than 30,000 employees in 60 countries, and is listed on the London Stock
:) znalezione
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Temat: Onet.pl LUCENT zainwestuje w Bydgoszczy
Onet.pl LUCENT zainwestuje w Bydgoszczy
Centrum Lucent Technologies w Polsce
(Inf. Własna, pr/29.07.2006, godz. 12:38)
Lucent Technologies Poland, firma będąca częścią światowej korporacji Lucent
Technologies, ogłosił otwarcie Globalnego Centrum Zarządzania Sieciami (GNOC -
Global Network Operations Center) w Bydgoszczy - poinformowała spółka w
Lucent oferuje klientom na całym świecie usługi Managed Services, i zgodnie z
tą strategią usługową polskie centrum - piąte już centrum GNOC Lucenta na
świecie, zapewniać będzie operatorom szereg usług zarządzania sieciami
telekomunikacyjnymi i hostingu aplikacji. Usługi te obejmować będą m.in.
monitoring sieci, wsparcie techniczne, dostarczanie usług oraz usługi
hostingu aplikacji komunikacyjnych. Centrum GNOC w Bydgoszczy rozpoczęło
działalność w lipcu 2006 r.
"Nowe centrum GNOC to rozszerzenie naszych globalnych możliwości w zakresie
zarządzania sieciami i innych usług Managed Services" - powiedział David
Dial, wiceprezes Managed Services, Lucent Worldwide Services.
"Otwarcie polskiego centrum GNOC to wyraz zaufania, jakim Lucent obdarza nasz
lokalny zespół ekspertów, a także pozytywny znak dla polskiego rynku i dla
całego regionu" - powiedział Andrzej Dulka, Dyrektor Generalny, Polska i
Centra GNOC Lucenta zarządzają obecnie ponad 40 różnych sieci
telekomunikacyjnych, począwszy od sieci DSL i IP, po sieci optyczne i
transmisji głosu, zbudowanych z setek lub tysięcy elementów sieciowych,
obsługujących różne typy klientów, począwszy od nowych operatorów sieci IP po
tradycyjnych operatorów telekomunikacyjnych, przedsiębiorstwa i agencje
Lucent Technologies Poland, dostarcza rozwiązania komunikacyjne dla
operatorów telekomunikacyjnych w Polsce i za granicą. Firma obecna jest na
polskim rynku od 1990 roku.
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Temat: CIA wiedziało wcześniej
CIA wiedziało wcześniej
Mossad warned CIA of attacks - report
By Douglas Davis
LONDON (September 17) - Mossad officials traveled to Washington last month to
warn the CIA and the FBI that a cell of up to 200 terrorists was planning a
major operation, according to a report in the Sunday Telegraph here yesterday.
The paper said the Israeli officials specifically warned their counterparts in
Washington that "large-scale terrorist attacks on highly visible targets on the
American mainland were imminent." They offered no specific information about
targets, but they did link the plot to Afghanistan-based terrorist Osama bin
Laden, and they told the Americans there were "strong grounds" for suspecting
Iraqi involvement.
A US administration official told the paper that it was "quite credible" that
the CIA did not heed the Mossad warning: "It has a history of being over-
cautious about Israeli information." But the official noted that "if this is
true, then the refusal to take it seriously will mean heads will roll."
In another development, the Sunday Times reported that an account at a branch
of Barclays Bank in the London district of Notting Hill was used by a suspected
bin Laden lieutenant to finance and disseminate Bin Laden''s fatwas (religious
rulings) and to maintain contacts with various elements in bin Laden''s global
The account was held by Saudi dissident Khalid al-Fawwaz, who is currently
being held in custody awaiting the outcome of extradition proceedings to the
United States on charges of conspiring with bin Laden to murder Americans.
The Barclays account is understood to form part of a web of bank accounts and
front companies used by bin Laden to underwrite his Al Qaida terror network.
Court documents link Fawwaz to a Bin Laden fatwa calling for the death of
American civilians "anywhere in the world they can be found," which was faxed
directly to him by Bin Laden.
Fawwaz was personally appointed by bin Laden to set up and run the London-based
Advice and Reformation Committee. The organization was ostensibly dedicated to
war-relief work, but British and US officials now believe it was in fact a
component in Bin Laden''s terror network.
Fawwaz is also thought to have been directly involved in the terrorist cell
that perpetrated the simultaneous bombings of the US embassies in Dar es Salaam
and Nairobi in 1998. More than 200 people died in those attacks.
Przejrzyj resztę wiadomości
Temat: Mossad warned CIA of attacks, By Douglas Davis
Mossad warned CIA of attacks, By Douglas Davis
LONDON (September 17) - Mossad officials traveled to Washington last month to
warn the CIA and the FBI that a cell of up to 200 terrorists was planning a
major operation, according to a report in the Sunday Telegraph here yesterday.
The paper said the Israeli officials specifically warned their counterparts in
Washington that "large-scale terrorist attacks on highly visible targets on the
American mainland were imminent." They offered no specific information about
targets, but they did link the plot to Afghanistan-based terrorist Osama bin
Laden, and they told the Americans there were "strong grounds" for suspecting
Iraqi involvement.
A US administration official told the paper that it was "quite credible" that
the CIA did not heed the Mossad warning: "It has a history of being over-
cautious about Israeli information." But the official noted that "if this is
true, then the refusal to take it seriously will mean heads will roll."
In another development, the Sunday Times reported that an account at a branch
of Barclays Bank in the London district of Notting Hill was used by a suspected
bin Laden lieutenant to finance and disseminate Bin Laden''s fatwas (religious
rulings) and to maintain contacts with various elements in bin Laden''s global
The account was held by Saudi dissident Khalid al-Fawwaz, who is currently
being held in custody awaiting the outcome of extradition proceedings to the
United States on charges of conspiring with bin Laden to murder Americans.
The Barclays account is understood to form part of a web of bank accounts and
front companies used by bin Laden to underwrite his Al Qaida terror network.
Court documents link Fawwaz to a Bin Laden fatwa calling for the death of
American civilians "anywhere in the world they can be found," which was faxed
directly to him by Bin Laden.
Fawwaz was personally appointed by bin Laden to set up and run the London-based
Advice and Reformation Committee. The organization was ostensibly dedicated to
war-relief work, but British and US officials now believe it was in fact a
component in Bin Laden''s terror network.
Fawwaz is also thought to have been directly involved in the terrorist cell
that perpetrated the simultaneous bombings of the US embassies in Dar es Salaam
and Nairobi in 1998. More than 200 people died in those attacks.
Przejrzyj resztę wiadomości
Temat: Jak to robią COPNIACKI???
is this what you wanted to say Olo?
OLo is this what you meant?
Dear Our_Magdalenko
In response to your post I am writing to you with some information about the
bilogical structure of the Copniack species. The copniack on one hand is a type
o material (but very abstract) being. On the other hand he is not. Ideally, in
it’s perfect structure, the copniack has the ability to reproduce himself
through the global network. He does this most commonly through logging on to
our favourite means of communictaion, this being the portal of gazeta.pl.
The copniack most commonly uses the latin alphabet – widely used thoughout
Europe, in order to communicate with us. He does this with extreme perfection
and thus, encodes himself in our minds, without us feeling any particular
physical impact. However the Copniack does make extreme phsycological impact
using the neurones in our barins – this results in our brains being compltetly
taken over by his way of thinking, and forumulating analysis and thesis of
life – and its meaning.
The copniack does not stop at this however. He uses many means of persuasion in
order for us to succomb to his way of thinking. He impregantes himself in our
minds by persuading us to listen to the works of Kaczmarski, Gintrowski and
Lapinski. This ofcourse ends in our complete addiction to their compostitions.
That is just one way in which the copniack stays in our minds.
I beleive that we are witnessing an invasion of the ‘VIRTUAL-BIOLOGICAL BUG”
oficially known as the “COPI” – (I must point out to you here, who discovered
this bug – and to remember,it was me).
I, for one am a perfect example of the way in which the copniack is capable of
quickly impreganting himslef in a brain of a completely normal man. Until a
few months back, I was not familiar wiht the afore mentioned artists, now I
cannot go thorugh a day without listetning to their works. And this is due to
the copniack. My daily dose at this moment in time is around 3 hours. It is the
only way I can exist, in peace. That may all change.
I feel therefore that as en educated and well respected biologist – it is my
duty to inform you that copniack has impregnated all of us!!!!!!!! He is inside
our minds. He is reproducing himself as we speak!
The dream has become a reality! Another great step in the evolution process!
Przejrzyj resztę wiadomości
Temat: CEO, COO, albo zabawy w Lema ;-))
Boswell wrote:
...Yarroll pisze:
| Witam.
| Jakie sa dokladne polskie odpowiedniki stanowisk CEO, COO w spolkach?
| Niby wiadomo... ale co poczac jesli w spolce jest kilka takich stanowisk,
| np. zwiazanych z jakims rejonem dzialania spolki. Na przyklad pan Jan Nowak,
| Elektrim CEO w rejonie Azji i Pacyfiku?
| ;-))
Dokładnych nie ma. CEO ma inne kompetencje niż prezes zarządu spółki,
bardziej w stronę "dyrektor generalny".
Ichniejsza "Board of Directors" pełni funkcje naszej rady nadzorczej
i sporą część funkcji naszych zarządów - a tłumaczona jest jako rada
Każda wydzielona część koncernu może chyba mieć swoją strukturę
z CEO,CFO itd.
Co to znaczy wydzielona czesc koncernu ?
Niezaleznie jak struktura jest pogmatwana, to
jednak Board of Directors to zarzad a czlonkowie zarzadu to dyrektorzy,
ktorzy nie musza przychodzic do pracy, a zbieraja sie kiedy chca, albo w
okreslonych terminach.
Chief executing officer to jest pracownik koncernu, czy spolki i musi
przychodzic do pracy
i codziennie fizycznie kierowac firm , a zarzad jak chce to go odwola, a
jak dobrze pracuje to nie.
W koncu bylem zalozycielem, dyrektorem i pierwszym prezesem zarzadu
czyli COB
jednej z pierwszych na swiecie wirtualnych korporacji Globewide Ndetwork
Academy Inc, Texas
z siedziba w Austin.
I Joseph Wang byl i jest CEO czyli dyrektorem generalnym, ale i
President , czyli prezydentem korporacji.
Mlozesz znalezc te wszystkie informacje w necie, gdyz bylismy pierwsza
na swiecie korporacja, ktorej posiedzenia zarzadu byly transmitowane
przez internet i byly dostepne dla osob zainteresowanych.
Potem GNA sie przeksztalcila w konsorcjum ale nadal pozostal zarzad,
prezes zarzadu czyli ja i
President CEO , czyli Joseph.
Inne organy korporacji/ spolki to rada nadzorcza, ale ona zbiera sie
jeszcze rzadziej niz zarzad.
Zapraszam do GNA na studia przez internet, tysiace wykladow on-line,
setki szkol internetowych,
wyklady z najlepszych uniwersytetow na swiecie.
Mozna ukonczyc studia, zrobic doktorat bez jezdzenia po swiecie.
Nazwe jkoerporacji sam wymyslilem, i zostala jedynie zmodyfikowana z
Global Network Acacdemy na
Globewide Network Academy.
Na tej korporacji wzorowaly sie wirtualne korporacje z Nasdaq i Wall
ktore zaczely powstawac dopiwero po 5 latach .
Projekt byl realizowany razem z MediaLab MIT, MediaMOO, Microworlds
Jezeli nie wiesz czemu upadly dot.comy to wyjasnienie jest proste.
Mogly korzystac z naszej wiedzy i doswiadczen przez kilka lat, az sie
calkowicie wyczerpaly.
Dalej zabraklo im teorii i doswiadczenia, dokad zmierzac i jak sie
A bez teoretycznych podstaw zaden biznes nie utrzyma sie dlugo.
To setki godzin spedzonych na posiedzeniach zarzadu zbudowaly teorie
zarzadzania wirtualnymi korporacjami,
kierowania finansami przez internet, zawieraniem kontraktow przez
internet i prowadzeniem pelnej dokumentacji korporacji za posrednictwem
Trzeba do tego jeszcze dodac, ze 5 dyrektorow, zalozycieli GNA
pochodzilo z kilku kontynentow
Hong-Kong, Azja
potem dyrektor z HK zrezygnowal bo musial w nocy sie budzic na
posiedzenia zarzadu.
Obecne dot-comy musza teorie zarzadzania kupic, gdyz nikt im tego nie
przekazal, anki nie nauczyl
i dlatego tak latwo popadaja w kryzysy i upadaja.
Teoria wirtualnych korporacji to fundament , szkielet, bez ktorego
niewiele dotcomow przetrwa kolejne 2-3 lata.
Przejrzyj resztę wiadomości
Temat: (en) Esther Dyson calls for Global Political Parties of the Internet
In a major interview with openDemocracy to be published on Thursday 5
July, Esther Dyson says she wants people around the world to found
political parties of the internet - and she's inviting questions from
the floor. Back in 1994, Dyson was arguing that the Internet could
dissolve political parties. Later, she was the first chair of ICANN
and one of the founding parents of net governance.
For the first time, she tells the full inside story of how ICANN was
created - with the blessing of the Clinton administration - to break
up the US government and Network Solutions monopoly over the domain
name business. ICANN has emerged as the first global body of Internet
Dyson stepped down from the ICANN board in November 2000. Not yet
satisfied, she describes it as 'the naked scaffolding', still in the
hands of 'arbitrary interest groups'. The at-large membership, elected
by all Internet users who register with ICANN, is the first step
toward openness. But in its present form it poses threats of
nationalism and populism. Here's an excerpt:
ED - ICANN has two sets of nine members. The first are from the
so-called supporting organisations [...] DNSO has seven different
groups and they elect three members to the Names Council and in turn
they elect three directors to the ICANN board. This grants power to
seven arbitrary interest groups, rather than making each interest
group earn it.
The second half of the board is another nine directors who represent
the at-large membership. They have to earn their position, but how can
you earn it when you don't know who your constituency is? Or suppose
NTT or somebody in Japan decides to register lots of people so they
can vote in a particular way. There's some kind of ugly nationalism in
there. I'm wrestling with this now, because I'm on the At-Large
Membership Study Committee. The chairman of the committee is Carl
Bildt, former Prime Minister of Sweden. The question is - how do you
represent the public interest? Is it the informed public? How do you
determine whether they're informed? Who gets to decide whether these
people are legitimate? Should they have a test, should they have to
pay ÂŁ10 to show that they're interested? Because otherwise somebody
could maybe create millions of fictitious people. How do they vote?
Should they vote per region? Almost all the Germans voted for the
German candidate.
I would like to see parties emerge. A 'More New TLDs Party', or an 'IP
is Sacred' party -
open - World parties?
ED - Yes. They would represent an interest rather than a nationality
or a region. Voting for individuals doesn't mean much on its own. You
need parties with platforms. If you have a platform you have to
address the questions which follow. For example, if you're going to
give everybody free bread, how do you expect to pay for it? But if you
just ask people to vote for free bread, of course they will. We need a
layer of civil society in which people say, well I'm for free bread,
and I propose we fund it by this bread tax.
Dyson wants to see global parties emerge spontaneously from the
community of Internet users, not relying on government funding. 'The
people have to do it for themselves', she says. 'I'm hoping somebody
will read this in the UK or Sweden or India and say, 'Right - I'm
going to start the New TLDs Party'.'
The interview will continue for three weeks online, as openDemocracy
invites readers to ask questions of Esther Dyson and debate the
questions she has raised. You're all welcome - the url is below:
Paul Hilder
openDemocracy is a global network for thinking people
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Temat: Prosba o wytlumaczenie routingu.
On 20 Mar 1999, Jaroslaw Rafa wrote:
Przypomnialo mi sie, ze PerytNet i SuperMedia mialy kiedys swoje wlasne
lacza miedzynarodowe... PerytNet mial lacze satelitarne bodajze do IBM
Global Network, a do kogo SuperMedia - nie wiem... Nie wiem tez, czy te
lacza nadal dzialaja - moze ktos jest bardziej zorientowany?
1. router.staszic.waw.pl 0% 9 9 0 0 0
2. 0% 8 8 138 222 478
3. PW-r1.warman.org.pl 0% 8 8 108 221 398
4. CRiT-r1-atm5-0.warman.org.pl 0% 8 8 128 225 318
5. Warszawa-gw-atm4-0-1.nask.pl 0% 8 8 68 189 247
6. Poland-gw-atm3-0-0-3.nask.pl 0% 8 8 208 332 442
7. 100% 0 8 0 0 0
8. ov-i2-feth0-1-ix.stockholm.telia.net 0% 8 8 298 346 408
9. stockholm5.att-unisource.net 0% 8 8 228 380 678
10. 13% 7 8 249 389 568
11. stoc1br1.st.se.ibm.net 25% 6 8 288 411 518
12. ehni1br1.eh.de.ibm.net 0% 8 8 347 426 547
13. vien1br1.vi.at.ibm.net 0% 8 8 277 399 478
14. 0% 6 7 848 932 1018
15. www.perytnet.pl 0% 6 7 908 961 1028
Wygląda na to, że Perytnet swoje łącze jeszcze ma. Nic natomiast nie
wskazuje na to, żeby SuperMedia też miała - ruch z zagranicy idzie przez
*Szpajder* aka Tomasz Lemiech
<mailto: szpaj@staszic.waw.pl
Przejrzyj resztę wiadomości
Andrzej Lewandowski wrote:
"Wlodek Richter" <"wlodek.richter NOSPAM "@wkr.pp.sewrote in message
| Andrzej Lewandowski wrote:
| Kazdy ma wolne reke
| E tam, pan jej nie ma. Juz od miesiecy
| pan filtr zaklada, ale reka najwyrazniej
| zajeta czyms innym ...
| ----
| Pozdrowienia
| Wlodek
Z przyjemnoscia przeczytalem kolejny wytrysk intelektu
Pana Richtera. Tylko, Panie Richter, troche uwagi potrzeba:
to co Pan cytuje to nie ja napisalem. Niech sie Pan nie
matrtwi, Internet to trudna sztuka, ale przy Panskich
umiejetnosciach nauczy sie Pan pisac dluzsze teksty. Kto wie,
moze nawet z sensem. A moze nawet nauczy sie Pan (brawo,
brawo!) poprawnie cytowac?...
Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Prosze bardzo, kto napisal "Kazdy ma wolne reke", oto caly
posting napisany przez pana .... Lewandowskiego :
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 18:27:47 -0600
From: "Andrzej Lewandowski" <lewandoREM@attglobal.net
Organization: Global Network Services - Remote Access Mail & News
Newsgroups: pl.listserv.dziennikarz
References: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
"grayek" <sebastian.lyd@elektrotim.plwrote in message
Również przychylam się do opinii że TYM co sie grupa nie podoba nalezy dać
wolną ręk w kwestii moderowania grupy. Zakładanie filtrów i przymusowe
douczanie dla opornych , no i jeszcze jakieś sankcje karne by się przydaly.
Kazdy ma wolne reke: moze zalozyc swoja wlasna grupe i ja moderowac.
do tego okreslona procedura. Sankcje karne by sie przydaly. To metoda
wyprobowana w przeszlosci. Byl taki Urzad w Warszawie, na ulicy Mysiej
ktory sie tym wlasnei skutecznie zajmowal. Urzad jakis czas temu
ale widac przetrwal on doskonale w umyslach ludnosci.
Czy dostal pan juz wytrysku? A wystarczylo przeciez nacisnac
tylko na "References", ale "Internet to truuuuudna sztuka" powiedzial
sam pan Lewandowski. :)))) To zreszta zupelnie naturalne zjawisko
i wynika z nadmiaru czytania Bubla - kora mozgowa sie prostuje.
A teraz prosze czytac swoje rady ..... wiele razy ..... przed lustrem.
Milego czytania zycze i pozdrawiam
Przejrzyj resztę wiadomości
Temat: 1 majowy dowód na istnienie Boga ;)
"Tomek" <tomek-wilmow@wp.pl
"ksRobak" <ksRo@os.pl
| "Tomek" <tomek-wilmow@wp.pl
| | news.tp.pl wrote:
| [...]
| Twoja napisac:
| Na moje oko duszy jest do pomyslenia, ze rozumowanie
| przeprowadza sie w nieskonczonosc (x jest skutkiem y,
| y jest skutkiem z, z jest skutkiem v, ...).
| Moja napisac:
| I slusznie, dwie drogi filozofii i dwie jej pulapki to: a)
| sprzecznosc
| b) regres w nieskonczonosc. Oczywiscie, ze regres w
| nieskonczonosc jest do pomyslenia. Na pojeciu i.e.
| zalozeniu nieskonczonego regresu metajezykow (lub jak
| kto woli, teorii, maszyn, etc.) opiera sie wspolczesna
| matematyka (=filozofia). Zapytajcie kochani Pana
| Profesora Doktora Habilitowanego Andrzeja
| Lewandowskiego.
| Twoja miec racje i moja miec racje. Twoja byc madra. :-)
| Dowod Tomasza byc slaby, ale za to dowod Tomasza
| byc silny. ;-)
| Pozdrawiam,
| Tomek
| :-)
Tomek Wilmowski: :-)
Prosze Pana, skoro juz stworzylismy taka mila atmosfere,
to moze bysmy tak wymoderowali stad wszystkich i zostali
sami!? ;-)
Bo przeciez, nie ma nic piekniejszego nic samotnosc. :-(
AW, zostales wyautowany. Spadaj stad patafianie.
Nie wolno Ci tu wiecej pisac, poniewaz piszesz szajs.
Powoluje sie na moje uprawnienia
Ma Pan RACJĘ !!!!!!!
Skoro istniało dotychczas nie obsadzone stanowisko
I WSZECHGRUP (skrót: cesarz WWW)
to: "kto pierwszy ten lepszy" :o)
Pan Panie Tomek Wilmowski (skrót TW) jako pierwszy
Człowiek na Świecie dostrzegł tę próżnię;
a przecież próżnia jest stanem nienaturalnym (cyc!)
więc nie ma prawa istnieć (!)
dlatego zrozumiałe jest, że kto wymyślił nazwę ten staje się
automatyczne właścicielem tego co wymyślił.
Pan Wielmożny Cesarzu WWW odkrył wakat i Pan
automatycznie stał się WŁADCĄ. Bingo!!!
Niech żyje Cesarz WWW Tomek Wilmowski Polska. :-)
Hurrraaaaa ;D
PS. Jeśli mógłbym coś zasugerować Waszej Miłości TW
to skromnie donoszę, że moim osobistym (afajk) zdaniem
IMO(imho{kupa[szajs]}) w pierwszej kolejności wypadało by
wymoderować zwykłych moderatorów których kilku
ujawniło się dość jednoznacznie i aktywnie z szarej strefy.
Są to:
1. Marcin Debowski (aga@notrix.net)
cm141.omega225.maxonline.com.sg (
StarHub Cable Vision Ltd Singapore Provider - SG
2. Pawel Gladki (gla@NOSPAM.math.usask.ca)
pp00b0d028e05f.usask.ca (
University of Saskatchewan Physics Building Saskatoon - CA
3. Andrzej Lewandowski (lewandoREM@attglobal.net)
z ( AT&T Global Network Services FL - US
4. Jakub Wróblewski (jakubw_bez_t@mimuw.edu.pl)
z ( ATCOM SA LIR Warszawa - PL
PS. Pana AW oraz "króla" Surmacza - bym pozostawił
bo dostarczają UBAWU ku uciesze gawiedzi. ;D
REdaktor Edward Robak
Przejrzyj resztę wiadomości
Temat: 1 majowy dowód na istnienie Boga ;)
ksRobak wrote:
"Tomek" <tomek-wilmow@wp.pl
| "ksRobak" <ksRo@os.pl
| | "Tomek" <tomek-wilmow@wp.pl
| | news.tp.pl wrote:
| | [...]
| | Twoja napisac:
| | Na moje oko duszy jest do pomyslenia, ze rozumowanie
| | przeprowadza sie w nieskonczonosc (x jest skutkiem y,
| | y jest skutkiem z, z jest skutkiem v, ...).
| | Moja napisac:
| | I slusznie, dwie drogi filozofii i dwie jej pulapki to: a)
| | sprzecznosc
| | b) regres w nieskonczonosc. Oczywiscie, ze regres w
| | nieskonczonosc jest do pomyslenia. Na pojeciu i.e.
| | zalozeniu nieskonczonego regresu metajezykow (lub jak
| | kto woli, teorii, maszyn, etc.) opiera sie wspolczesna
| | matematyka (=filozofia). Zapytajcie kochani Pana
| | Profesora Doktora Habilitowanego Andrzeja
| | Lewandowskiego.
| | Twoja miec racje i moja miec racje. Twoja byc madra. :-)
| | Dowod Tomasza byc slaby, ale za to dowod Tomasza
| | byc silny. ;-)
| | Pozdrawiam,
| | Tomek
| ksRobak:
| :-)
| Tomek Wilmowski: :-)
| Prosze Pana, skoro juz stworzylismy taka mila atmosfere,
| to moze bysmy tak wymoderowali stad wszystkich i zostali
| sami!? ;-)
| Bo przeciez, nie ma nic piekniejszego nic samotnosc. :-(
| Pozdrawiam,
| Tomek
| AW, zostales wyautowany. Spadaj stad patafianie.
| Nie wolno Ci tu wiecej pisac, poniewaz piszesz szajs.
| Powoluje sie na moje uprawnienia
| :-)
Ma Pan RACJĘ !!!!!!!
Skoro istniało dotychczas nie obsadzone stanowisko
I WSZECHGRUP (skrót: cesarz WWW)
to: "kto pierwszy ten lepszy" :o)
Pan Panie Tomek Wilmowski (skrót TW) jako pierwszy
Człowiek na Świecie dostrzegł tę próżnię;
a przecież próżnia jest stanem nienaturalnym (cyc!)
więc nie ma prawa istnieć (!)
dlatego zrozumiałe jest, że kto wymyślił nazwę ten staje się
automatyczne właścicielem tego co wymyślił.
Pan Wielmożny Cesarzu WWW odkrył wakat i Pan
automatycznie stał się WŁADCĄ. Bingo!!!
Niech żyje Cesarz WWW Tomek Wilmowski Polska. :-)
Hurrraaaaa ;D
PS. Jeśli mógłbym coś zasugerować Waszej Miłości TW
to skromnie donoszę, że moim osobistym (afajk) zdaniem
IMO(imho{kupa[szajs]}) w pierwszej kolejności wypadało by
wymoderować zwykłych moderatorów których kilku
ujawniło się dość jednoznacznie i aktywnie z szarej strefy.
Są to:
1. Marcin Debowski (aga@notrix.net)
cm141.omega225.maxonline.com.sg (
StarHub Cable Vision Ltd Singapore Provider - SG
2. Pawel Gladki (gla@NOSPAM.math.usask.ca)
pp00b0d028e05f.usask.ca (
University of Saskatchewan Physics Building Saskatoon - CA
3. Andrzej Lewandowski (lewandoREM@attglobal.net)
z ( AT&T Global Network Services FL - US
4. Jakub Wróblewski (jakubw_bez_t@mimuw.edu.pl)
z ( ATCOM SA LIR Warszawa - PL
PS. Pana AW oraz "króla" Surmacza - bym pozostawił
bo dostarczają UBAWU ku uciesze gawiedzi. ;D
REdaktor Edward Robak
Ja TW WWW, wybieram na
Wszechfilozofa Wszechczasow Wszechgrup
i nadaje mu tytul WWW.
Jako moderator bede pelnil funkcje administracyjne (i.e. wykidajlo),
natomiast opieke merytoryczna bedzie sprawowal
ksRobak WWW.
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